Things from Another World

Chapter 1225: Sudden Demon

Before you see it with your own eyes, you never know what kind of sly enemy you will encounter—by: legendary orc hero, sharp teeth · bloodmane.


Sharp teeth licked his lips: "So you don't acknowledge our complaint against you? Mayor Cyrus."

"Yes, that's right!"

Cyrus also wanted to resist stubbornly: "Your all allegations are out of nothing, it is an unwarranted count! I have never done anything that betrayed the empire!"

Hold on ...

As long as the Prophet Anelin can solve those people first, maybe there will be a chance to save himself.

Their development is inseparable from themselves, so they will definitely come to save themselves!

"Well, it seems he's lucky ... to get the props."

As soon as sharp teeth waved, someone immediately came up with the bell that had constant panic measurement. He scratched his head and said, "Although I personally hate such troublesome practices ... But to give them a reason, I I had to reluctantly use it ... Then, Cyrus, you said that you were not collusion with the cult? "

Cyrus looked at the bell, and his heart was inexplicably cold, but he still brazenly said, "Yes! I don't!"

The bell didn't ring.


Sharp teeth: "This is not right ..."

"grown ups."

The person next to him pointed his sharp teeth aside and whispered, "You should not ask him this way. After all, panics cannot understand the exact definition of" cult ". If in the mind of the other party, he does not consider his organization a cult Then panic detection will not work. "

"That's it ... so it's too much trouble to say this kind of thing."

Sharp Teeth said a little impatiently: "Since this guy has already investigated it well, he still asks what he is doing, and he will die directly!"

"No, my lord, Her Majesty Testero needs to show the members of the cult the crimes, and killing them directly will not serve as a warning."

"This is trouble ..."

Sharp Teeth walked back to Cyrus and asked, "Did you join the Alliance of Glory and Recovery?"

Hearing at the name of the organization, Cyrus shook his head decisively: "No, I have not joined this organization--"

Before his voice fell, the bell rang.

"It's a lie, it's pretty easy to use!"

Sharp teeth happy: "Okay, tie this guy up and take it away, there are still many people waiting for us to investigate--"

"No! You can't take me away! I haven't seen the day the Lord the Prophet comes to the world! I can't die yet-so-you all die for me!"

Cyrus suddenly burst into madness, rushed to the door with a roar, and his body began to swell quickly. The skin was torn open every inch, exposing the muscle tissue inside ...

The original teeth had a disdain, thinking that this guy had inspired racial talent and entered a state of madness, but soon, the teeth's complexion changed-because Cyrus' body broke open, Turned into a **** ... demon in the screams!

Nazura kills the demon!

Cyrus suddenly turned into a demon. This sudden situation shocked everyone present, not even the sharp teeth expected this to happen. He worked hard, and the demon had already rushed to the guard. On the orc warrior at the door, he bit his head off!

After killing an orc warrior, the Nazula killer did not hesitate and fled directly to the door-it also knew that there was an enemy it could not win, so it chose to escape!

"court death!"

The sharp teeth are just a whim of God, and they have sobered up, with a big hate in their hearts. If it is normal, how could it be the devil's turn to kill him in front of him!

It was too sudden that he would stay for a while-and this moment of daze killed a fellow!

The next moment, the sharp-toothed iron fist had already arrived late, and banged directly on the back of Nazura's killing demon!

"Boom" with a loud bang, the Nazula Killing Demon who was just born was blasted into a flesh by a sharp punch!

"Collect his body and bury him when he returns."

Rui Yahan said with a smile on his face: "In addition, inform others that there may be demons lurking in the bodies of the members of the Alliance of Glory and Recovery, and everyone should pay attention!"


When the sharp teeth found anomalies and ordered the soldiers to notify others, there was already a commotion in other parts of Bloodshadow.

Among the townsmen who were screened one after another, they found a large number of members of the Alliance of Glory and Recovery. These people initially tried to get confused, but when the panic bell was taken out, they were all exposed, and then they tried to break into the post. Escape, but was intercepted by the soldiers, and then fierce fighting broke out between the two sides.

On the way to the battle, the members of the Alliance of Glory and Restoration suddenly broke up one by one with a demon, turned into a demon, and then began a mass killing.

After sharp teeth left the mayor's mansion, he rushed into the sky, his face getting more and more gloomy and cold.

He didn't expect to encounter demons here, and there were still so many!

Those innocent people have been affected by the fighting. The instant fighting has led to the death of hundreds of civilians. Even mercenaries and adventurers have participated in the fighting after they discovered the demon.


Sharp teeth glanced at the whole Bloodshadow town. Now there are at least dozens of battles in the town. The roar of demons and the roar of soldiers are everywhere.

"Amount ... a lot."

The sharp teeth murmured to himself, and the tomahawk carried on his back flew directly to his hands. The next moment, the sharp eyes suddenly became scarlet: "Since you are determined to die, go to death!"

With a sharp wave of his hands, countless tomahawks suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the entire town, and then the tomahawks fell down and chopped down to the demons in Blood Shadow Town!


The shadow of the axe fell, and Bloodshadow town burst into the sky with blood pillars-all the demons were killed by sharp teeth in an instant!

"Oh oh! It's a sharp tooth!"

"Long live Master Tooth!"

"Long live?"

Sharp teeth looked at the civilians who died innocently, and their eyes were filled with sorrow: "I have no strength to protect their lives without this strength. What else do I have to accept their worship and cheers?"

A strong person is not just a powerful force, not just to satisfy his selfish desires, but also represents a responsibility, a mentality to take responsibility, no doubt, sharp teeth are like this A true strongman.

In other words, those heroes who survived the Second Chaos Invasion War are well aware of this responsibility.

"grown ups!"

"Continue screening!"

Sharp-toothed cold faced the order: "The mayor of Blood Shadow Town has fallen, there must be more demon hidden here! Find them, kill them!"



On the other side, the headquarters of the Alliance of Glory and Restoration, cocoa and vanilla bathed in holy flame brought light and warmth to this cold cave, but the light and warmth made Annai very uncomfortable.

"You call me ... a blasphemer?"

Annalin narrowed her eyes and smiled, "But in my opinion, you are blasphemers ... you silly guys, you don't know what the truth is!"

"Shut up! You filthy and blasphemy! Now you just need to stand there and burn us to ashes!"

Vanilla screamed, and as soon as she waved, Holy Flame whistled and rushed to Annalin.

I saw that An Nai Lin raised her hand gently, and the flame of the breaking evil suddenly twisted and collapsed.


Vanilla and cocoa were taken aback: "This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible!"

Annalin suddenly smiled: "As long as you see through the essence of divine magic, you can do the same. Divine magic is not such a mysterious thing, nor is it a gift from gods. Divine magic is actually just a power It ’s just like the magic, it ’s all over the world. ”

Vanilla was so excited again that he directed Holy Flame to attack Anelin: "Stop! I don't allow you to continue to say these blasphemy words!"

"You see, even if I stand here, you can't hurt me, this is evidence."

Anelin spread his hands and let the holy flame burn his body, with a sacred and solemn expression on his face, "Come to me! Only I can let you see the real world! Only I can lead you to future!"


Tang En stopped vanilla: "Don't get excited, he actually has some truth."


Vanilla looked at Tang En with an unbelievable face, and it seemed that he couldn't believe that as a ambassador, Tang En even said such a thing.

Tang En said helplessly: "Don't look at me with that kind of look, because what he said really makes sense, no matter what kind of power in this world, as long as you touch the law in it, it can always be copied."

"Even divine?"

Tang En nodded with certainty: "Even if it's magic."

Tang En, who has been in close (negative?) Contact with the gods, has already faintly understood some so-called truths. The gods are not omnipotent, or they are regarded as creators, but they are actually just some. Being able to use special powers is not so great and mysterious.

To explain in terms of scientific thinking, that is, if one day, Tang En can use that power, then he will naturally be promoted to become a so-called deity.

Touching and mastering that power is likely to be the so-called "god".

Annalin laughed: "Ha ha ha ha ... you humans are beyond my expectations, yes, what you said is close to the truth, how about? Would you like to follow me? I can give you a position of bishop."

"You speak great, but I never associate with dead people."

Tang En smiled slightly and pointed at the cave above his head with a mysterious smile: "Don't you hear that the condemnation has come?"

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