Things from Another World

Chapter 1226: Who is enclosing who?

More than a dozen airships slowly sailed out of the cloud area and appeared over the jungle.

The members of the Alliance of Glory and Recovery, hidden in the jungle, suddenly heard a "buzz" from their heads, and looked up subconsciously, and then they were shocked.

"what is that!?"

"Fly, spaceship !?"

"Why are there so many spaceships here !?"

The jungle was suddenly in a state of chaos. All the residents who lived here got back into the house and looked nervously at the airship in the sky through the window.

The militants all clenched their weapons and told them intuitively that these airships appeared here for any purpose-most likely for them.

"Head of the report! The target jungle has been seen below! After confirmation, the settlement of the target organization in the jungle has been found!"

Uldull asked with a calm face: "The number of enemies?"

"From the size of the residential area, the total number may be more than 50,000, and the number of armed members is more than half visually-this is an armed organization! And it is very large."

Deputy Head Rowell frowned: "Compared troop strength ..."

"Afraid of anything."

Uldulla sneered and said, "They are just a group of black people. The enemy may have found us. Go down and lower your altitude in preparation for an air strike! The flying knight is now attacking! Surround the jungle from the air! Monitor all areas!


On the airship deck, after receiving orders, members of the Flying Knight squadron immediately rode on their flying Warcraft partners, left the airship's range, and began to spread out around.

At the same time, the airship began to lower its altitude and began preparing for air strikes.

"Brothers! Our task today is to completely clean up this area, so that all those blasphemers who betray the Lord of Fire, Lord Carlo Marif, will receive their due punishment!"

Raising his weapon, Ulduar shouted, "Everyone prepares, all will be airborne after entering the height of 50 meters! Get into combat immediately!"


All members of the Red Lotus Knights are in a state of intense preparations. As the most powerful knights in the Holy See, they use their average strength to slowly descend with the strength of their blood. They are directly airborne from 50 meters to fight completely. no problem.

"The height continues to drop ... 100 meters ... 80 meters ... 60 meters ... 50 meters!"

Hearing the sound of the broadcast, Ulduar immediately shouted: "At the predetermined height, the entire population began to airborne!"

With his shout, all the combat team members roared and jumped out from the airship. The dense silhouettes were all over the sky. As they were about to fall, the power of flesh suddenly erupted. The violent power will Their downward trend abruptly abruptly, and then they fell to the ground securely.

The landing point of their airborne landing is now a very regular pentagon, surrounded by a mobile combat team that gathers the encirclement from the outside to the inside, and the center is a special combat team that directly broke into the village in the village. They just landed, and the two sides immediately engaged in a fierce battle. A huge explosion sounded immediately in the jungle.


"Condemnation? Oh, it's so funny. Do you think there will still be so-called condemnation?"

An Nailin smiled sarcastically: "Although I don't know how you discovered our organization, but if you think that someone with the Red Lotus Knights can defeat us, you are too naive. Stay with you now There are only two ways in front of me. Either join me and complete the great cause of our Lord, or ... just die here! "

"Don, why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Vanilla was very angry: "Kill him directly! Then we go to solve the rebels outside!"


Even Winnet in Tang En's arms shouted with a small hand.

"Well, I actually want to ask him where did he get the courage to be a rebel ..."

Tang En was really puzzled. What kind of hole card did he have to dare to be so arrogant? You know, if you want to overthrow the Rennes empire, the enemy he will face is not only Testero, but also the Illus Empire, relying only on some combat power?

Not enough, not enough! These combat powers were thrown into the battlefield, and even the splash could not be lifted.

Therefore, he must have a hole card that is not shown.

"I give you a chance to show you your hole cards."

Down looked at Annalin: "If you don't plan to show your real hole cards, then you can die now."

"My hole card?"

Annalin suddenly laughed wildly: "Do you think you can beat us by sending someone? Didn't you hear that those of you outside are screaming in pain?"


"Hmm! Even now, I dare to bear resistance! I really don't know how to write the dead words!"

Ulduar snorted, and was about to leave the airship to participate in the battle.

At this time, the airship's correspondent hurried to shout, "Head of Uldurah! There is your phone! It is your sharp tooth!"

Ulduar stepped down and took the magic cell phone: "I am the leader of Uldullah! Master sharp tooth please tell me!"

"Audura, let your men pay attention!"

The other end of the phone was faintly able to hear a very tragic cry, and Uldull frowned slightly, and then heard the sharp teeth suddenly throw out a frightening message: "The members of the Alliance of Glory and Recovery are lodged with demons! "


Uldull asked subconsciously, followed by a scalp on his scalp, and immediately dropped his mobile phone, rushing out of the airship and falling down.

Just as he was quickly airborne, there were a few loud growls in the jungle, and the familiar and strange roar was the devil's cry!

Damn it!

My team members!

Urdullah was in a hurry, and the power in his body suddenly burst to the extreme. The body folds in the air and rushes directly to the place where the devil's breath is the strongest!

The Knights of the Red Lotus Knights and the rebels did not fight long before, and they successfully captured many people, but when those people were captured, their bodies suddenly burst from the chest or spine, and then the demon Jumped out of their bodies.

The demons that burst in instantly killed many of the red lotus knights close at hand, and the red lotus knights, which had high morale, were immediately caught in an emotion called "anger".

"Damn! How could there be demons inside these guys !?"

"Dead! They all died after the demons appeared!"

"The betrayers have been treated by the demon blasphemy as the nourishment of the demon! He is using these people's flesh and blood to feed these demons!"

"Not good! Although these demons have just been born, they are too fast!"

"Surround them! Attack by group! Don't give them a chance to adapt to the environment!"

After discovering the demon, the Red Lotus Knights quickly adjusted their combat strategy, and a large number of auxiliary gods were released, which greatly improved their combat effectiveness and barely resisted the demon's offensive.

However, looking at the entire jungle, the overall situation of the Red Lotus Knights is still in a disadvantage, especially in the forest village. When Deputy Commander Rowell and his team were parachuted here, they fell directly into the encirclement. They used thunder Killed many rebels, and ...

Those dead rebels have turned into demons and suppressed them in turn!

The inhabitants of the village saw the dead companions become demons. Instead of falling into panic, they entered a weird state of excitement. They cheered and shouted, their faces were flashing with a very strange light. .

"Strange! It's so strange here!"

Lowell repulsed the attack of a Nazula flying wing fiercely, his face was very bad: "Did you say-the residents here are all demons !?"

Looking at the dense crowd around him, Lowell suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Soon, his ominous premonition was fulfilled.

A large number of residents rushed out of the room, with vague but disturbing prayers in their mouths, approaching the Red Lotus Knights constantly, and some people in the crowd began to swell, and demons broke out constantly.

After the juvenile demon drilled out of those people's bodies, they in turn devoured the corpses on the ground, then entered the mature period in the blink of an eye, and had considerable combat power.

The number of demons is constantly increasing, and the Red Lotus Knights are persecuted and defeated.

"No! They're too fierce! We can't help it! Deputy Chief! Let's use human-supported weapons !?"

Lowell gritted his teeth: "We need to hold on again, resist the pressure, and win with one blow, otherwise it will be too difficult for them to catch them once they run away!"

"But many brothers are hurt!"

Rowell hesitated, then said decisively, "Allow the use of the blood of the goddess! But control the amount!"


After taking the blood of the goddess, the injured Red Lotus Knight immediately recovered his combat power and was able to resume combat. The pressure on others suddenly reduced a lot.

"The blood of the goddess is really a good thing!"

Another knight severely repelled a raid from a demon and sneered and said, "Hey, don't forget that better things haven't come out yet! Don't even try to escape one of these demons today!"

"You're talking about that ... Hey, I'm looking forward to it too."

A large part of the combat power of the Red Lotus Knights fell on the ground dragon mount. This time in the jungle battle, the mount partners could not bring it at all, so many of their abilities could not be exerted. Although they are caught in the mire of hardship, they are not worried. Instead, they have been waiting for something, waiting for an opportunity to wipe out all these demons.

They didn't wait long, and soon the opportunity came.

When Rowell saw the surrounding jungles rioting, he smiled, then his face changed, and he screamed, "Pay attention all at once-come back to defense! Take out the big gift bag we prepared!"

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