Things from Another World

Chapter 1227: Request long-range firepower strikes, request missile support!

In the jungle, the demons poured out madly, and the Red Lotus Knights almost fell back, but if you look closely, you will find that they are retreating in an orderly manner, leading all the demons to the village center.

In the more outer areas, those red lotus knights who came down are squeezing the demon incarnate in the dark whistle outside the jungle toward the center of the village. These red lotus knights have been equipped with the Datang Chamber of Commerce in order to achieve the best combat effect. Weapons and equipment provided.

The bright armors and sharp weapons are all legendary quality magic equipment. The strength of wearing them has been improved by more than a little bit. Most of the red lotus knights that were mostly gold-level peaks, relying on these equipments can be faint and those that have just appeared. The demon draws, and it can use the environment and the effects of divine magic to counteract them.

So, there was an interesting scene-outside the jungle, the Red Lotus Knights defeated the devil's force, and continued to compress the center of the jungle. In the middle of the jungle, the Red Lotus Knights led by Lowell But surrounded by demons, there is no fighting back.

Suddenly, the leader of Uldurah screamed and rushed down, and fell directly to the deputy leader of Rowell. The fiery flames burned, driving the demons all around a few meters away.

"Leader! All those who honor the Confederation are all demons!"

"They are not demons!"

Uldull's face was very ugly: "They are the host of the demon! The Lord Tooth has just sent a message, and a large number of demons have appeared in Blood Studios. The civilians have suffered heavy casualties-what the **** blasphemer did. What is it! "

Lowell took a breather: "There are so many demons !?"

"I am afraid that the entire Alliance of Glory and Restoration has been secretly turned into a demon's body by Anelin! Even himself may be-he must have signed an evil contract with the demon!"

Uldulla took a deep breath and whispered, "When I just came over, I saw that the brothers on the outside had persuaded those demons into the jungle. They will soon be round with us. Are things ready? "

"Already prepared."

Lowell licked his lips and sneered, "Now wait to get rid of these dregs in one breath!"


"Screams? I did hear the screams of your admirers."

Tang En sneered and said, "I really don't know where you are coming from ... Coco, vanilla, you can kill him."

Impatient cocoa and vanilla had already waited for Tang En's permission and immediately rushed together. The dazzling flame spread and swelled, almost filling the entire cave!

"Feel the purification of divine power!"

The unbearable vanilla shouted angrily, and the dazzling holy flame turned into a series of fire dragons, whistling and pounced on Annai Lin!

"You are still too naive!"

Anelin laughed loudly, and suddenly a boiling dark purple breath erupted in front of him, and then he shouted, "Hey believers! It's time for your dedication!"

Tang En froze, and then saw a crowd of believers suddenly pouring in from all sides of the cave. Those people were full of irrational fanatics, and they rushed to the front of Anelin regardless of their body and were swallowed up by Holy Flame.

But in an instant, those believers who were devoured by Holy Flame suddenly exploded, and then turned into demons!

After seeing those demons, Vinnet in Tang En's arms suddenly became much quieter, and her eyes suddenly changed. It was a complex look mixed with distress and aversion.

Down did not notice the abnormality of Micronet, and now he focused all his attention on the demons.

"It turned out to be a demon?"

Tang En's heart was shocked, because even he didn't even find that these believers had hidden demons inside!

If a large number of demons hide in this way, appear in human settlements, and then suddenly appear ...

This unexpected way of hiding made Tang En startled with a cold sweat, and he couldn't even imagine what terrible consequences it would bring!

Because before he becomes a demon, you can never know whether a harmless human or a potential demon is in front of you!

"You should use your fellow men to raise demons! God blasphemer! You **** it!"

Vanilla was even more angry. The fiery flame burned the body of the demon, but what made her even more angry was that the strength of the flame was weakened by the interference of Anelin, and it did not have a fatal effect on these demons!

"Comrades? You are wrong. I never treat them as siblings ... tools, do you understand? They are just my tools."

Annalin chuckled: "If you want to rule the world, you must sacrifice. It is their honor to give these guys their lives for my great cause!-Grab them!"

Although it has been known that the news that vanilla and human pregnancy and child birth is a trap, Anelin does not care. As long as he needs it, as long as people are willing to believe, the fake can become true.

"God said that the flame is the purest, dirt-free, and holy, so we should put all unclean things in the flame and burn them up!"

While Vanilla and Anelin confronted each other, Coco had finished singing her prayers, and the flame of her flames became brighter and brighter, and the flame of flames had turned from white to blue, becoming more terrible. With her command, all around The holy flame quickly spins up and turns into a terrible holy flame swirl, trying to devour everything around!


Demons covered with magic armor roared into the vortex of Holy Flame, and they went straight to Cocoa and Vanilla-but at this moment, the demons suddenly saw Tang En, more precisely, watching When we arrived at Winnet in Tang Enhuai, then the demons were all crazy!

Winnet seems to have an incredible attraction to the demon. After seeing her, the demons roared and rushed forward, even if it was against the burning of the holy flame, they only left Winnet in their eyes. The presence!

"Asshole! What are you doing! Catch them first!"

Anelin found himself as if he had lost control of the demon, and angrily shouted, "Not that human! It is the two orc sages!"

Tang En's eyes narrowed, and Weinet's identity was really unusual. After seeing her, she chose to disobey the order and wanted to capture her-although for the devil, such an order didn't exist ...

"Give me-die!"

A scream of vanilla suddenly sounded next to it, and from the fiery vortex of flames, a giant sword more than ten meters long suddenly appeared. The giant sword was severely chopped down, and the few fastest demons rushed. There was no response at all, and he was killed on the spot by the fiery holy flame sword!

Then she stood directly in front of Tang En: "You are not allowed to take shots-these demons must be purified by us!"

As soon as Tang En talks, let's have a good time first, but before that ...

Tang En glanced at the cave above his head, a huge magic roared and turned into a complex magical array, which blocked the entire cave.

"Well, you can play whatever you want, they can't escape now."

Vanilla's mouth flared, revealing a fascinating smile: "Thank you ... my 40-meter sword is already hungry and thirsty!"

This is what you got! ?


The fighting in the jungle became more and more fierce, but did not let the leader of Uldurah wait long, and soon many demons appeared from the turbulent jungle. They screamed wildly and fought back against the Red Lotus Knight. Offensive, it is amazing that the demon's attack was completely suppressed!

The Red Lotus knights cooperate with each other, using the special power of Holy Flame to integrate each other's power, plus the power of legendary equipment provided by the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the situation is completely one-sided!

Even if the demons are not afraid of death, they are still being oppressed to the village.

There are more and more demons coming together, and Uldurah has even observed that there are visions in the sky. This is caused by a large number of demons gathering, and the magic of the demons has all gathered in a region. This region is at this moment. The environment has begun to become chaotic and disorderly, and even the wind is chaotic.

Fortunately, these airships do not rely entirely on aerodynamic flight, otherwise I am afraid they have all crashed now.

"Head! The number is almost there!"

"Request airdrop equipment!"

Seeing that Uldullah took out the walkie-talkie and got in touch with the airship, the red lotus knights forced to compress to the center of the village were overjoyed.

"The target area has been locked, the safety area has been isolated, the wind direction and wind speed have been determined, and the deviation value is being calculated ... After the calculation is complete, the airdrop equipment box will continue ... Please open the airdrop door and start to release the equipment box."

A large number of boxes suddenly fell from the airship. After accurate calculations, all the boxes fell into the village, just around the Red Lotus Knights. At the same time, the devil's heads surrounding them broke the blood. flow.

Ulduar rushed directly to an equipment box. After opening the box, he took out an assault rifle that had been bored and threw it to the deputy commander Rowell next to him: "Remove the weapon! Start anti-encirclement!"

"Oh oh oh!"

The red lotus knights cheered.

After Uldurah took out the weapons and equipment in the box, he finally took out a square object. He returned to the center of the team, put the thing on the ground, and started the thing with a smirk: "Receive a big gift! -Request long-range firepower strikes, request missile support! "


A layer of shield suddenly enveloped the red lotus knights in the middle of the village.

At this time, the bottom of the airships above them opened a gap, and large thick pipes quietly stretched out. The gunner quickly reloaded the ammunition with the power of the alchemist, and locked the jungle below.

"Received a missile support request! Our personnel have opened the friendly protective device! The rainstorm series missiles have been reloaded ... location is complete ... launch!"

For a moment ... this sky was covered by "storm"!

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