Things from Another World

Chapter 1228: Annalin's Mystery Confidence

The Rainstorm series of missiles, as the name suggests, once launched, will cover all areas within the target range like a rainstorm.

This is a series of air-to-ground missiles developed by Clotto after the Dongfeng series of missiles, which were mainly developed to support the high-altitude combat of airships.

This series of missiles are small missiles filled with 5 kilograms of goblin explosives. The power after the explosion is extremely great, the fragmentation range can reach two kilometers, and the direct hit area has stronger lethality. You have to kneel if you hit.

As for the survival of friendly forces, they have also considered it during the research and development process. Rainstorm series missiles are pursuing dense saturated strikes. If there are friendly forces in the target bombing area, they cannot avoid being harmed. Therefore, they are targeting this situation. With the technical support of Yustisa and Down, another defense device was developed-the square device that Ulduar had just started.

The principle of that thing is the same as the principle of defensive magic array, but the magic demand is stronger and it is more convenient to carry. Tang En calls it a portable matrix defense device.

Once activated, you can use the internal magic source to activate the protection magic circle to protect your allies.

"Boom boom boom boom—"

Rain-thinning missiles fell from the sky and hit the demons' heads directly. After the ignition was triggered, they exploded.

The violent explosion propelled sharp shrapnel, like a terrible metal storm that leveled the entire village, and most of the demons distributed around them in Ulduar were hit directly by missiles and seriously injured.

But this is not the end. The airships still floating in the sky are not the civilian versions of the airships, but the modified first-generation air combat platform, which is quite similar to the Skybreaker. The interior was loaded with a large amount of arms in advance, and now the firing is almost endless.

Where these demons have encountered this method, the blown-out dizziness turned abnormally miserable.

When the first round of missiles stopped bombing, the demons finally found that the attack was from an airship in the sky, so there are still flying demons capable of movement-such as Nazula flying wing demon-all shaking their wings and rushing up Sky, trying to shoot down those threatening airships.

The artificial soul computer on the airship immediately found the approaching demon and began to adjust the strategy: "It is recommended to find the approaching of enemy targets, it is recommended to adjust the energy structure, reduce the power output, and turn to the shield module to strengthen the shield ..."

At present, the artificial soul computer technology carried on airships is still immature and can only assist in handling some simple things, the most important of which is to help calculate the route, and the auxiliary operation is only a temporarily installed functional module, which is not perfect .

But even so, everyone has been amazed by the powerful effects of the artificial soul computer. Regardless of the response speed or the efficiency of the adjustment measures, it is a pity that there is no way to achieve the control function of various regions and the artificial soul computer communication collaboration. If the control ability is also handed over to the artificial soul computer, it is conceivable that the operation efficiency is definitely far more than manual adjustment.


Nazura's flying wings screamed and screamed a green evil flame after rushing near the airship. After the evil flame hit the shield, it caused a ripple, but it did not hurt the hull itself.

Tang En's magic shield designed for airships was designed with the purpose of hard-resisting seventh-order spells. The power of these evil flames is not enough to penetrate the shield.

"Brothers! We can do it too!"

The crew of the airship saw the Nazula flying wing demon outside the shield, and they all laughed suddenly, sat on the turret, and then ... fired!

"Da da da da da--"

Dense gunshots rang through the sky. Once the terrible 15mm high-caliber high-speed carrier-based machine gun started firing, the power was almost horrible. The magic shield on the devil could resist for a while and a half, but it was impossible to resist forever, but blinked. In the meantime, the carrier-based machine gun dumped thousands of large-caliber bullets at them. When the magic shield was penetrated, their extremely strong flesh. The body was also punctured by the machine gun and was directly torn into Pieces of minced meat.

Demon's flesh and blood rained from the sky, and the battlefield below didn't hesitate to give up.

When a rain missile hit, the defenses of those undead demons had been greatly weakened. The Red Lotus Knights immediately seized this opportunity and stood in the protection of the shield and began to dump firepower.

"Da da da da da da--"

Although the caliber of the assault rifle is small, a large part of them are equipped with special warheads, such as explosive bombs, frozen bombs, and armor-piercing bombs. The power of several special warheads is very scary.

At the same time, there are also many captain-level knights equipped with magic pistols, and various auxiliary spells are emerging one after another. Together with the auxiliary gods they master, they are even more powerful and brave!

The situation reversed in an instant, and the siege from the beginning became an anti-encirclement battle.

"You filthy creatures--let me die!"

Uldullah took the lead, and broke out of the shield's protection area, killing the nearest Nazula to kill.


Severely wounded Nazura killed. The demon snarled and slammed at Ulduar, his sharp claws tearing hard, and he could not smell the heavy sulfur smell that he sprayed before he approached.


He waved the assault rifle in his hand and resisted claw blows. Then he slipped and drilled directly under the devil. Then he kicked hard under his feet and jumped over the head of Killing Demon. As soon as his right hand was shaken, a round grenade was thrown into the killing. In the mouth of the demon monster, he jumped out with a wild laugh: "Goodbye!"


Poor Nazula killed. The grenade that was swallowed by the demon blasted directly from the inside into pieces!


The morale of the Red Lotus Knights has become stronger. They have never experienced such an easy and happy battle. Several people are grouped into groups, one person is responsible for one direction, and then slowly advances. The turns fire to suppress the demon's attacks. Shadow of combat squad.

It is a pity that time is short. The time for them to receive training is still too short, otherwise their combat efficiency can be higher.


A violent vibration came from overhead, and the earth seemed to have never calmed down. The cave was filled with smoke and dust, but it also could not stop the vanilla and Sister Coco's strong desire to fight.

A large number of demons rushed towards Tang En fearlessly, and then all were stopped halfway by their sisters, and then killed mercilessly.

cruel? Not really.

For both of them, these demons are the incarnation of the world. The holy flames purify them and save the world.

So they will never show mercy.

Listening to the bang above his head, Tang En said with a pleasant look: "Hey, did you hear that cult leader? The men above you are crying."

"Really? It's not necessarily who is crying."

Annalin looked at Tang En coldly: "I want to know more now, why are they attracted to you ... who are you?"

Anelin would not think that these demons were attracted to the little girl in Tang En's arms. He believed that Tang En was special.

"Me? I'm afraid to scare you out, so forget it."

Tang En looked at him with a smile: "Just go to **** with this doubt."

"Go to **** ... this is a great compliment to me."

Annai Lin smiled Yin Yin: "Of course, the lives of those people above is my best gift."

Tang En pouted: "If your hole cards are these demons, you'll let me down."

Before starting, in order to cope with various situations, Tang En made a full set of emergency plans for the Red Lotus Knights. Although they did not include combating the devil ... but they made emergency plans against chaos!

The airship was prepared with sufficient combat supplies and weapons and ammunition, and if you put them all together, if you use them all, it will be no surprise that this jungle, including the Gorgalon crater in the distance, is flattened.

Just the demons ... Tang En, but they have accumulated a lot of experience in fighting with demons in the Great Rift Camp!

Anelin watched the demons slain by vanilla, so Tang En suspected that he should have other cards.

After clearing the enemies that followed, Vanilla gasped, and the weakened holy flame sword pointed at Anelin: "Now, your minions are all dormant, you can go to death."

"Unfortunately, it's too naive to kill me."

Anelin glanced at the cave full of corpses, and suddenly gave a strange smile: "The soul used as a sacrifice is enough-"

Tang En froze, and then saw Annai Lin suddenly open her arms and laughed loudly: "—So, let us warmly welcome the monarch from the purgatory abyss, the great demon lord, the soul master, Ambros Bath-come on! "

The cave suddenly trembled violently. The walls shattered, and the thick evil spirits emerged from the cracks. The green evil flames rose up, and the entire cave was covered by the hot and blowing nose of sulfur.

A weird black light appeared on Anelin, who was laughing wildly. The black light like lightning connected him with the corpses in the cave. A huge channel suddenly opened in the center of the cave. Before appearing, I have seen several huge tentacles that have drilled out of the portal!

"this is……"

Tang En's face changed slightly, and his face was constipated: "Huge tentacle monster?"

"It's the Lord Comara Demon!"

Coco exclaimed, "Beware of its mental corruption!"

The tentacles being squeezed outward suddenly trembled, and then stabbed at Tang En lightningly!

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