Things from Another World

Chapter 1229: Demon Lord Ambrosian

Kemala Demon Lord, Ambrosian, as a legendary Kemala demon, the most powerful ability is naturally the spiritual ability of Kemala demon.

Whether it's mental corruption, mind control, or mind spikes, phobias, etc., the Komala Demon is an expert in this area.

However, although the Kemala demon is good at mental spells, he has no normal reason. Does it sound ironic?

Therefore, when Tang En found out that the Kemala Demon Lord had just drilled out half of his body, he suddenly launched an attack on himself and he stopped.

This guy ... looks like he can't wait to kill Winnett?

"Give me—get away!"

Vanilla roared and stood in front of it, the boiling holy flames roared and devoured the tentacles of Ambrobas, a large group of black smoke rose, the huge tentacles suddenly trembled, and faintly can be seen in the air. The ripples spread out.

The next moment, Coco and Vanilla snorted suddenly, their faces became very bad, and the holy flame on them extinguished in a blink of an eye. Not only that, they seemed to be very strongly affected by the impact of the spirit, kneeling on the ground holding their heads. .

The tentacles continued to release the spiritual impact, and at the same time, Ambrosian's body finally drilled out of the portal. Its body is very large and directly occupies most of the cave. It is visually dozens of meters high and looks like a huge octopus. There are twisting tentacles around the body. These tentacles do not have disgusting mucus, but only tentacles that are soft and swaying. Those tentacles are like sharp radars that can sense the existence of living bodies and sniff at the same time. The other's mental power fluctuates, and then releases a strong mental shock to attack the other.

At the same time, when the tentacles are tied to the living body, the tops of those tentacles will open a small mouth, and use those small mouths to absorb the vitality of the target. This is probably the way the Kemala demon eats.

Tang En didn't expect that as a virgin of Caroma River, neither Coco nor Vanilla could resist the spiritual ability of this demon lord, and his face suddenly became gloomy. With a gentle wave of his hand, the powerful shield would The two of them gathered together, and Cocoa and Vanilla finally woke up from their fears.

"What a terrible mental power!"

Coco was dripping with sweat, and she had just fallen into the boundless darkness full of fear. She could not see any light, no hope, and even the existence of herself. Although it was only a moment, she felt it. For a long time, thankfully Tang En pulled them out in time, otherwise she would completely lose herself.

"Ha ha ha ha! This is the power of the great Ambrosia! You little mortals, give me nourishment!"

Anelin laughed wildly, his body quickly flew towards Ambrosia, at the same time, his body began to swell and burst, quickly turned into a Komala camouflage demon, and then drilled into Ambros Bath's body.

Cocoa and Vanilla were taken aback when they saw Anelin turned into a Camara disguise demon: "Even he chose to become the host of the devil! This guy is crazy!"


Anelin, who was drilling the body of Ambrosius, stopped suddenly, turned his head and smiled at them: "Stupid human ... this is my body!"

Even Tang En was stunned. Anelin's body was Kemala's disguise! ? This unscientific!

As we all know, the devil is a crazy, chaotic, irrational creature. This crazy creature who only knows to destroy everything can hide in the Vulcan court perfectly for so many years? When the Pope and other clergy are mentally handicapped! ?

What's more, an irrational demon even learned to use tactics? How even created a religion trying to create chaos in Plantar? This is not scientific at all!

Suddenly, Tang En came to his senses. No, this guy can never be a demon from the beginning!

If he had been a demon from the beginning, it would not have been impossible to see Vinnet!

This guy is absolutely corrupted by the power of the devil without knowing it. Now that he has lost his reason, he will think that he is a demon from the beginning.

Although I don't know how long the corruption time is, he wanted to come about the same time as he tried to reinterpret the Holy See. This guy may have encountered or demonized the demon accidentally from somewhere, and then was attacked by Kemala The devil affected the mind and became the host of the devil.

This guy can keep his mind to this day, I'm afraid I still want to thank the tough mind that was cultivated in the life of the Holy See.


Tang En narrowed his eyes. A rational demon is not good news for this world.

He suddenly remembered Stanley, who was taken away by the contract last time, and looked at Vinnet, who was foolish in his arms, wondering why, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be big news in Purgatory ...

"Go ahead."

After Anelin had spoken, he got into Ambrosba's body, which was also a Komara demon, with the same breath, so he didn't worry about being swallowed.

"OHGRAHHHHH-Brose \ 'lagi \' zoijopa, bagor!"

Ambrobas's voice was huge and sharp, and it was completely out of proportion to its huge body. The harsh sound echoed in the cave, making people dizzy.

What's more terrible is that these sounds have a certain ability to penetrate the shield. Even Tang En can't completely avoid the impact of these sounds, and the world in front of them has a certain distortion.

The enraged Tang En raised his hand and smashed it in a big crack: "Shut me up!"

The scarlet rays burst out, and Ambrobas' tentacles quickly superimposed in front, opening up a very powerful magic shield.


The powerful penetrating cleavage directly penetrates the magic shield, tearing the layers of tentacles into pieces, and then leaving a deep wound on its body.

The main strength of Kemala's demon is focused on mind control. Although the legendary strength is very scary, the combat effectiveness and other demon relying on the flesh are far worse. Even Barlow's Demon was easily tortured by Tang En. Not to mention this guy.

Its mind control ability is basically invalid for Tang En, which has made it completely out of favor, not to mention ... Tang En is still an open guy.


Ambrosia has been on the battlefield of Purgatory Abyss for many years. Since it entered the legendary level, it can easily control other demons to fight for it. It has been too long, too long, and has not tasted the pain. Taste it.

This strange and familiar feeling ... really makes it very angry!

The roaring Ambrosian waved his tentacles violently, the powerful brute force completely smashed the mountain, the huge cave collapsed, the rocks were scattered, the smoke was diffused, and Tang En and Coco and Vanilla quickly recovered from the collapsed rocks. Escaped, rushed into the sky, and saw the big octopus chasing out of the ruins, waving its tentacles.


"What's going on !?"

In the village not far away, Ulduara and others were using the weapon aided by Tang En to kill the devil and killing Shuang, but they suddenly found that the mountain was shaking, and they almost fell to the ground.

Rowell turned his head and exclaimed, "Carlo Marief is on! What the **** is that !?"

"Devil! What a big demon! A mountain-like demon!"

When Ulduara heard it, he immediately drew in the air, and all his hair stood up: "God! There is such a huge Komala demon here !?"

No wonder those believers have all turned into demons!

No wonder they were brainwashed so quickly!

With the help of such a large Komala demon, even if Anelin is an idiot, he can use the mental ability of the Komala demon to become a cult leader!

"Look! That's His Excellency Tang En!-And two crowned maidens!"

The sharp-eyed people noticed several figures in the sky, and then they found that Tang En was entangled by the huge Comara demon. Compared to the huge demon, Tang En was too small. It looks precarious.

"We need to help them!"

"Help an egg!"

Ulduar yelled as he shot: "Are you going to play a little fart !? Just do your job! What kind of people, what kind of things! Fighting at that level is no longer something we can participate in Yes! It would be fatal to not be affected! "

Indeed, as Uldullah said, after smashing the mountain peak and leaving the cave, at this moment Ambrobas' body has swelled once again, and has become a huge demon of 100 meters high. When they got up and shook the mountains, they flew up to cover the sky, and the legs of those scared red lotus knights were soft.


Ambrobas suddenly uttered a loud whistle, and the demon body fighting the Red Lotus knights nearby, and then turned their heads together, Nazura Flying Winged Demon, Juboris Evil Flame Demon, Jubo Reese and other demons who are good at flying and long-range spells, such as Destroyed Hearts, have all shifted their targets, and stare at Tang En in the air.

Staring at the cold eyes of those demons, Scarlet Rose was also creepy and uncomfortable.

The next moment, the dense flames of evil spells broke through the air and directly drowned Tang En!

"Lord Donn!"

"Under the Crown!"

"Shut up!"

Ulduar roared: "With His Excellency Down, they will be fine! Now is our chance! Kill these demons!"


The evil flame in the air was suddenly shattered, and then Tang En, wrapped in a hurricane, whistled towards Ambrobas, while Cocoa and Vanilla hid Vinnet and hid behind Tang En-they didn't dare Go somewhere else.

Because Ambrobas's goal has always been Winnet!

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