Things from Another World

Chapter 1230: Fuxi!

Winnet's identity is very special, Tang En still does not know what kind of mission she is carrying, and even Otinia does not know, which means that unless Winnet grows up, her sleeping memories wake up, Otherwise no one knew exactly what she was going to do.

However, from the beginning to discover her existence, and now fighting with the devil, all have revealed a message-the existence of Winnet is very important to the devil.

The appearance and reaction of the demon lord Ambrobus also confirmed this, but no matter whether they want to kill her or rob her, it is impossible for Tang En to make them succeed.

As a result, Vinnet, who was held in her arms by vanilla, became the best bait to lure Ambrosius. As long as she was behind her, Ambrosian would not attack in other directions. Mastered by Tang En.

"You really want to get her? It's a pity, after all, she is my baby girl!"

Tang En laughed and waved his right hand, and a dense array of elemental swords suddenly appeared in the sky. The various elemental swords rotated to form a huge vortex with a diameter of more than kilometers, and the sword gas hummed to Ambro Bath, twisted its tentacles into pieces.

At the same time, Tang En was surrounded by a large number of elemental swords. When the demons rushed over, the elemental swords moved as he wanted, and the demon was cut into pieces instantly.

At first glance, this scene looks like the sword art of Jianxian, and it is completely different from the painting style of this world, but Tang En feels very cool-since I met Aegwin to perform similar sword skills, he has long wanted to come like this Once again.


There was a strong spiritual power hidden in the roar of Ambrosius. The red lotus knights fighting in the distance were affected by the sound waves, and they all knelt down on the ground with pain in their heads. If not, all the demons would have been by Ambrobas Steve controlled the attack on Don and Vinnet, and it was only at this moment that they would be seriously injured.

Uldullah turned on the Matrix Defense again in an emergency, and shouted, "Hurry in!"

Although the sound wave can penetrate the magic shield to a certain extent, it will be weakened to some extent and not so fatal-now some people's ears are bleeding!

The Red Lotus knights struggled to hide in the shield, and finally relieved that their heads were not the kind of pain that was about to explode.

"It's terrible! I'm afraid this demon is at least legendary!"

Lowell looked at Ambros, a huge mountain, with anxiety. He was just swollen with blood and almost vomited blood, let alone others.

"How powerful is Lord Tang En! He can actually compete with this demon!"

"Don't you know? Even among the legendary powerhouses, His Excellency Tang En's strength is top notch! This is what the sharp tooth master said!"

"Even the sharp tooth is ashamed !?-Its voice has finally become lower!"

"Look! What's that!"

The red lotus knights looked at the sky not far away in shock, where the wind and clouds surged, and the entire sky was disturbed by an invisible big hand, all the horrible magic gathered on the sword in Tang En's hand!

It was a simple long sword at first glance, but when I looked carefully, I found that all my mind was attracted to it, but as the magic gathered, the light on that sword became brighter and stronger. , And soon became the second Lumbica!

Just now I wondered if Tang En's strength was stronger than the sharp-toothed Red Lotus knights: "So terrible coercion! Even more powerful than that demon! What kind of weapon is that !?"

Uldulla took a breath of air. He thought that the Datang Chamber of Commerce had helped so many legendary quality weapons and equipment in one breath. It was exaggerated, but now he saw the weapon in Tang En's hands and he knew what a real baby was. -It is no exaggeration to say that the weapon in Tang En's hands feels like a world.

Hold a world in your hands?

Who dares to think of such a thing?

But that man did it!

Blood Shadow Town.

His **** sharp teeth turned sharply, his eyes staring at the southeast with a look of shock.

"This is-a strong demon atmosphere! Legendary demon !?"

Sharp Teeth felt that his mind was not enough enough: "Under the protection of the gods, the more powerful the demon, the harder it is to come to this world. Why does a legendary demon appear in Prendall !?"

Just when Sharp Teeth was about to leave here and went to support, another terrible force erupted instantly. The power of Zhongzheng's peaceful order swept across the sky. Looking at the disturbed clouds in the distance, Sharp Teeth's mania. Emotions calmed down in a blink of an eye.

"This is probably the power of His Excellency Tang En ..."

Sharp Teeth perceives the familiar atmosphere from the wave of power just now, and then he is boiling with blood: "I did not expect that Lord Tang En was so much stronger than I thought! I really want to have a hearty battle with him. ... Unfortunately, if he goes all out, I will die ... "

The sharp tooth has seen Tang En's strength long ago, but he did not expect that Tang En's power was far stronger than he predicted. If there is a realm above the legend, Tang En is probably the only one who has reached that level. Right?

Demi god?

Can mortals really reach that state?


Or is it just that weapon that is particularly powerful?

Sharp teeth don't know, maybe he will never have a chance to know.

The camera returns to Down.

After screaming Ambrobus seeing Down's removal of the weapon, a sense of deep-rooted fear struck instantly, its voice getting smaller and smaller, and even its body was shaking. Shaking.


That's right, this legendary demon lord, it was scared.

"What's that !? Damn it--fear? The great Ambrobas would be frightened !?"

Anelin hiding in Ambrosian's body screamed loudly with red eyes: "No! This is impossible! Now that the gods are gone, the great Ambrosian is the supreme master of this world! No People can make you feel scared! Rush up! Smash his head and devour his soul! "

Ambros has ignored Anelin's urging and, in fact, it now plans to flee here.

"Huh ... this feeling ... is really intoxicating ..."

Tang En held the will of the world and sighed. He originally did not want to use this guy, but when he thought that the battle with this guy might spread to the nearby Red Lotus Knights, he had to choose to simply end the battle. .

There is no doubt that using the will of the world is the easiest and fastest way.

Suddenly, Ambrobas shrank back, and the twisted space was undulating, and behind it suddenly opened a huge portal. Ambrobas twisted his body and wanted to rush in!


In the sky behind Tang En, the airships seized the opportunity to fire directly, and a row of shells banged heavily on Ambrobas, blasting several huge wounds.

The bombarded Ambrobas made a sharp tweet, trying to interfere with Down, and at the same time he accelerated into the portal with the impact of the bombardment.

"I said ... let you go?"

Tang En only waved casually. The world will draw a thin line, which cut through the space and cut the portal opened by Ambrobas in half. The magic that came together instantly collapsed.

"Since it's here, don't leave."

Tang En once again raised the will of the world. The liberated world will emit a brilliant light, dispel the haze in the sky, and also affect the surrounding magic, completely block the surrounding space, leaving Ambros Can run away.

When the world's will rose, Ambrobas found himself covered by an unusually horrifying force. It controlled the rest of the demons and rushed to Winnett, intending to force Down to stop the attack.

Yet those demons cannot even approach them at the moment under the light of the will of the world!

Ambrobas waved the tentacles frantically, snarling and planning to fight to death. Each of its tentacles was 100 meters long and several meters thick, waving in the air and even hearing the sound of thunder.

However, although the flexible tentacles are infinitely powerful and possess peculiar psychic powers, they cannot approach Tang En at all. After approaching Tang En, they are all confined by an invisible force-it is even impossible Take control of the tentacles to bypass Donn and attack Winette!

"In my trial, you are guilty of three crimes—the intention to destroy order as a demon, to spread cult ideas, and to cause confusion."

"No! You cannot judge me! You are not qualified to judge me!"

Anelin dug out half of Ambrobus' body and yelled at Tang En in the air: "Who do you think you are !? Kill it! Kill it!"

Ambrobas also wanted to kill Tang En at this moment, but when Tang En began to pronounce his sentence, he found that his entire body could not move!

It's like a lamb slaughtered by anyone!

Tang En directly put the crimes of Anelin and the crimes of Ambrosius together. Anyway, when they are together now, they will be killed together. It is no worse. He coldly waved the will of the world: "Their sins should be slaughtered, kill the flesh and the body, retain the soul, and punish their souls to bear the Hall of the Spirit until the souls dissipate. The crime is declared complete and executed immediately."

A beam of golden light passed through the air, directly passing through Ambros's body, and also accurately cut through Annerin. After the golden light passed, everything moved back to peace, as if nothing had happened. same.

Only Tang En saw that the two souls were bound by golden silk threads and were sent directly by Nora to the Hall of Spirits.

The next moment, the huge demon body completely lost its strength, and "Boom" fell directly to the ground. The body like a hill completely collapsed under its own weight. The broken bones pierced the flesh, and the smelly demon blood poured out, The surrounding land is corrupted ...

The legendary demon lord of great life, just lie down!

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