Things from Another World

Chapter 1239: The devil disappeared?

Chapter 1241

It hasn't been a day or two that Tang En wanted to launch a satellite. It can be said that he had already thought about this since the beginning of the airship planning.

Because satellites are too significant for the development of society.

Due to the unique nature of Prandall's communication technology, the significance of satellites in ultra-long-range communications has greatly decreased, but this does not mean that the satellites have lost their function, because it can also take maps, monitor in real time, observe weather, and the most important , Is to use multiple satellites to achieve positioning and navigation systems.

How important is a navigation system?

It can be said that as long as the main components of society are still distributed above Prandall, navigation systems are essential.

This is not only a civilian navigation system, but more importantly a military navigation system. Through the navigation system, Tang En can deploy ultra-long-range missile launch systems in many places, and then lock the strike target through satellites. The long-range missile hit the enemy.

Although they have developed the "Dongfeng" series of missiles with a very long range, they have never been used on the battlefield except for test firing, because there is no perfect positioning and navigation system.

The laser aiming and guidance system on Earth is very good, but now Prandall does not have that technology, so it can only be replaced by other technologies.

If the chaotic army strikes, in addition to using the Golden Titan Legion in the front line of the battlefield to confront it directly, it can also directly control the long-range strike of the missile base in the rear, which is one of the reasons why Tang En is so anxious.

As for the principle of navigation, it is actually very simple. To put it bluntly, it is to use the time difference between the signals received by multiple satellites and perform an operation with the signal propagation speed to get the distance and position. After explaining the simple principle, how to achieve it Give it to a technician to solve it.

Of course, there are two important data indicators involved. One is that they need to measure the propagation speed of magic fluctuations as accurately as possible, and the other is that they need the clock as accurate as possible.

The accuracy of atomic clocks used on Earth satellites is calculated in nanoseconds. Clocks of this accuracy can meet the needs. The goblin mechanical watches currently used by Prendall definitely cannot meet the needs, but fortunately, this time, we discovered the prehistoric civilization. The computer, combined with the prehistoric communicator previously found, can analyze the clock technology they used. Considering that the speed of magic wave propagation may be much less than the speed of light, this clock technology is estimated to be sufficient for the time being.

As for the technology with higher accuracy, leave it to future generations to study it slowly.

After entering the midsummer month, the full operation of the airship made the western development plan directly enter the climax. A large number of Ilurus took the airship to the Grace area and joined the vigorous transformation plan. When flying When the airboat returns, they will bring those Gris back, and set up living areas and jobs through the municipal departments of various places-Tang En did not have a soft heart and gave them the opportunity to choose freely. Very aggressive, if this trend is not controlled from the beginning, it will eventually become a huge scourge in the future.

According to the feedback from Aurelia, the overall situation is still quite stable. These Greeses seem to know that they are no longer Stanley's world, so they are honestly holding their tails to be human. , Quietly be a good citizen.

With the addition of these labor forces, the production capacity of Illus regions has rapidly increased once again, and the factory's shipping capacity has been further enhanced. In addition, the air cargo capacity of the airboat has improved transportation efficiency, so the value of many commodities has With a certain degree of decline.

People ’s income has risen, the value of goods has fallen, and the overall economic vitality has been greatly improved. Now the overall economic level of Illus has remained at the same level as Ronitan, and the total economic volume is far more than Ronitan. People buy The willingness of Ronitan to import those goods has further reduced, and they prefer the products produced by the Datang Chamber of Commerce-although the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce have not completely covered all aspects of life, if they can buy the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the consumption Those generally do not make a second choice.

With the official operation of airships, the tourism industry, which has never been born before, has quietly appeared. Many people who have some spare money in their hands are looking forward to seeing this wider world.

Originally, even if they were rich, they were also trapped by the inconvenience of travel. It would take several months to go somewhere on the road, and it was accompanied by a lot of risks. Therefore, the vast majority of people in Prendall did not spend a lifetime. They will be too far away from where they grew up, and many people will not even leave their village for a lifetime.

But now it ’s different. With an airship, even an ordinary farmer, if you are a little bit ruthless, you can take your family on an airboat to visit another city. After all, the airship ’s ordinary ticket price is not It would be outrageous.

The birth of the tourism industry has brought a brand new industry to the world. At the same time, it has also been accompanied by a huge labor gap. Major tourist cities, such as the water city of Paganis, the spa capital of Alcanretia, and many other chambers of commerce They have begun to transform into pure tourism and tourism chambers. These chambers are now recruiting a large number of young and beautiful girls in the surrounding cities, as well as eloquence, liars who can speak and so on.

In particular, those scammers who have had glorious results are the favored targets of these chambers of commerce. Many scammers have already received the recruitment intention of the chamber of commerce before leaving prison. All these scammers in the prison who are ignorant of the vicissitudes of life are dumbfounded .

When did scammers become so popular?

Tang En also knew about this, but he did not order to restrict it. Tang En knew very well that these chambers of commerce wanted to recruit scammers, and of course they fancy the eloquent eloquence of the other party. As long as they can recruit successfully, they can help them later. With a steady stream of customers, this is all revenue. The practices of these chambers of commerce can also be regarded as giving these scammers a chance to reform and create employment opportunities for these alternative talents. This is a good thing with great merit.

Tourism is just in its infancy, and it is estimated that this year there will only be a market of around ten million yuan nationwide. In addition, this industry has nothing to do with strengthening its strength. It gave those small chambers a way of life.

The focus of the work of the Datang Chamber of Commerce is still light industries, heavy industries, chemicals, mining, alloys and other industries that can significantly enhance national strength and military strength. This is why attention is paid to enhancing the exchange of information and improving the efficiency of management systems.

So Tang En just let Aurelia release some new laws to restrict and guide the healthy development of the industry, and then stopped paying attention, because now he has more important things to pay attention to ...

"You mean, the demons are gone?"

Tang En frowned slightly. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, very sure."

Aubrey nodded, grabbed Tang En's tea, and murmured directly. He often drank this world tree tea recently. He felt his body was rejuvenated and he became more and more energetic.

After drinking tea, Aubrey continued: "We ordered the aerial reconnaissance team to go through the Great Rift Camp from east to west and south to north, and ordered the armored forces to push straight down below. Except for the remaining traces, all the demons that appeared in Prandall are gone. "

Fiona immediately became nervous. "Will they escape the blockade and go elsewhere?"

"probably not."

Aubrey shook his head: "None of the scouts we arranged around the Great Rift Camp found signs of demons ... it felt like they did not disappear suddenly, but returned to the purgatory abyss."

Back to Purgatory Abyss?

When Tang En frowned, why did they go back? For demons who are chaotic and like destruction, wouldn't they be more willing to destroy the wonderful world of Plandall? What's the return to Purgatory Abyss? There are endless **** battlefields, endless killings and battles-compared to there, their battles in the Great Rift Camp are as easy and enjoyable as vacations-although they are also pitted here ...

"What did Saratimore say?"

If anyone knows the secret inside, it must be Saratimore. As a **** cat, even if he doesn't know the news, he can give everyone a guess from his past experience.


Aubrey frowned, "It said nothing."

This guy must be lazy again!

Down without a word, he found Saratimore directly, and took it to the conference room.

"Isn't it good for the devil to retreat?"

Saratimore blinked and looked at the crowd in a very innocent way: "Will you miss the damage they caused? Well, it turns out that humans are such a wonderful species."

Everyone in the conference room had a black line, and they couldn't wait to go up and give it a kick. Tang En slaps him with angrily: "Don't interrupt! Seriously!"

"whispering sound!"

Saratimore pouted his lips and said sternly: "According to my experience, there are only a few possibilities for their sudden withdrawal. One is that something more important has appeared in their rear, such as a new demon lord. It is born to determine your position and territory from the old demon lord, so it will affect the war strategy of other demon lords. "

"In other words ... maybe they are going to launch a fierce offensive somewhere."

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