Things from Another World

Chapter 1240: Worrying future

In the conference room, the atmosphere suddenly solidified, and Tang En's face became a little gloomy.

The first possibility is not absent. He just killed Ambrosia a while ago-such a demon lord suddenly died in the human kingdom. Even if the demon is dull, there should be something now.

Of course, considering the demon's habits, they found that after the original demon lord died, the most likely thing to happen was to immediately turn over and become the master-the original Ambrobas's men are likely to start competing for the position of the new demon lord. .

The **** battlefield of Purgatory Abyss is not a joke. The war never stops there. The devil and the demon are glued together here. Every minute and every second there are tens of thousands of devil and demon at war.

Such a cruel war environment creates a brutal race. Among the demons, this contention is very **** and cruel, because in the demonic country, only strength is the only credential. Any demons who want to stand on top of other demons must To pay the price of blood, it is possible to succeed in the end.

The only good news is that even if a new demon lord is born, it will have little impact on the human world ... as long as it does not invade the surface world.

Ignoring the heavy expressions of the crowd, Saratimore continued: "The second possibility is that they may be planning to build up their strength and launch a relatively large-scale attack on somewhere."


Angus and Jean look subconsciously at Don, shouldn't the demon launch a general attack on the surface world?

After a moment of silence, Tang En asked: "How likely is it that a demon will launch a total attack on the human kingdom?"

"Human kingdom?"

With a tilted head, Saratimore thought slowly for a moment, then slowly said, "It's unlikely, although the human kingdom has the same great attraction to demons, but now they are held back by us and we have no time to spare. The heart attacks the human kingdom. "

Tang En breathed a sigh of relief, but a flash of a smiley face flashed in his mind, and his heart suddenly hung up. The devil had no time to attack the human kingdom. That was the previous situation, but now, Winnett is on his side. If Winnett The importance of special is beyond his original estimate, so the possibility that the demon will launch a total attack on the human kingdom in order to **** or kill Vinnet is not small!

Thinking of this, Tang En suddenly felt in his heart, and said to Saratimore, "Speaking of which, you weren't there when Otinia saw Winnett, so you don't know Winnett's identity yet?"

Saratimore stunned: "What identity?"

Down looked at it and said slowly: "Vinette is a messenger from heaven ... her creator is ... the **** of darkness, Apophis."

Saratimore: "!!!"

"Apostles of Apophis !?"

Saratimo exclaimed: "How is this possible! I don't know about it at all! I have never heard of the messenger coming in Purgatory Abyss!"

Tang En sighed: "Of course you won't know, because Weinet fell into the hands of the devil as soon as it arrived. She was given to Grace's Stanley by the devil. The two sides didn't know what deal was reached, and Stanley had been He is cursing Winnett with the blood and life of the young girl and stopping her development. "

Saratimore looked at Tang En stupidly, and now he finally understands why when he saw Winnett, he had a feeling of seeing the devil. It turned out not to be an illusion but to originate from the soul. Deep level oppression-Also as the creation of Apophis, the angel Winnet's rank is obviously higher than Saratimore, this kind of innate oppression is inevitable.

Tang En recalled the growth rate of Winnett and said with emotion: "After being rescued by me, Winnett's remaining cursing power has been completely purified, and she is now growing at a very amazing speed. , And it's getting faster and faster, I'm afraid that in a few years, I will exceed Elsa and become an adult. "

Fiona reminded Tang En: "If we want to know the truth, we don't have to wait that long. When her body grows to fifteen or sixteen, the memory of the seal may have been unlocked."

Whether it is Elias or Winnett, the amount of memory they carry is too huge. As long as it comes to the main material world in the form of reincarnation, the initial memory is sealed. This is to prevent the Excessive load on the body.

As you get older and your body matures, your memory will slowly be released-it's like decompressing ...

Why reincarnate as a juvenile rather than as an adult? Think of the structure of the world in which Prandall is now ... can such a fragile spatial structure be able to withstand their immediate advent?

When the juvenile body shape grows up, the power will slowly be released, until it approaches the limit of the world-they must have imposed limits, and will not let this power exceed the limit.

As for Otinija, she was in a different situation.

The restless Saratimore suddenly said, "This news is so important ... No, I think I must go back!"

Tang En nodded: "Of course I will allow you to go back, but when you go back, you will not only ask about Weinet, but also pay attention to the movement of the devil. If they really plan to launch a raid on the human kingdom, I think We need your help, too. "

Although Prendall's military strength is now advancing by leaps and bounds, the army of the Illus Empire has a variety of magic weapons and equipment, and its combat effectiveness is extremely sturdy. they.

There is no other reason. In terms of comprehensive strength, the limit of ordinary apocalypse on the human side is gold, but what about the devil and the devil? Most of the juveniles in these two organisms are of the gold level, that is, their starting point is the end point of many humans.

This gap in strength cannot be ignored.

What's more important is the quantity gap.

The devil is the creation of the **** of darkness Apophis before the birth of the gnome and the goblin. It is more ancient than the prehistoric civilization. Perhaps they are the last "insurance" of the previous generation of civilization. , Because they are a race that strengthens the "strength" trait, born to fight, they do not know how long the battle lasted, even the gnome and goblin civilization that strengthened the "wisdom" trait has been destroyed and balanced Human civilizations of "strength" and "wisdom" have developed for thousands of years, and they are still fighting against the chaotic gates of the abyss of purgatory and corrupted demons.

I would like to ask, how can such a powerful fighting race rely solely on Prendall's current race? Even if they form a coalition, they cannot completely compete with each other.

The only hope is to form an alliance with the devil, use the power of the devil to compete on the front battlefield, and at the same time use the current weapons and equipment as much as possible to assist the devil in battle. This is the only way to win.

"I will pay attention."

Saratimore nodded very cautiously: "Then I leave first, and I will return as soon as possible."

After Saratimore spoke, a dark space crack suddenly ripped in front of it, it rushed in, and the space crack closed.

After Tang En stared for a moment, he closed his eyes, and his worry increased a bit, not because he regretted breaking the enchantment of God leading to the abyss of purgatory, but because ... he found that Space spells are getting easier.

This is not good news.

Space spells are a type of arcane spell that use magic to forcibly tear up space to achieve the effect. The most typical examples are flash, teleport, and portal. The spell difficulty of these three spells increases exponentially. The requirements are also quite high.

However, Tang En has a faint feeling recently. When the teleportation is released, the magic power seems to be less.

Mana cost is reduced, which sounds like a good thing?

This is not the case. After all, space spells need to tear a solid space. Reduced mana consumption means less energy required to tear the space. At the same time, it means that Prandall's space structure has become more fragile.

Otiniya said that now the space crystal walls of the universe at Prendall are very fragile. It can be said that there are so many holes. The more holes in the space crystal walls, the greater the probability of being discovered by the chaotic army ...

This means that the easier it is to cast space spells, the more dangerous Plantar is.

However, now he has no good way to stop the situation from worsening. What he can do now, I am afraid, is to strengthen the comprehensive strength of Prandall as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Tang En could n’t help but sighed and said with a strong spirit: “Let ’s set aside the things on the demon side for the time being. Keep a certain sentry in the Great Rift Camp to monitor the situation there at any time, and others will temporarily Go back to the station for regular training. "

Adrian's spirit was refreshed: "After going through **** battles with the devil, regular training has little meaning to them, so why not adapt them to new equipment adaptive training? This way, you can switch arms at any time in the future."

After thinking about it for a moment, Tang En nodded: "The number of armored tanks, missile launchers, sky mother ships, and magic power armor is not enough for collective special training, so let's train in batches."

He smiled cheerfully: "Of course, but if you can, you should increase the production capacity as soon as possible. These new armed forces are too powerful. If they can all be equipped, even if the demon army invades, we have the confidence to fight them. "

Tang En smiled wryly: "Do you think we don't want to increase production capacity? Now various conditions limit it ... wait a minute, the technology of artificial soul quantum computer has matured, and soon we can realize semi-automated production, Capacity can be expanded a lot. "

Development to the present, it can be said that Tang En's technology tree has entered a bottleneck state, and now it is only possible to wait patiently for the technology of the artificial soul quantum computer to mature before it can realize the next technological leap.

Before that, Tang En had a lot of headaches, such as ...

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