Things from Another World

Chapter 1241: Big sister-in-law

The schools in the cities of Illus are finally closed, and all the children are running around like crazy. If they had not spent such a long time studying in the school, they may not understand now how free and free they used to be Precious time.

But when they grow up in the future, I'm afraid they will miss the time in school-because it is more painful to work hard every day for their livelihood.

And Tang En fulfilled her appointment with Elijah as promised, and took her out to relax, but it was originally an outing with children, but in the end it became a group trip for a large group of people, even Fiona and Aurelia. When Ah knew about it, he threw away the work on his hands and ran over to make fun and plan to take a vacation for himself.

"So, if you are going on vacation, why not just use the teleport array to go over it, but you have to choose to take an airship ..."

Tang En looked helpless at Ilya and Winnet running around on the deck.

You read that right, it's Weinet running around-after growing up for several months, it seems that Weinet has already become a little baby who can talk, run, and call his father. I ’m a little girl. Her mind has grown to about five or six years old, and her body is advancing by leaps and bounds. At the beginning, Elijah was able to hold her. Now she is so fast that she is about to reach Elijah's chin And almost every day, the growth looks very gratifying.

Others are happy, but Elijah is not so happy. Since having such a baby, she is almost thinking of herself as a real mother. After class every day, she returns home and takes her children while doing homework. Although hard, she was extremely fulfilled.

But now ... my daughter is almost catching up with her eyes, what can I do? Elijah is sad ...

"Vinette! Don't run around! It's dangerous here!"

Eliya followed closely behind Weinet. The lively and cute little girl went out for the first time. She was very excited and completely reluctant to stay where she was. This caused her to suffer.

Elijah was worried. Looking at the restless "daughter", she suddenly felt tired and old-fashioned and sighed: "Well, my child is growing so fast, I feel I am all old ..."

Fiona, Alleria, Olena: "..."

You stink girl who is less than fifteen years old says she is old, so what are we twenty or thirty! ? A half-dead old man who has been buried in the ground?

Elijah had no idea what she had said inadvertently to stimulate a group of people around her, she only cares about chasing Weinet.

Fiona: "Suddenly I feel old ..."

Alleria: "Me too ..."

Olina: "Come on, I'm leaving ..."

Grantia sneered: "Stupid humans, now you know the excellence of our elves ... we are the true gods-who the **** hit me !?"

Nal Haksha laughed wildly: "Little girl, don't be too arrogant, we are the best when it comes to youth and longevity."

Ye Ye OvO: "Aging? What is that? It doesn't exist!"

Yustissa smiled: "The soul is immortal, and the life is not extinct."

Otinia, who was reading a book, raised her head and glanced at them, then silently retracted her eyes—I didn't speak, and I watched you pretending to be silent.

The chaos on the airship made a mess. Fortunately, this airship was temporarily transferred by Tang En. There were no other passengers, otherwise it would be crazy.

"Standing here, the scenery is actually pretty good."

Fiona leaned against the railing, looking down at the ground below, and looking down at the ground through the clouds from the sky. It was very different from normal times, looking at the clouds in the distance, as if the whole person's mind was as wide as this blue sky. The depression in my heart was swept away, and the whole person glowed.

"Yeah, staying in the palace for everything, I'm going crazy."

Aurelia looked at Tang En with a sad look in the distance and said angrily: "I have never seen an irresponsible king like him ... Which king do you see will throw everything to the princess, Then you run away every day? "

Fiona was speechless, because Alleria was telling the truth. Throughout the history of so many kings, no one is as smart as Tang En. He does n’t live in the palace every night and changes places every day. sleep.

Fiona nodded. "It's ... very hard ..."

"Right, right?"

Aurelia said bitterly, "I am also a young and cute girl, and I also want to have a leisurely holiday of my own! I also want to put on a skirt, go shopping, enjoy shopping! Now I am lying in the study every day Here to help him handle government affairs, I feel like I'm almost into middle age early! "

With a touch in Fiona's heart, this seemed to be a good opportunity to get closer to Aurelia, so she deliberately said, "I'm the same ..."

Aurelia nodded, she felt the same. The development of the Datang Chamber of Commerce has now turned into a behemoth. Every day things are piled up, all kinds of personnel flow, capital changes, market orientation, etc. all need Fior Na handles it, and her task is nowhere easier than herself.

The two beautiful tearful girls looked at each other. The faint defenses and hostility of the past seemed to disappear all of a sudden. There was a feeling of meeting and hating each other. The two faced bitter water face to face and vomited fiercely. Tang En, the unscrupulous boss, has a big posture of "I won't do it again if I don't raise my salary and raise my wife".

If Aurelia is a very ambitious princess, maybe she will be very happy with the treatment now, but she will never be a person who can live with her temperament-otherwise she won't worship Selna and become A well-known female robber.

After chatting for a while, Fiona pretended to inadvertently ask, "Speaking of which, Illus has established a free trade zone with Ronent, right? We have been sending some hot products there recently. The market response from Ronentante is pretty good, but I don't know what Ronitant ’s official attitude is. Do you have any news here? "

Aurelia sighed and said, "What else can they have? Now they have regretted it, but it's too late to regret it. They can only recognize it by pinching their noses."

The establishment of bilateral free trade was originally an idea proposed by Ronitan to fight against the Datang Chamber of Commerce, but Oscar did not expect that Tang En would turn him into an army and go one step further and directly establish a zero-tariff free trade zone.

This time is good, the business people are excited, crazy, happy!

That's zero tariff! The cost price of starting a product is too low, who is not excited?

But the Oscar eggs hurt, and they were tangled-because of the emergence of the free trade zone, a large number of Illus Empire goods flowed into Ronantante easily, and due to the zero-tariff policy, the prices of these goods were higher than In the beginning, the price was too low and very competitive, and many of the local real estate products could not be sold-because the prices were similar, people were more willing to buy the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

This is not only because the prices of Datang Chamber of Commerce products have dropped, but also because the products of Datang Chamber of Commerce often have more exquisite appearance designs, more excellent and considerate new functions, and more comprehensive product follow-up guarantees ...

The most important thing is that the brand of Datang Chamber of Commerce is even louder. There has been a wave of pursuit of Datang Chamber of Commerce in the Illus Empire. bright.

These are the things that Ronitan's chambers cannot provide to users.

After discovering this change, Oscar was regretful. He has developed a market for nearly a century, accumulated nearly a hundred years of wealth, and has just flowed into the Illus Empire a little bit. Those century-old veteran chambers of commerce, just In this storm of change, families have closed down and many people have lost their jobs at home, which has brought a serious economic burden to Roninante's economic development.

For the first time in nearly a century, the growth rate of Ronitante's economy has slowed down or even stagnated for the first time. This is not far from the end of the world for the Ronitante government, which regards economic development as the life of a country ...

Without the protection of tariffs, under the impact of Datang Chamber of Commerce products, it is too difficult for domestic independent brands to develop and reoccupy the market. This is not only a gap between brands, but also technical crushing. Many products Even if they liberalize the market and let them compete, they will not be able to produce it themselves!

Alleria's expression was very weird: "I'm afraid it's hard for my uncle to get a good night's sleep these days ... After all, everything is going on as Tang En planned ... I'm afraid it won't be long The market economy of Ronentrant will be completely controlled by you. By then, Ronentant's government will basically become a shell government ... "

Fiona nodded meaningfully: "Yeah, military and economics are the two most important lifebloods of a country's government. Roninant's military strength has long since been abolished, so he will desperately develop the economy. Now the economy is on the verge of collapse again ... Aurelia, how long do you think they will persist before they choose to surrender? "

"Surender? You mean to return."

Aurelia frowned slightly: "It's hard to say, I don't know about you, I don't know what kind of person he is, but as a king, he won't be so easy to be softened. Maybe he thinks Maybe it will be easier to get a better position if you persist and return? "


Fiona is too lazy to talk about it. Both of your mother and daughter are now standing in the first sequence of Illus. As your puppet, if he really returns, Tang En can still treat him badly?

Don't just pit yourself because you want to play this game of deliberate intent ...

Tang En's mission is so heavy, he may not have the patience to play this game with them all the time. If Oscar makes Tang En lose his patience, waiting for him may not be a good treatment.

"Look below ..."

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