Things from Another World

Chapter 1242: My mother just wants to get straight as soon as possible!

Down, after they set off from Ellington, they headed northwest all the way, the goal is the hot spring capital of Alcanretia-yes, their vacation is to go to the hot spring by plane ...

After a long day of flight, they just passed over the Great Rift Valley camp.

At this moment, everyone in the airship was watching the situation below. Since last time Aubrey said that the demons here in the Great Rift Camp have disappeared, Tang En and they have not come here to observe.

Looking down from the sky, the surrounding environment of the Great Rift Camp was severely damaged by fighting. Almost no vegetation can be seen. The ground is full of scorched marks and deep-pit craters. Rows of armored tanks have now been evacuated, with only a small number of soldiers on duty. The camp that was expanded due to the increase in personnel was empty and there were no visible figures.

It is also because it is known that the demons have retreated, so the airship dare to fly so brazenly over the Great Rift Camp, otherwise the flying demons will make the airship difficult to move.

With a big belly, Elsa regretted: "The situation here in the late stage looks really fierce."

This violent beautiful girl seems to regret that she did not continue to participate in the battle here-since she was found pregnant, Aunt Clara has not allowed her to continue to participate in the battle, and even her usual training is banned, allowing her to support her at home tire.

"It's okay, but it's a pity."

Don Enmo rubbed his chin, but unfortunately the demons had disappeared.

In fact, Tang En was very emotional. In the face of such a fierce offensive, the soldiers of Illus could persist, and he felt that his reward to those soldiers seemed a little less.

Looking back should give them some rewards.

"You guy really has no conscience!"

Grantia's eyebrows stood upside down: "Are you happy when the devil is under pressure? I don't know how many people will be displaced because of this. How can you as a king be so cruel?"

"Of course not, not because I am too cruel-but because these demons are all living Lei Feng!"

Tang En's words stunned Grantia: "What is Lei Feng?"

"Uh, you can understand it as a good person."

Tang En smiled and said, "Now Prandall is so peaceful everywhere. It is too difficult to find a suitable training place. These constant demons are the best sparring. Anyone who can persist on the Great Rift Battlefield Will become an elite, with very rich combat experience, so that it can be used in future battles against chaos. "

In the past two years, the Great Rift Camp did not know how many elites had been trained for Tang En. Unfortunately, it is completely peaceful here now. It is too difficult to find another training ground.

"Be content."

Aurelia glared at him angrily: "You don't know how many merchants have been affected by the demons here in the Great Rift Camp. The trade route with Taris has been almost completely cut off in recent years. Far away, even the airship route must avoid here, but also be wary to guard against the devil leaving here, to deal with refugees everywhere ... too many things! You are just standing and speaking without back pain. Now The demons have finally disappeared, at least until they reappear, and we can live a more stable life. "

"You are wrong. The unknown is the most terrible."

Tang En shook his head: "It's the most annoying thing if they don't show up. According to Saratimore, this is probably the peace before the storm."

He then called the driver: "Keep moving at the current speed."

The airship continued, while Down and the others stood on the deck and looked down, and he was ascertaining whether Orbury's information was true.

After flying all the way over the Great Rift Valley, Tang En finally determined that the demon had really disappeared.

Not only disappeared, but even traces of destruction were not left, as if it had never been.

Down said to Grantia, "I have to come back to you to help restore the vegetation here."

Grantia pouted, "What about salary?"

"I give you a bonus ..."

"It's pretty much the same."

Seeing her proud look, Tang En really wanted to stuff her mouth and see if she dare to be so arrogant ...

If it weren't for Aegwin who wanted to come here for fun, Down wouldn't want to find Grantia.

At night, the airship landed on the outskirts of Alcanretia on time. The reason why it did not land on the air tower in the city was not to affect the normal operation of the airship route. It is private, and it is troublesome to stop there without applying for a route in advance.

Let the gnome crew take care of the airship, then Down takes out a big bus, loads Fiona and their party together, and then sails into Alcanretia.

Alcanretia has now become the premier tourist city of Plandal. After Tang En's permission, Aurelia has clearly stipulated that Alcanretia prohibits income city tax-as a tourist city, guests can enter the city before they enter the city. What's wrong with collecting taxes?

Although at the beginning, the city's owners and officials still didn't quite understand why the regulations were introduced, but when they saw more and more people entering the city, after eating and living here, the huge income brought by them was finally convinced. .

This is actually a very simple Internet thinking, using free to lower the barrier to entry to attract popularity, and then convert.

It is just that in the past, the population of Prandall was not so huge, even if the city owners knew the benefits of free entry, they would not do it because the benefits were not equal.

Now it ’s different. The large-scale promotion of two new modes of transportation, such as expressways and magic buses, as well as airships and land-air, has brought huge population movements. Many people are willing to try to travel. Alcan As a city named after a hot spring, Laetia will naturally attract more people.

No need to enter the city tax first caused people's favor. After the arrival of a large number of people, it drove the consumption of the entire city and promoted the prosperity and growth of the market.

As soon as the magic bus entered Alcanretia, the buildings on both sides of the street were covered with banners-welcome to the hot spring capital of Alcanretia!

Fiona couldn't help laughing: "I think now the owner of Preston in Stone City must hate Alcanretia. The original name of the hot springs is another name for Stone City. Canretia took it. "

Aurelia shook her head with a smile: "Strictly speaking, he really shouldn't be jealous of Alcanretia. Preston has mining, metallurgy, and industrial cities. Hot springs are just the icing on the cake. The original title of Alcanretia is different. There is nothing except hot springs here, so we must further strengthen the brand concept. Everyone will think of Alcanretia when they talk about hot springs. "

After a pause, Alleria smiled and said, "In order to further promote the brand effect, it is said that the residents here have begun to change their beliefs and have become Anita Lair, the goddess of water ... Well, the churches over there are Already set up. "

The people in the car looked at her in the past, and found that a brand-new church stands in the northeast. The appearance of the church is full of the characteristics of the ocean, which makes people recognize at first glance that this is the goddess of water, Anita. Lyell's Church.

Tang En was a little speechless: "These guys' brains are turning quite quickly ..."

Fortunately, here is Prendall, the gods do not care about the believers' conversion of beliefs between denominations. If this devious act on the earth alone is Alcanretia, I am afraid it will cause a religious war.


Alcanretia, the capital of the hot spring, suddenly changed her belief and decided to believe in the goddess of water, Anita Lair. Why does Tang En feel strange ... Is it because the name of the goddess of happiness is not Akua?

The bus parked outside a very luxurious hotel, still the hot spring hotel called Florily Springs, but there was no small change from the last time (chapter 973).

This is because after Solent's return to Illus, Alcanretia's economy has been stimulated to grow substantially. As the most luxurious hotel here, the boss's vision is very spicy, and at a glance, Tang En wants to develop the economy. The idea was that while the Datang Engineering Team was approaching Alcanretia while constructing the highway, it took a decisive opportunity to take a loan from Star Diamond Bank and then took out the savings to hire the construction team of the Datang Civil Construction Chamber of Commerce in one breath The hotel completely overturned the reconstruction and turned it into a huge hotel with more than 500 luxurious rooms and ten rebuilt independent courtyards.

After entering the hotel, Tang En was amazed. Although this hotel still uses the name of Florentine Tirta, it has almost nothing to do with it before and can be regarded as a brand new.

This boss has a good business outlook.

Tang En still contracted the entire courtyard, and then he found that the price of the courtyard was more than doubled, and he used more than 20 gold.

"This price is rising a bit faster ..."

After coming to the courtyard, Tang En himself couldn't help but want to vomit: "Although it looks good value for money."

"You haven't looked at how many times people's income has doubled in recent years?"

Fiona rolled her eyes and revisited her place. She is still in a good mood. It would be better if there were not so many people this time.

"This room is mine!"

Fiona directly picked a room, and then gave Tang En a wink secretly. If no one was disturbed this time, would he seize the opportunity?

That look ...

Tang En suddenly became clever, shouldn't he imply himself?

At this time, Aurelia said with a smile: "Then I'll have a room with Fiona. Just the two of us can have a good communication."

Gladly, Grandia picked a room and laughed, but she knew what Fiona was thinking.

Down: "..."

Fiona: "..."

Exchange your sister!

Fiona growled, and now my mother just wants to get straight as soon as possible!

You guys are all intentional, right? ?

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