Things from Another World

Chapter 1243: Is about to expire

In the exclusive hot spring in the yard, the mist is diffused, and a wonderful sulphur smell is floating in the air.

The hot weather was hotter and hotter around the hot spring pool.

"If it makes sense, it's really a crime in the hot spring in summer."

Tang En sighed. He was in the huge hot spring pool, which seemed very cool, but actually he was very lonely ...

No way, they have already allocated the time for soaking in the hot springs. Since they are accompanied by girls, he can only be in front.

He doesn't have any special hobby, drinking beautiful bath water or something is too heavy.

"It would be much more comfortable in winter if you enjoy the snow while enjoying the hot spring."

Tang En glanced at the night sky, the dazzling starry sky still flickered, and he could not see the crisis hidden in the depths of the universe.

According to the current situation, the space structure has become more fragile. I am afraid that the army of chaos will not appear too late. How long is it left for him? ten years? Twenty years?

He was not sure.

During this time, he was not sure what level Prandall's military technology could improve.

If the computer technology of the prehistoric civilization can crack the technology of the prehistoric civilization, the magical reforming technology of Prandall may usher in a rapid improvement.

But now, they still can only take steady steps, slowly.

When he went on vacation, Tang En had met with Croto, and Eve's database of prehistoric civilization had already been established by one third, and this progress was still slow.

Tang En now hopes to discover some key technology nodes-technology has never progressed little by little, and every major technological advancement has been achieved with some key technological breakthroughs.

Among the technologies of prehistoric civilization, what Tang En cares about most is related technologies such as energy, materials, computers, and aviation.

If these technologies can be successfully analyzed, Prandall can enter the space age in an instant-bombing the Chaos Legion with a satellite orbit gun, etc., the best!

"Big Brother-dear!"

Tang En, who was in a daze, suddenly heard a cheer, and then he heard a "thump". The water splashed, and the slick Ilya hesitantly swam over, and went straight into Tang En's arms: "So hot— — Uh, what is this? Is it ... "

"Don't move-don't touch-don't talk-"

Tang En moved his body a little unnaturally, and then whispered, "Why are you coming in now? You should be with your sister Fiona."

If the current picture is seen by Fiona, the fun will be great-although Tang En thinks it's nothing, after all, Elijah is still a small child, but don't forget to talk about it because of Brian's big mouth For some reason, Ellington has been rumoring something. In addition to the title of "wife killer", he now also has the title of "lo*ic*n".

Taking a hot spring with Ilia? Will it be so simple? Even if it were that simple, would people think so? Nope!

People will only believe what they are willing to believe, and only discuss what they like!

"Just don't!"

Ilia slaps the water and said, "Sister Fiona's **** are too illegal. Being with her is very stressful-even Vinet prefers to **** her breasts!"

Winnet also ... wait, what have you done to her! ?

Tang En was stunned, feeling as if he knew something extraordinary.

Ilia looked down at her slightly bulging xiaolongbao, and pursed her lips: "I don't know how long I can grow up here, if I grow up like Sister Grantia or Sister Egwin Now. "

Down: "..."

Watch out for your sisters Grantia and Egwin crying for you!

They really cry!

"Mom mom dad dad—"

With the clear and cheerful shout of Winnett, a rush of tapping came, followed by a small figure rushing in. After looking for a moment in the mist, the little head brightened and cheered. After coming over, I jumped directly into the hot spring water.

It's Winnett!

Tang En's face changed slightly, and then he was relieved. Fortunately, it was Weinet ...

He hurried over, grabbed the little devil and hugged him in his arms: "How come you jumped in so hot!"

"Giggle ..."

Winnet didn't care about the temperature of the hot spring at all, and giggled in Tang En's arms, his little hand stroking his face.

When Tang En patted her head, she really wanted to care about it, but she was also a devil angel anyway, how could she be afraid of this temperature ...

But ... what's worse now is myself!

Tang En was sweating coldly on his head. I don't know why. He always felt that the situation was a little bad, as if he had fallen into a subtle scene that couldn't be avoided ...

Maybe I just think about it myself ...

Tang En comforted himself, trying to calm himself down. He glanced at Vinette who had grown up a circle, and suddenly thought that Elijah was 15 years old this year!

Before he knew it, he had been in Plantar for more than three years. At the beginning, Little Loli had almost become a slim girl.

Obviously, she feels that she is just a very sticky twelve-year-old little loli. She hasn't even entered the rebellious period of youth. As a result, she is now a mother ... This situation is not because little loli is about to expire, but Direct deterioration.

But when she grows up, it means that her seal is sealed in her soul. The part of Ms. Zhe's memory should have started to wake up slowly, right? Maybe I should ask Ilia if there are any special signs lately.

Tang En strives to focus her eyes on Elijah's eyes, not elsewhere: "Ilia, has the older sister in your body said something to you recently?"

"You say big sister?"

Ilia tried to grab her and wash her face, and said casually: "She has always taught me some casting skills in my dreams and also told me some particularly complicated patterns ... Well, like you said before God-runes are the same. "

Divine Rune! ?

Tang En's heart stunned and his expression became much more serious. As soon as he was about to ask Elijah, he listened to Elijah and continued to say, "And there are, and ah, I have dreamed about something weird lately, And I often think of strange things during the day ... "

strange things?

Elijah's eyes were a little confused: "I obviously haven't experienced those things, but when I recall, I always feel like I have experienced them myself ..."

Down: "..."

The memory of Ms. E'er ’s seal has begun to be released, and I do n’t know if she will be so innocent and cute now that her memory is fully awakened?

It should be impossible ... After all, Elias only represents the state of Ms. Ea in her childhood. Once the memory is completely released, Elia's mind will immediately return to adulthood, that is, Ms. Ea.

Ilia, the goddess, is still unknown whether she will stay with Tang En, he thinks these are too early.

"Nah ... brother ..."

Elijah suddenly murmured, "Will Elijah become someone else?"


Tang En smiled barely and touched her head: "No, don't worry."

On earth, whoever decides "me" or "me" is always debated. Some scholars believe that it is memory that determines the reason why a person is himself. When memory changes, then the so-called "self" "It changed.

They take some people who have amnesia as examples. Some people have lived for a long time after having amnesia. When they have a chance to retrieve their memories, they hesitate, hesitate, and even some people give up because they cannot accept that they are actually another person. , Can not accept his identity change, would rather give up those memories.

Some scholars believe that it is not the memory that determines the ego, but the consciousness that belongs to the "self." Although the memory has changed, but the underlying consciousness has not changed, then the "I" is still "I", but it is only identity. A different "me".

The former is the argument of materialist scientists. They generally believe that consciousness is actually a complex memory, while the latter is a religious idealist-led idealist group. The "consciousness" in their eyes is the soul.

But on earth, the existence of a soul has always been a mystery, so neither of these two claims can convince anyone.

But in Prandall, there is no such dispute, because the soul does exist, and the memory is attached to the soul, the soul is unchanged, and no matter how the memory of a person changes, he still remains himself.

That is to say, although Ms. Er's memory may be released, her personality may change drastically, but she is still Elia, or she is still Ms. Eher.


Elijah closed her eyes, and Tang En's comfort finally seemed to reassure her.

At this time, Fiona was stunning outside the hot spring pool. Although she had made up her mind to take advantage of this precious opportunity to break through the boundaries in one fell swoop and straighten straight, but when she came outside the hot spring, she was nervous again.

What if she was seen when she went in?

What if someone comes here when they're hmmmm? ?

just in case……

This is not a private occasion, there are too many accidents, so Fiona is so stingy.

But at this moment, Fiona suddenly heard the sound of footsteps, her scalp tightened, she hid in the utility room next to it, and opened only one door slit to look outside.

A figure came over from the corner, and after glancing around in secret, suddenly opened the door and went into the hot spring yard ...

hiss! How is she! ?

Fiona suddenly took a breather. What was she trying to do! ?

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