Things from Another World

Chapter 1245: Messy relationship

Purgatory Abyss.

Saratimore squatted in front of a throne with a burning fire. A huge and majestic figure sat on it. Its body was up to 100 meters high, and its muscles were as strong as those made of steel. The horns on it are decorated with the head of the devil, which adds a bit of scent to it. The huge bone wings are gathered behind and gently swayed, and every time there is a crisp clanging sound-that is the bone The bone spurs on the wings collided with each other and set off circles of magic ripples ...

It is the only king of the devil family of purgatory abyss, and the leader of this world-the demon king Balmotos.

On both sides of the throne are twelve Devil Dukes with different looks. There are Demon, Saw Blade Demon, Dire Horn Demon, Ice Demon, Skeleton Demon, Spike Demon, Bone Demon, Deep Prison Demon, etc ... … And Saratimore is the devil lord of the hellcats. She represents the hellcats and acts as Gorglius, the Duke of Deep Hell.

Before, it had got Gorlios' permission to go to Plantar to investigate the situation. The result is gone forever, and it has not returned until now. As soon as it returns, it is so important. News ...

Gorius heard the news about the angel Winnet. This cruel man who likes to burn the enemy with flames was also aggressive. He said, without a word, he brought Saratimore to the boss of the devil family, please. Guy got the idea.

At this moment, the devil's big brother Balmotos' eyes closed, it seemed to be thinking about something, and Saratimore, who had finished reporting the situation, could only squat and wait quietly.

After a long time, Balmotos finally opened his eyes, and a scarlet light flashed through the scarlet eyes: "Are you sure your news is true?"


Saratimore said very surely: "That Down is the messenger of the gods, and he will never make a mistake."

More importantly, there are now two goddesses known in Ellington.

One was the dark girl Otinia who came with complete consciousness, but was enslaved by the dark snake before her power was restored, and was later rescued by Tang En.

The other is the goddess who has not yet fully awakened and has been reborn after blocking her memory and power. According to the information so far known, the essence of this goddess should be the lady who can't even mention her name.

Knowing that Ellington had this strength, how could Saratimore dare to betray Down?

When thinking of this, Saratimore could not help but take a nap. Before Ellington, there were many news that some invaders died on the road somehow. Perhaps this was because of the magical power released by Elijah. For sake ...

As soon as it was about to speak, Balmetos closed his eyes again, and after a moment of contemplation, he said, "I recalled it carefully, and then I was pretty sure I never received the message from my Lord. This so-called from me The angel of the Lord ... authenticity is open to question, but ... "

It suddenly showed a meaningful smile: "We can invite the angel of the gods to bring my angel as a guest here ... You said that my angel has not yet restored her memory, but after she came here, Maybe you can quickly retrieve your memory. "

As soon as Saratimore stunned, he heard Balmetos say, "It's so decided. If you go back and invite them, say the Lord of Purgatory, and the demon Lord Balmetos invites them to come here as guests."



The sudden situation in the yard made Fiona and Aurelia soaked in the doorway.

Especially Fiona, are they just in the courtyard?

Even if Nal Haksha goes in and wants to push back Down, it's impossible to make such a big noise?

But what is going on now? Even the house almost collapsed! What gameplay would be so intense asshole!

"Nar, you shameless! Quickly let me go!"

Fiona suddenly heard a familiar voice, her face could not help changing: Murphy! How could she be found out! ?

Aurelia didn't know what Fiona was worried about. After hearing the voice behind her, she opened the door and rushed in without saying a word, and then she covered her mouth. Nal Haksha and Tang En-to be precise, Nal Haksha forcibly hugged Tang En, and their posture was quite delicate ...

And the anger in the air next to it was Elsa's mother, Murphy Haksha, but now Murphy's body has been replaced with a body of a young Aujin machine dragon, so it looks less domineering and more Funny and cute.

However ... no matter how funny and cute, there is also a very powerful soul of the black dragon!

With just a roar, the whole hot spring was blown up—fortunately, Elijah and Winette were not ordinary people, or they would have to be unlucky this time.

"Sizzling ..."

Nal Haksha finally let go of Xiao Tang, then glanced at Murphy Haksha, and said with a smile: "What qualifications do you have to order me?"

Murphy Haksha is speechless, indeed, what qualifications does she have for commanding Nal Haksha? After all, Nal Haksha didn't hit her husband, Tather Haklo-wait! ?

Murphy Haksha said very seriously: "He is Elro's husband, how can you touch her husband !?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a very bright smile on Nal Haksha's face: "Yeah ... how can other people's husbands mess around, right? That kind of woman must be shameless and shameless ... … Well? Do you think his **** is appropriate? ”

At first Murphy Hakshah also felt that Nal Hakshah made a lot of sense, but why the more he heard it, the more this guy seemed to be pointing at him!

——Did she just rob Tesser Hackero from Nal Hackshaw?

——What I just said is just pulling my face!

Nal Haksha sneered, pulling Tang En, who was trying to escape, into her arms, and then said with confidence: "What's more, he hasn't married Ellu yet. What qualifications do you have to stop me from doing anything with him? "


Murphy Haksha was caught in her own words.

Yeah, she could take Taser Hackero while Taser Hackero was n’t married to Nal Hackshaw, so why could n’t Nal Hackshaw take advantage of Tangn and Elsa How about when you get married?

It doesn't make sense to just let the state official set the fire on fire, and don't let people light up?

"Ahhh ... this doesn't look great ..."

Alleria stunned, "It seems that she has become the sister of her apprentice's daughter. After Elsa's child is born, she will change from her master to her stepmother? In other words, her master Nar will shout Her apprentice ’s daughter is called a sister, and her apprentice who has robbed her fiance has become her sister ’s daughter. Murphy Haksha will call her master and her daughter at the same time. ”

Fiona had a black line: "What a mess you have!"

"I don't understand? Nal Haksha is going to **** Elsa's man, that is, Tang En, in revenge for Murphy Haksha's hatred of the man!"

Alleria stared at the light of Tang En with a playful look: "I'm afraid this guy didn't think he would call it Nal Haksha's revenge tool?"


Fiona walked over and moved Aurelia's head back, saying very seriously: "As a daughter, shouldn't you stare at his body!"

Alleria stunned, then blushed, and smiled deliberately, "What are you talking about, I haven't seen anything, I don't care!"

You don't care what I care!

Fiona whispered something in her heart, and then her eyes fell on Murphy Haksha. What would she do now? In terms of strength, both her and Taser's bodies have been replaced with Aujin's young dragon's body, and they can not exert their full strength at all, and Taser does not know if he is worried about colliding with Nal Haksha, so he does not show up at all.

Only Murphy Haksha herself was too reluctant to fight Nal Haksha.

Of course, Fiona knew that they must not be able to fight, Fiona was just concerned about the final result-if Murphy Hackshaw stepped back, it is likely that Tang En would have a terrible juicer beside him. The physical strength of the female dragons is stronger than that of Lola Isari.

The thought of Tang En fleeing the night before, Fiona couldn't help but laugh — yes, either jealous, or simply laughing.

Which male can surround so many beautiful beauties, I'm afraid they will wake up laughing when they dream, but Tang En alone, but the whole person squeezed by these beauties every day is not good.

Perhaps this is also a good thing.

Fiona thought, at least now with the existence of the Juicing Ji, Tang En would not dare to provoke the mad bees and butterflies, and she could feel a lot of peace-at least these Juicing Ji are all strong While squeezing Tang En, he will also help Tang En do a lot of things.

"Nothing to say?"

Nar Haksha looked at Murphy Haksha proudly: "Since there is nothing to say, hurry up and don't delay my precious time! Don't forget, I am now shouldering the important mission of continuing the future of the Dragons Then! "


Murphy Haksha was speechless. Indeed, as Nar Haksha said, the dragon king Sasha Glott had previously hinted at her, and if she had the opportunity, she would win Tang En, as a messenger of the gods. The blood of the body must be different from ordinary people, and there are absolutely only advantages and no disadvantages.

Wouldn't it be against Dragon King Sashaglot if she insisted on stopping Nar Haksha?

hateful! It's so awful!

Murphy Haksha flutters her wings in anger, her eyes are full of red light, and Nal Haksha is too picky of time and opportunity. This is a bright and conspiracy, and she can't even stop it!

Thinking of this, Murphy Haksha could only grit her teeth, as she did not see these two shameful ****, fluttered back to the room with wings.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ..."

When Nar Haksha saw Murphy Haksha had retreated, she suddenly laughed wildly, it was not easy! It's really not easy! She even had the opportunity to make Murphy Haksha eat!

But finally I can slowly enjoy this delicious fruit!


Just as Nal Haksha was preparing to taste the delicious food, it unexpectedly reappeared ...

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