Things from Another World

Chapter 1246: What are you doing to Ben Meow! ?

Chapter 1248

The dark portal suddenly appeared beside Tang En, and Nal Hakshah took a moment's notice, then smelled a very pungent sulphur smell.

Through the portal, you can see twisted fire, thick black smoke, and broken mountains and earth ...

Smelling such an intolerable breath, Nal Haksha immediately raised her vigilance, but the next moment, a familiar figure emerged from the portal.



As soon as Saratimore stepped out of the portal, they saw the two men in weird postures. After subconsciously turning around Tang En, he slammed his mouth and asked curiously, "What are you doing? ? Are you planning to have children in a large court? "

"Make a child !?"

The following Elijah's eyes brightened, and then looked at Tang En eagerly: "Tell me how to make it !? I will have a baby!"

Down: "..."

Saratimore: "..."

"Don't make any noise ... Keke! Naar, can we stop for a while?"

Tang En coughed and said solemnly: "I asked Saratimore to go back to the purgatory abyss to investigate the news. It must be very important to say that it came back this time ..."

Nalhaksa smiled brightly: "It doesn't matter, you lie down and listen to it to report the situation. I'll do it myself. You're welcome."


The ghost is polite to you!

Do you think that I am the kind of person who discusses the business at the same time! ?

"It's okay, you take your time, I'm not in a hurry."

What caused Tang En's collapse was that Saratimore was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and stood beside him to start a side view.

Rather than say it's not in a hurry, it's better to say that it's just interested in what Tang En does, so I want to take a look.

Just as Nal Hakshah was gearing up to prepare Tang En right on the spot, Murphy Hakshah, who had returned to the room, finally brought in the soldiers. Elsa, who had a big belly, came to the yard. There was a group of people standing there, especially Tang En, who was all naked, and she was also a little dazed: "What's the situation? Isn't it OK that the lady is behind?"

"Daughter! That's her! Your aunt Narkhaksa! This cheap and shameless female dragon wants to grab you a man!"

Murphy Haksha himself said, but Nal, simply called his daughter over, didn't she all say that the pregnant woman was old? She wanted to see, in the presence of Elsa, Nal was embarrassed to grab a man with her!

Elsa blinked, a little wrong: "Aunt Nal ... grab a man with me?"

Obviously, the little girl didn't understand the situation herself, but if you look closely, the naked body and the naked side of Tang En are there, isn't it the aunt Nal Haksha?

Could it be that even Aunt Nal Haksha fell in love with Down?

She was obviously mistaken. Nal Haksha didn't like Tang En. She just wanted Tang En, and that's it.

"Aunt Nal Haksha ..."

"Don't call me aunt."

Nal Haksha looked at Elsa with a strange look: "From today, you will call me Nal Haksha, do you know?"


"Don't promise her!"

Murphy Haksha was anxious, although now renamed Nal Haksha's generation is directly younger, but soon after the child in Elsa's belly is born, the relationship between them will be completely chaotic!

"Can't help you!"

Nal Haksha didn't want to continue to linger on, and she was pulling Tan to plan to flash people, find a quiet place and then slowly enjoy the process?

"Noisy, quiet."

It's a pity that at this time the uproaring backyard finally alarmed a person who shouldn't be alarmed ... Nar Haksha's dream was directly broken.

Otinija was just a simple sentence, and Nal Haksha snorted immediately, and then tightened her body, and Tang En took the opportunity to summon the goddess of eternal darkness and hung her Next to the tree.

Nal Haksha was struggling to get rid of the **** and glared at Tang En, but Tang En didn't even touch her at this moment, this woman ... No, the female dragon was so terrible that he couldn't even fight it.


Saratimore blinked. She hadn't seen it yet. Why was it over? Shouldn't it be a panic war? It's done after hanging up?

"Come with me, let's discuss business."

Tang En wrapped up in a blanket, and with the attention of a group of beautiful women, embarrassed into the room next to him. Saratimore followed in elegant steps, and then saw the round light Fart. The stock is running towards its face.


Saratimore jumped up in shock, "What are you doing to Ben Meow?"

"What does the devil say?"

Tang En glanced at it blankly: "I just changed my clothes ... Your eyes were so wide just now that you didn't see anything, you are pretending to be something."

Correction, affectionate! ?

Saratimore's eyes widened. It had never seen a joke before. The gangster scolded the other man's puppet ...

Tang En poured himself a cup of tea and found that Saratimore stared at himself. After thinking about it, he poured another cup of tea before sitting down in front of him. How's it going?"

Tang En's main concern is the movement of the devil.

After Saratimore stayed for a while, she lowered her head for a sip of tea before saying, "The situation is strange now."


"Yes, the demon's defense is shrinking. This is something that hasn't happened in the past 10,000 years. None of our demon kings, including the twelve devil grandfathers, have analyzed what they want to do. Conspiracy and deceit are our old school OK, the devil can't hide what we want, but this time their actions are very different from usual. "

After a pause, Saratimore continued: "My top boss, the leader of the abyssal refining tribe, Gorgius the Grand Duke speculated that they might want to accumulate power, and then for us-or you, Launch an assault-this is what the demons do most often. "


Tang En frowned slightly. If the demon really launched a storm, I am afraid that with the current military power of Prandall, he may not be able to stop it. I am afraid that the devil must support it.

-Or go directly to the abyss of Purgatory to initiate an offensive and destroy the demon's plan from the beginning.


Go to Purgatory Abyss to launch an active attack?

Tang En's brows froze, this method is not realistic under the current conditions.

First of all, the environment in Purgatory Abyss is extremely harsh. It is located deep underground in Prandall. Due to the huge pressure and the almost confined space, the temperature is very high. The lava in the mantle heats it there like a closed oven, and ordinary people go in. In an instant, it will suffocate due to high temperature.

When the gold-level apocalypse arrived there, I am afraid that he can only persist for a moment. If he wants to obtain normal activities, at least he must be a master.

But ... how many master-level apocalypse Tang En can mobilize now? I'm afraid that's less than a thousand people, right? This force formed a unit to go to the abyss of purgatory to fight the demons?

I'm afraid even appetizers aren't enough, and it doesn't make sense to go there.

Unless, the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute, the environmental adaptive loop device inside the Magic Energy armor can be successfully developed and transferred to all armors, so that human beings can have the qualifications to enter the Purgatory Abyss in large quantities.

Now ...

Tang En said: "Why don't you take the opportunity to launch a raid on demons? This is a rare opportunity."

Saratimore smiled strangely: "His Majesty Don, I can see at a glance what you are thinking. You are worried that the devil will be attracted by Winnett and will launch an excessive attack on human beings, and human beings now have no ability to resist Demon attacks, so want us to attack to disrupt the devil's plan? "

Tang En touched his nose and didn't speak.

"It's a pity that we also want to rest. The devil's contraction of this line of defense just gives us a chance to relax. Everyone knows not to push ourselves too hard. You know that it's not good to press too tight or too loose, right? We certainly know. "

Down: "..."

Why does it always feel weird?

"But ..."

When Tang En felt hopeless, Saratimore smiled slyly, saying, "There is such an opportunity before you ... Your Majesty Tang En, as a representative of humanity, can seize this opportunity. It all depends on whether you have the courage. "

Tang En raised an eyebrow: "Don't talk nonsense, talk straight."

"I have told our king, the great Purgatory Lord, the demon king Balmotos about the angel Winnett, but our king said that he did not receive the message of our Lord, and he did not know Winnett. Special things, so he made an invitation. "

Saratimore looked straight at Tang En: "The devil invites you to take our angels to the abyss of purgatory."

Going to Purgatory?

Tang En is a little surprised, but think carefully, this invitation is reasonable, the devil does not know about Vinet, but his identity will not be fake, and Otonia has no reason to lie, so there must be something in it Unknown secrets, maybe the devil also wants to know what kind of news the angels have brought to their devil family ...

"Such a rare invitation, of course I am willing."

Tang En himself is a daring artist. He is not afraid of the trap of the devil. He also wants to see this amazing demon king.

"The reason Angel Winnett didn't recall her mission was probably because she didn't touch the environment of Purgatory Abyss, so if you bring her this time, maybe she can take this opportunity to find memories and grow up quickly Now. "

Saratimore smiled brightly: "If possible, let's go with her."

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