Things from Another World

Chapter 1250: Unknown malicious

Did you remember that Tang En has a plan to entertain and save the world?

He apparently did not expect that his plan to entertain and save the world had not yet started, but the devil gave him an opportunity instead.

What the devil lacks is spiritual entertainment. Here in the abyss of purgatory, the battle on the **** battlefield has never subsided. Here is a furnace of flesh and blood. The nerves of each devil and demon are in a tense state. In this state, there are no days for battle. It's a pretty rare break, not to mention going to Prandall for a holiday.

Therefore, extracting the memory crystal from the souls sacrificed by those devotees, and then experiencing the life of humans firsthand is their only recreational activity.

It is precisely because of this ability of the devil that the devil is equivalent to having experienced countless lives, and the grasp of human nature can be so precise.

So, in this case, how should Tang En discuss cooperation with them?

Tang En smiled and smiled happily: "You need souls because you have no way to leave the **** battlefield and escape from the fighting environment to entertain, not because you need to devour your soul to grow yourself, right?"

A group of Duke Duke couldn't help rolling his eyes, the guy said it was nonsense-the soul of the deceased belongs to the **** of death Gritters, who would dare to touch the authority of the **** of death? Consume the soul? How dare you do this, you will be caught by the God of Death in a matter of minutes!

In history, only demons and some crazy necromancers dared to do this. None of these guys died.

Even if it is the soul sacrificed by the believers, the devil will let the soul return to the kingdom of death after extracting the crystals of memory. Only those souls who voluntarily stay in the abyss will be accepted by them, but how many souls are willing to stay in the abyss ? After all, it is rumored that the devil feeds on the human soul.

Tang En continued: "Strictly speaking, you need human souls for entertainment, right?"

When Dean said this, some devil nodded involuntarily.

Tang En finally stated his intention: "Then, if I can provide you with a wealth of entertainment, even more rich than those people who experience life, will our negotiations be established?"

Now Prandall's entertainment industry is quite developed. The comics industry alone covers readers of all ages from children to adults. The animation industry is also booming. The TV drama industry has also begun to become industrialized. Movies are being prepared. in……

Under the guidance of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, many chambers of commerce that do not have the ability to do physical trade have begun to transform. They have hired a large number of painters and bards. These people were originally very downcast in Plantand, but only for people. Portraits or jokes in pubs. Now they are hired, they can get a stable income, and of course they are very dedicated.

After a simple observation and study, they immediately began to imitate the hands, and they have drawn various legends of Prandall into comic books, and then took them to the printing agency after reviewing by the cultural management departments of various cities. Print publishing ...

This new form of art has set off a wave of enthusiasm among the civilians in Plantar, and people are happy to take out a book to read and study outside of work.

Although the level of comics and novels produced by the Chamber of Commerce is far less than that of the Datang Chamber of Commerce directed by Tang En himself, they are rich in ideas and completely free from the restraint of inherent thinking modes. Can also produce some works that make people stand out ...

These cultural products can be said to be one of the best pastimes and entertainment methods, and can be copied in large quantities without fear of consumption. To exaggerate, Tang En can even do a reader survey among the devil and then order Some publishers will customize some comics, novels, animations, TV series and other products specifically for the taste of the devil. This kind of customized product for readers will definitely satisfy the devil's preferences.

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Olodurum, the duke of the Frozen Devil shrouded in coldness, laughed: "What other entertainment is there in the human world besides the little girls who are singing and jumping? Do n’t tell me what you said These are the bards ... The only interesting thing is probably the Kent card. Unfortunately, in the abyss of Purgatory we ca n’t buy card bags, which is boring. Sometimes we all want to get the magician who invented the game We make card packs. "

"So, your news has been lagging too long ..."

Tang En's face was full of scorn, and his eyes were almost like looking at the soil, the naked disdain of Wang was undisguised: "Do you know how lively Plantar is now? Have you heard of TV anime comic novels? "Quent is very interesting, but have you ever played poker Mahjong? Do you guys know what is a fun game?"

A series of terms that I haven't heard have made the devil and the duke around them all aggressive.

Then Tang En directly took out a projection crystal used by the Datang Chamber of Commerce to promote the presentation, and shot it on the table, and the gorgeous opening animation appeared in front of them.

"Innovation changes the world, science changes life, Datang Chamber of Commerce, your best friend ..."

A group of mighty devil dukes stared at the projection crystal. Of course, they knew what the projection crystal was, but what was taken in it?

What is a TV Animated Comic?

What is Mahjong snooker? !!

The bath looks very interesting!

These powers are extremely powerful, but the prince of the devil, who is extremely empty in spiritual life, has really become a soil lord who has never seen the world.

Tang En looked scornfully at the earthworms and finished reading the contents of the projection crystal, and then he continued to say: "See? With my cooperation, we can provide you with a lot of entertainment facilities. Compared with you, I can spend my life much stronger in human memories. "


Zakund Kandahl, the Grand Duke of Spiked Demons, said, "Boss, this sounds like a good situation ..."

Balmotos, the demon king, looked at it coldly, and then said with a sneer: "King of mankind, you plan well. As long as you provide something that is not worth mentioning, you want us to kill you."

Balmotos is very clear that human power is not worth mentioning compared to the devil, which means that uniting with humans to fight against the devil, the main force can only be the devil, human? If you die, you can only shout 666 beside it, which is not useful.

"This word is bad."

Tang En shook his tail and shook his head and said, "Even if we humans do not participate in the war, you still have to fight against the devil. For so many years, you are evenly matched. Now, although we humans are not strong, if we join the battle and stand on the devil This side is enough to increase your chances of winning. "

"We are your last hope for defeating the devil."

Down looked at the demon King Balmetos: "So now, would you like to cooperate with us?"

"... Your Majesty, we should probably ..."

The demon leader, Grand Duchess Hilofria, was just noticed by Tang when he was about to say, and he said casually: "Yes, there are many very exciting and tempting adults in the entertainment content we provide. magazine……"

Hilofria said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, I think the King of Humans makes a lot of sense. Although human power is really not worth mentioning, anyway, it can be regarded as a support army. If we can cooperate, it will be for us. Smashing demons can also help. "


Balmotos thought with his eyes closed, as Tangen said, no matter whether mankind fights with the devil, the devil and the devil will not cease the war. Human beings are not so powerful, but one more force is always good ,the most important is……

Balmetos' eyes opened a gap slightly, quietly watching Winnet running around in the palm of Don, the messenger of Apophis, the **** of darkness ...

Winnet, who was playing in Down's huge claws, suddenly looked up and looked at Balmetos in the distance. After a moment, she showed a silly smile.


Balmotos snorted and said, "King of man, I must admit that you convinced me. You are very reasonable. Without humans, we cannot lose, but with humans, we are likely to It will win. In that case, let's talk about the details of the cooperation. "

Get it.

Tang En smiled, and the cooperation with Balmetos may not be too enjoyable, but at least he could gain precious time for the human being from the hands of the devil. Suppress the demons, and go all out to resolve the instability of the entire Prandall.


Is there an illusion of doubt in the eyes of Tang En, who is discussing the details of the cooperation with Balmotos? It always felt that the demon king was secretly looking at Winnett every thirty-five minutes, and that look ... faintly with some malice.

Could it be ...

Tang En stared at Balmotos with a playful look. This guy did not recognize that Vinnet was an angel, but was he lying?

In other words, he actually knew that Winnett was an angel, but he was unwilling to admit Winnett's identity only for some purpose or for special reasons?

If that's the case, things would be interesting ...

Although Tang En thought he might have found something intriguing, what should be discussed with Balmotos is still to be discussed with it, and the finalized cooperation will not change as a result.

This question can be completely resolved after the devil's crisis is resolved.

Maybe Vinet will surprise him by that time?

While Down was examining the contract with Balmotos, all of a sudden ...

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