Things from Another World

Chapter 1251: Contract of cooperation

Signing a contract with the devil is not as simple as signing a contract with others. The devil is definitely a master of language manipulation, and he must be extremely careful in his words. Any terms will become a cover for their ambush traps.

There are countless summoners in history who have left precious experience for others with their lives and souls. It is almost impossible to try to get along with the devil peacefully. Unless your strength can completely crush the devil and make them unable to resist, Be careful what you say and do.

Because of these rumors, Tang En was very cautious when signing the contract with Balmetos. When the two sides had negotiated the details of the cooperation and established an offensive and defensive alliance, he did not immediately sign his own name, but instead The terms of the contract were examined verbatim.

At this moment, Balmotos gave Hilofria a look, and Hilofria immediately noticed it, and suddenly it sticked up, holding Tang En's long neck affectionately—don't forget, he Now it's giant dragon form-and then smiled and asked, "King of mankind, can you tell me first, what interesting entertainment projects do you have? I especially want to know about the magazines you just mentioned ... eh ... Maybe we can find a place to communicate slowly? "

When Hilofria speaks, the magic in her body has been running quietly, and her body has transformed it into a very special power that can affect a person's situation without being detectable. Desire to turn them into their own captives.

Compared to killing enemies directly, Hilofria prefers to use temptation. Enticement means to let the enemy willingly put into their arms, once they are tempted. Hilophria will use diseases and toxins to Corrupt the enemy's flesh and body and discard the enemy's bones in the swamp.

If the enemy resists her temptation, Hilofria will take a more direct approach, casting a spell to hold the opponent, and then use her whip to launch a fierce flogging-the favorite weapon of the queen of the demon is obviously It is a long whip tanned with demon leather on its waist. Unfortunately, it is not known whether its whip is more powerful or if Tang En's is better.

Of course, to the current devil, Down is not an enemy-now Hiloflia just wants to capture him, and then indirectly control the human kingdom through him.


When Hiloblea tried to interfere with Tang's will, she found that a soft but extremely tough shield protected Tang's will from being affected.

This is impossible!

Hilofria was startled, and the spells used by the devil were different from the spells used by humans in Prandall. They used a higher level, closer to the origin of the spell, that is, more like direct manipulation of magic. To achieve the extent of the phenomenon.

Humans should be unable to resist this effect!


Hiloflia suddenly saw Winnet again.

She ... is laughing at herself! ?

Apparently in the extremely hot abyss of Purgatory, Hilofria felt as if she had been frozen for a moment and had just faded away. The horror of leaping struck again, the kind of total irresistibility, as if all her life had been lost The feeling of grasping really makes it impossible to forget.

"If you are interested, you can go to the human kingdom later, but now I have no time to explain it to you."

It seemed that Tang En hadn't noticed the temptations of Hilofria. There was no distraction at all. All the attention was focused on the terms of the contract. Therefore, Balmotos, the devil, frowned.

Because it hides several traps in the contract, after meeting the conditions, the devil can arbitrarily dispose of Tang En or other human beings without being bound by the contract.

Although the conditions are relatively harsh, for the devil, there are only two concepts with or without, as long as there are conditions for realization, no matter how harsh it is.

Tang En, who was examining the contract, suddenly frowned, pointing to one of the clauses: "Humans must not refuse the devil's help, and this clause can be cancelled, or changed to the devil cannot refuse the human's help."

Balmetos said very calmly: "Don't you think it's very unfair? Why don't we both refuse to refuse each other's request for help?"

"It sounds reasonable."

Before waiting for Balmotos to laugh, Tang continued: "But I really can't think of anything other than a hungry hungry man who needs food and wants to make humans into food. The devil will actively ask for human help. "

The smile was frozen on Balmetos' face: "Oh!"

"And this one, during the cooperation, the devil can promote the contract of summoning the devil to humans ..."

"This ..."

After careful inspection by Tang En, in a short contract, there were more than a dozen traps, large and small, all of which could be transformed into the devil's weapon against human beings at a critical time.

After picking out all the traps, Tang En checked again, and after making sure there were no problems, he solemnly handed over the contract to Balmotos and let it sign his own name.

When Balmotos was about to sign his own name, smiley Tang En stopped it and said, "Please sign the name in Abyss and Rune respectively, thank you for your cooperation."

"whispering sound!"

Balmotos cursed again, but did not expect that the idea of ​​using signatures for hands and feet had been implemented before they were discovered.

Is this guy prepared already? How else could he be so familiar with the devil's technique?

After signing his own name swiftly, Balmotos saw Tang En sign his name smartly, and then the contract turned into two beams and penetrated into both of them-they were completely Ability to be qualified to represent their respective camps.

This contract is binding on both sides. Of course, the main purpose is to restrain the devil. After all, in terms of strength alone, the power of the devil is far more than that of humans. It is not easy for humans to bully the devil.

Gene and Angus, who represent the best fighting power of human beings, are just barely able to compete with these devil grand dukes. If it is Balmotos' shot, they will only have a dead end.

It seems that the entire Prandall is weaker than humans. It seems that only gnomes and goblins are available. But gnomes and goblins are also races opened by the gods. The brain is extremely developed. Various auxiliary equipment can also abuse humans ...

Think about it this way, it is really thanks to the special care of the gods that humans can survive in Prandall ...

"Very well, in order to wish us a happy cooperation, I will invite you to taste the human food ..."

Speaking of this, Tang En paused suddenly, holding around these guys who were more than ten meters and dozens of meters tall, and said, "But I did n’t bring so much food with me, so I'm bothering you to shrink it down. Now, if you want to have a good time, I will prepare it for you later. "

Balmotos was the first to change form, and soon he became as big as an ordinary human. Subsequently, the other Duke Devil also changed the form, and changed into a human-like appearance, and Tang En lifted it. After the giant dragon incarnation, a group of people surrounded the center of Balmetos's table.

As Tang En fetched food outside, he looked at them. At this moment, their images are completely different from before. Tang En thinks that this may be the signature image they used to walk the rivers and lakes. After all, they want to seduce. Good selling is still necessary.

The food that Tang En brought with him was made by those chefs he had personally cultivated in Lord Ellington's House, and some of them were cooked by himself, which is very different from Prendall's current food, which of course caused these A scramble for the devil.

However, after eating the food brought by Tang En, these devil princes, the resistance to cooperating with human beings in his heart has disappeared. Besides, being able to eat these foods every day is enough.

These guys have stayed in the abyss for such a long time, and their hair has grown ...

"Saratymore! How dare you rob me--damn it! Gorreus! I saw the sweet and sour loin first!"

"Damn! Who dare to grab this plate of garlic ribs with me, I'll kill it!"


"Damn! How long is this guy going?"

Nal Haksha ruffled around the room in a fretful manner, staring at his good deeds, but then the abhorrent Saratimore suddenly appeared, destroying his good deeds!

In the future, if you have a chance, you must find it and calculate it!

"Be patient, this is the business."

Fiona can't help but, this time she thinks that Saratimore is doing very beautifully. She can't stop Nalhaxa from pushing back Down, but Saratimore has inadvertently turned yellow. You ca n’t say anything. Right?

And depending on this situation, I am afraid that Tang En will start to be busy again. For the time being, I don't need to worry that Nal Haksha will have a chance to attack Tang En.

"I always feel that the demon suddenly disappeared because of some conspiracy ..."

Alleria frowned, "Maybe we should prepare in advance, in case they suddenly come back, we are in danger."

Fiona hadn't spoken yet, and Tang En, who was holding Winnett, suddenly appeared among the crowd. He said, "Aurelia is right, we should prepare in advance."

Fiona was startled. "What's going on? What's the news?"

Tang En said in a deep voice: "In the abyss of purgatory, the devil shrank the line of defense, and the devil has made the same judgment, but it is currently unknown whether the devil will attack the human kingdom or the devil ..."

Tang En glanced at Winnett and continued: "If Winnett is not as important as we think, they are likely to attack the devil, but if Winnett is more important than we think High words ... "

Tang En's words did not finish, but everyone understood what he meant.

The devil is likely to kill Winnett at all costs!

"I understand!"

Alleria said very solemnly: "When I returned, I immediately ordered to go down, be vigilant, and enter the state of preparation!"

"No rush, this time we have reinforcements."

Tang En smiled and said to Fiona: "What should be done now is actually ..."


Fiona's face was wrong, and she seemed to have a hallucination: "You say it again, let's do our best !?"

"So say ..."

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