Things from Another World

Chapter 1252: Sisters! Come on!

Fiona had serious doubts about a problem with her ears.

At such a tense moment, Tang En even said ... Let the work focus be more inclined to cultural and entertainment, urging Dantrian and Sanye to speed up the publication of comic novels?

How could he be so urging people!

——Don't he know that he was run away because of the last collective night attack, so up to now those elf girls are still angry with him!

More importantly, the war is coming. What should be done is to strengthen the combat effectiveness! ? Suddenly decided to run into the cultural and entertainment industry, what kind of trouble! ?

Isn't this guy going to the abyss of Purgatory and getting his brain poisoned?

"Don't worry, it certainly makes sense for me to do this."

Tang En calmed Fiona's mood: "I'll ask you, how long can we resist if the demon suddenly invades Plantar?"

Fiona raised her eyebrows and said a little persuasively, "Why are you so unconfident? Can't you just defeat them?"

Under the guidance of Tang En, the military strength of the Illus Empire is not as good as it used to be. The combat effectiveness is not a little bit. Even if the demons come, there is no chance of victory?

"It's good to be confident, but it's silly to be blindly confident."

Tang En struck Fiona's forehead: "The devil can fight the devil without falling for so many years, how could it be so easily defeated by us?"

"On the individual strength, the devil crushes us humans and orcs. On the number, the number of demons is not much less than us, which means that if we go to war, we will only fall behind."

"If the fronts are more concentrated, we can still concentrate our efforts to resist, but I am afraid that we can only resist for one year at most. If the fronts are scattered, let alone one year, I am afraid that it will not last even a month."

Tang En's words are not alarmist, but the fact that the power gap between humans and demons is so large.

However, he did not fully tell the truth-if they can resist for a year, they can focus their resources, develop more magical technology weapons, and continuously strengthen their combat effectiveness. In the end, they will even out with the demons. It is not even possible to surpass them. .

It's just that these words are not necessary to tell them now.

Looking down at the shocked crowd, Tang En spread his hands and said, "So we need a strong ally

Alleria took a breather: "Devil !? We're going to ally with the devil !?"


"But, that's the devil! How can we ally with the devil !?"

Even Olina was a little panicked. She was a devout believer. In the Holy Bible, she didn't say bad things about the devil.

Mortals always like to use their own understanding to try to figure out those unknown things, so they come up with so many things that can't be laughed at. For example, God may be just boring, and casually writing and drawing may be that Tsao and his God are not dedicated enough, and then they are seen by believers, and believers may think that their God is dissatisfied with another God, and then maybe Religious wars will break out, and people will not talk about life ...

Therefore, it is a terrible thing to misunderstand, and in the image of Olena, who is familiar with the Bible, the devil is the enemy of human beings, a terrible monster, who deceives and deceives people if they do n’t agree. Soul, etc ...

It's the bad guy among the bad guys.

How can we ally with this guy?

"What about the devil?"

Tang En spread his hand: "The enemy of the enemy is our friend. If we can unite with the devil, we have a shield that can resist the front ..."

Aurelia frowned and said, "But the devil is very cunning, they may not resist honestly in the front, maybe they will be lazy deliberately, deliberately put some demons over and let them kill humans."

Tang En said lightly: "It's not possible, but it will definitely be done."

"Then we still ..."

"A small number of demons are not terrible, and we can solve them by ourselves. I think they will be frightened by our fighting power. And we don't want to treat the devil as a savior. We just need one that can help us share most of the pressure. Allies. "

Tang En smiled and said, "They want to use us to completely defeat the devil, and they want to use the devil to destroy us. We want to use them to contain the devil. It is a relationship that they use each other."

"So, what we have to do now is how to make the devil help us share the pressure as much as possible so that we can gain valuable development time. It happened that I went to the abyss of Purgatory this time and I found some Interesting things that we can take advantage of. "

Fiona had a black line: "Did you say that was the reason for the order you just gave?"

Tang En snapped his fingers: "You guessed it!"

"... Are you kidding me?"

Fiona rubbed her eyes: "Or do you want to learn the businessmen who open up new markets and sell those comics and animations to the blank market on the devil's side?"

"of course not."

Tang En smiled and said, "I'm afraid you still don't know why the devil is so hungry for human souls?"

The girls nodded, and they really didn't know.

So Tang En told them about the devil's use of human souls, and then he continued: "... and then I found out that they don't really need human souls, but just a kind of Give yourself a way to relax between fights. "

"Yes, what they lack is exactly entertainment culture ..."

The answer is astounding, but you can think about it, but it is reasonable.

The devil and the devil are fighting all year round. They are two races born entirely for fighting. Under such circumstances and under such pressure, of course, it is impossible to develop any interesting entertainment culture.

But in the long battle, they will get tired of their current life and long for a new life experience.

So the human soul becomes their best choice.

However, if Tang En can provide a lot of entertainment methods and props no less than the crystallization of memories, it can improve the boring life of the devil now.

Alleria looked stunned: "They really agreed to cooperate with us for such simple reasons?"

"Of course more than that."

Next, Tang En described to them the details of the contract that he discussed with the demon Balmotos. After careful analysis by Fiona and Aurelia, he reluctantly approved the contract signed by Tang En.

"It's okay. Except for the traps you found, no other traps have been found."

Fiona breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "One of the problems now is that we also need to help the devil defeat the devil completely, that is to say, we are completely bound with the devil before the threat of the devil is eliminated. This is not a good thing. "

"It doesn't matter, the point is ..."

Alleria frowned and said, "The devil asks that if the battle is successful, we will set a living area for them in Plantar! How can you agree to such terms !? Due to cooperation against the devil, there may not be a short time What, but after a long time, if the two sides can't successfully integrate together, there must be a big problem. "

Aurelia's worries are also necessary. Two completely different races live in one world. If they cannot be fused together, they will eventually break out because of different habits, worldviews, values, and so on.

Tang En shook his head: "Although your worry is necessary, you have forgotten a very important premise."

Aurelia froze for a moment, remembering it quickly, and then she was silent.

Yes, the premise of the outbreak of conflict is that this world has a future.

Now, they have only been left for about forty years. If the chaos invasion cannot be solved, what future is there to say?

By then, both humans and demons will disappear from this world.


Tang En finally clapped his hands and said, "Don't worry about that much for now. Since it's a vacation, just relax. As for the business, wait until we go back. At least, we don't need to worry about the devil now."

Before Down came back, he had already negotiated with Balmetos. The devil would take the opportunity to launch an active attack on them when the devil contracted the line of defense, and use their counterattack to determine their true goal.

If they fight back directly and fully, then the human kingdom can rest assured for a while.

But if their counterattack is very weak, then the human kingdom must be vigilant, because this is most likely because their main forces have assembled and are ready to attack the human kingdom.

This time, Saratimore didn't follow back, just in time to report to Tang En the progress of Purgatory Abyss.


Although Tang En said very smartly, in fact, after learning the news, in addition to him who was heartless and heartless-there were few people who continued to take a vacation.

While looking forward to Nar Haksha who wanted to continue to overthrow Tang En, she found that this time, Tang En was vigilant and blocked the room directly at night, leaving her no chance.

After just relaxing here for two or three days, everyone directly transmitted back to Ellington. This time, they did not even take the airship, and let the pilot drive back by themselves.

Upon returning to Ellington, Down went to find Sanye and Dantrian.

Sanye looked puzzled: "Drawing a series of comics featuring the devil as the main character, also requires that the protagonist must be strong and consistent with the devil's aesthetics. At the same time, he must not be depressed. Should he meet the needs of the reader?"

Dantrian was a little dazed: "Well? Combining previous creative experience, write a novel with the devil as the main character? Requires refreshment to meet the needs of fragmented reading?"

Tang En: "Yes! This matter is very important! It must be done as soon as possible!"

Sanye looked indifferently: "Of course no problem, but ..."

Dantrian snorted softly, "... but before then, should you compensate us?"

"Compensation, compensation?"


Sanye stood to the left of Tang En: "You are too cunning!"


Daantrian stood to the right of Tang En: "We must compensate for our losses!"

Tang En sweated on his head and slowly stepped back: "I don't know what I did wrong ..."

Tang En, who was receding, suddenly felt that he was embraced by a soft and soft body. He suddenly became stiff, turned his head mechanically, and then saw Elili, who did not know when it appeared, pouting and laughing: My lord ... this time ... you seem to be unable to escape!-Sisters! Come on! "

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