Things from Another World

Chapter 1256: Mercenary Devil

Chapter 1258

Now Rowling, Barrow and Tastro have collected a lot of Warcraft, and they have been adjusted almost. They can basically guarantee security and can be put into use at any time.

However, after Tang En came to the abyss of Purgatory, he suddenly felt that this was not enough.

Yes, as a place to continuously train apocalyptic for Prandall, isn't it just monotonous for Warcraft alone?

How can there be fewer traditional villains in such a place!

The treasure guarded by the devil is the treasure that is really worth capturing!

and so……

"I have a small cooperation request."

Hearing Down's words, Saratimore immediately put aside his face, because it knew that it was the unlucky time for its companions.

Only after watching the opening tens of thousands of words, Gorglius, the Duke of Deep Prison Alchemy, who had been completely conquered by Shuangwen, said decisively: "What cooperation? As long as this Dantrian Tang continues to write down, everything Okay! "

This guy is about to become a brain fan ...

Tang En smiled and said, "It's not a big deal, I just want to recruit some devil employees from Purgatory Abyss."

"You want to hire the devil as an employee?"

Hilofria, the Duke of Devil, looked at Tang En very miserably: "But you know, the more powerful the devil, the more difficult it is to pass through the portal and go to the human kingdom. Even if there are really devil candidates, I am afraid It's just some little devil or bad demon who tries to escape the battlefield, and the little devil is nothing. The bad devil has no wisdom. What's the use? "

Inferior demons have no wisdom and can not resist. They are like the little devil, at the bottom of the devil society, but the little devil has any chance of being promoted upwards-just like Gorlieus, a deep prison refining-and Inferiors are more tragic. They will obey the orders of any higher-level devil, in other words ... in any case, inferiors are cannon fodder.

Tang En smiled slightly: "That's the problem I need to solve."

In Tang En ’s opinion, even the lowest-ranked bad demon has its value—without the slightest sense of self-sense, full compliance with the control of the high-end devil, untiring fatigue, life immortality, and more than work. This is not the most perfect in the eyes of capitalists Staff ... Uh, I mean, the most perfect assembly line robot!

What's even more commendable is that the number of bad monsters is huge and their fertility is extremely strong, so their employment costs are extremely low. If Tang En is to chase profits, all of them will be replaced by bad monster employees, and the existing profit rate can be at least reduced. Add zero!

Of course, the profit now has no meaning to Tang En, who has basically ruled the entire Prandall. It is a feasible solution to use inferiority to supplement the currently insufficient productivity and expand production capacity.

In addition, what Tang En wants to hire now is not a low-level inferior devil or a little devil, but a devil who can act as a big boss.

Unexpectedly, when Hilofalia heard Tang's sentence, her eyes lighted up and she said without hesitation, "I sign up!"

All the Duke Devil next to him are all aggressive, let alone if you can go out, you, a Duke Devil, are going to work in the hands of a human being? Do you still have the dignity of a Grand Duke of Devil! ?

Where do you put our colleagues' faces?

"What to see! Compared with here, those young humans ... Uh, I mean, how fresh the air in the human kingdom is! I am tired of beating and killing here, and I want to take a vacation.

The ghost believes you!

This is the common aspiration of Down and the other Duke Devil.

"Well, I admit, I just want to try the taste of human beings, and by the way, I will share my experience with Master Black Dragon Tintin."

Hilofria turned to Tang En: "So King of Humans, would you mind accepting me like this?"

"How can you be so sure that I can take you out of here?"

Hilofria smiled gracefully: "Did you not just say this yourself?"

If it weren't for the devil's characteristics, who would have thought that this noble and elegant woman in front of him would be the queen of the devil ...

If you take it out ...

Down felt that it was necessary to open a chain of male emergency stations in Illuth.

However, I have to say that Hilofria's proposal made Tang En very heartfelt. A Duke of Desires is absolutely handy to control other demons. As long as he can control Hilofria, it is equivalent to controlling all The devil of the human kingdom is quite cost-effective.

After thinking for a while, Tang En nodded: "Yes, I have decided to hire you. Let's sign a work contract."

Glittering at the fact that Hilofria really signed a work contract with Down, Gorrius next to him hurriedly asked, "I want to apply too!"


Successfully applied Hilofria immediately entered the upper level of the despise chain, and looked scornfully at Gorriaus: "What else would you do besides killing and killing? A grand duke who can only destroy, has arrived in the human kingdom Is it going to destroy the world? "


Gorgius had nothing to say, because it was really best at destruction.

Tang En waved his hand: "Well, I don't plan to expand the leadership for the time being. Hiloflia will be responsible for managing the devil recruited from the purgatory abyss, restraining them from harming humans, and strictly obeying my orders. "

Hilofria blinked: "What are you going to do?"

Tang En laughed: "I opened some dungeons in the human kingdom ... Those dungeons are now empty and need to arrange some households. Now there are lizard people, dog people, and a lot of Warcraft, but I think, There should also be a devil in it. "


"Yeah ... don't you think it's very romantic for adventurers to shuttle underground and take risks in caves or rooms that are naturally or artificially excavated?"

Hilofria yelled: "I don't think so, I'd rather ask, wherever you can take risks, why is it a dungeon?"

"Maybe it's a convention? Adventurers should look for puppets in dungeons?"

"It always feels weird ..."

"As an employee, the first thing you need to do is to execute the boss's order, rather than question the boss's decision."

Tang En said expressionlessly: "Next, you have seven days to recruit your first employees. Considering the special situation of the devil, you try to recruit those depressed and try to kill. The desire to kill is relatively low. , The more terrifying, the devil who can eat on his face. "

"It seems a bit difficult to meet ..."

"That's what you need to solve. As the boss, I only give orders."

After Tang En finished speaking, put away those "offer rewards" and shook hands.


Dantrian looked at the stack of high-quality magic crystals and various magical metals in front of him, and found it ridiculous: "So ... these are the books that the duke of the devil bought and gave me?"

"Yes, so girl! Come and update! Keep a million words a day, emptying the devil's treasure house is not a dream!"

Tang Enyu patted Dan Trian's shoulders with a serious heart: "The hope of conquering the abyss of purgatory lies on you!"

Dantrian blinked: "I don't care, as long as you can always accompany me to make children."

Down: "..."

"are you alright……"

The clover next to me shouted, "What are these things that my readers from the Purgatory Abyss reward?"

The things on the ground seemed to be weird things cut from some Warcraft, or somebody who didn't know whether it was a demon or a devil's body ... There were a lot of strange and strange shapes.

Tang En looked away. As soon as he saw those things, he felt an inexplicable ache: "These ... but all are the treasures of Demon Lord, delighting the treasures of Hilofria. She is very desperate for it. Give it to you, and then share your experience with your "teacher" ... "

If it knew this so-called "Master of Love. Desire", it was actually just a pure elf lady who had just experienced the affairs of men and women. What would it look like?

Tang En suddenly became interested ...

Seven days later, Tang En returned to the abyss of Purgatory on time, bringing the latest batch of works to these more thirsty devils, and also met those devils recruited by Hilofria.

It seems to be really attentive to Tang En's orders. At a glance, the devil recruited are indeed some weak, but fierce-looking devil, which account for the vast majority of skeleton demon and bones. Devil, these hard-pressed children who suffered serious injuries that could not be cured in the battle. Now I heard that they can eat on their faces and immediately gathered around Hiloflia and hugged their legs. If they did n’t get a job, I ’m afraid They will soon die somewhere in the abyss of purgatory-you know, there is no humanitarian concern in the abyss of apocalypse, death is dead, only the weak need protection.

Tang En originally wanted to put on a stance here, and after an interview with these demons in Purgatory Abyss-but after seeing the dark pressure, he dismissed this idea and directly threw a bunch of contracts out, letting them slowly grab themselves Signed up.

The devil is scrambling to sign a human contract, which is probably the first time this race has been unprecedented.

After all the demons have signed the contract, it is a day later, Tang En briefly counted, the total number of demons hired this time has exceeded the 50,000 mark, which means that each average dungeon can be allocated to Thousands of demons are enough to fill the dungeons they designed.

After calculating it in his heart, Tang En smiled. Next, he carried out simple training on these demons, and then indirectly controlled those Warcraft, Lizardmen, and Dogheads. The dungeon is in control.

This way we can grasp the degree of excitement for those tourists.

Soon, the time came to the end of the midsummer month, and Tang En's elaborate adventurer paradise plan finally began with the peak of tourist travel!

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