Things from Another World

Chapter 1257: The Dungeon of the Brave

Joseph is an ordinary man from the mountain city of Bein. Although he is nearly thirty years old this year, he is not yet married.

The reason is very simple. He is too brave to dare to actively pursue girls. More importantly, at the most critical moment when he started his family, he had no job, no savings, and no potential stock like the Apocalypse. Which girl's family is willing to marry him?

If it wasn't for Down, who came to Prendall, and brought reforms to the world, and lifted many people out of poverty to become rich, I am afraid that Joseph would now be like his popular name, and he would not know where he died and was bitten by a rat. The body is gone.

But now it's different.

The development of the Datang Chamber of Commerce allows everyone to find a place where they can exert their value. As long as you want to change your life, even if you are just a homeless person, you can find a place to work hard in the factories of the Datang Chamber of Commerce-not only with wage Take, pack and eat, what else do you want?

And Joseph is a very lucky guy. When he first entered the Bayern Chamber of Commerce, he was lucky enough to apply for a porter, and then started from the bottom step by step. Until now, he has become a warehouse transportation The captain of the squad, compared to the previous one, is almost completely changed.

But ... even such a lucky life can't change the fact that he is not feminine.

"You crap! Coward! Dumb!"

The girl scolded herself with disappointment in her face, and still remembered Joseph's trembling in the corner. If it wasn't for the last patrol to rescue her, what would happen later Let him regret it ...

Can't even protect the girl he likes, what kind of man is he?

As a result, Joseph took a rare luxury and took an airship to Ellington, where the Datang Chamber of Commerce originated.

He wanted to come here and feel the magic of this city that created the chamber of commerce that changed his life. Maybe this place can really change him?

"Adventure Paradise, big discount, 50% off big show?"

Just past the door of Adventurer's Paradise, Joseph suddenly noticed the slogan on the gate.

Hasn't Adventurer's Paradise been open for some time? Why is there a big reward now? And still 50% off!

After hesitating for a while, Joseph immediately bought the ticket and entered it.-While at Bayern, the Adventurer's Paradise had already started business, but with his income, even if he went there, he would feel pain. After all, he had to save some money to marry his wife.

But now, his girlfriend is gone, and he still has a fart!

After entering the Adventurer's Paradise, Joseph suddenly found out what kind of place this theme park is.

"Here's where the dog food is ..."

Joseph was full of bitterness. He suddenly found that he had come to the wrong place. No matter how these people looked around, he didn't seem to come here simply to play. He was more like a girl and boyfriend ...

Obviously under the big sun, Joseph felt that he was now in the cold winter and the surrounding was cold, as if something unclean was blowing cold wind behind him ...

"I rely! This is not an illusion!"

There was another cold air, and Joseph suddenly jumped up, and then turned around, he found in horror that there was a very dark cave behind him!

Beside this cave, there are a row of tourists with different expressions. They are young and old, the youngest seems to be only seven or eight years old, and the oldest seems to be more than fifty years old.

Looking at the gloomy cave, Joseph took the courage to gather up, and then heard the staff's introduction.

"... It's very gloomy and terrible. Only people with courage are welcome here. People without courage are not allowed to visit here, so it is also called 'Dungeon of the Brave'."

whispering sound!

Joseph looked at the staff, the brave dungeons with disdain? Lie to the ghost! Isn't it the haunted house that was originally propagated by the planning department! They are all deceiving tricks, what to fear!

Even if he is a coward, he won't be afraid of that kind of thing.

At this time, the staff continued to say, "In addition, if you participate in this game, you can get various mysterious awards. In order to promote this project, our Her Majesty Tang En buried many very precious treasures in the depths of the dungeon, such as Valuable alchemy potions, cherished magic equipment, treasure chests full of gold coins, etc ... Of course, gold coins are just samples, and they must be exchanged for banknotes after they come out. "

A customer was fascinated: "You mean, if these treasures are found by us tourists, are they ours?"

"Of course, isn't it our Majesty Tang En's treasure?"

The staff member said proudly: "These treasures are only intentionally put in to stimulate real warriors to participate in this game."

"Don't you often listen to the thrilling stories of adventurers in the bard's mouth? Now the opportunity comes, the dungeons of the brave, perfectly simulate the adventurer's adventure process, including all kinds of dangers, all kinds of treasures, There's even Warcraft, the devil, and so on. "

"If you think about it, Her Majesty Tang En didn't want to use this opportunity to collect money. If he really wants to continue making money, he can add locks to those treasure chests, and then sell keys of various levels at the entrance. Only when you bring the key can you open the corresponding lock, or sell the dungeon map, etc ... Some methods are used to collect money, but he has not done so! "

"Why is this !? It's all for your customers! Because what you want to experience is authentic adventure! Challenge yourself to the limit!"

"See no! We have perfectly fulfilled your wishes here! There is only one knife at the beginning, and all equipment depends on the fight! You have to rely on your courage and wisdom to challenge these levels and defeat them, in order to obtain treasure and lose. Then you can only sadly leave here and become a loser. "

The staff pointed at the screen next to them and said, "Did you see it? This records all the people who successfully brought out the treasure. As long as they can successfully bring out the treasure, whether it is large, medium or small, it is a challenge to succeed. , You can leave a good photo of your name here, admired by all the latecomers. "

"Are you excited? Act quickly when you feel excited! This is your best chance to show your courage to others!"

"I'm going in!"

Suddenly a voice from behind scared the people. After the crowd separated, Joseph, who was a little uneasy, squeezed in.

"Aha! This gentleman looks like a loser with a bad life!"

The staff defied Joseph with no taboo, he looked at Joseph with a high look: "Are you sure you have the courage to challenge here?"

"Yes ... OK!"

"Are you sure you will not be scared when facing the danger below !?"


Angry and furious Joseph pulled out his work permit and shouted, "Okay, we are all employees of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, so we can't save me some face !?"

"I'm at the headquarters, you're the branch."

Joseph: "..."

"But for the sake of you being a colleague, I will stop talking nonsense, hold it."

The staff member laughed and threw a bag to Joseph, then handed him a small bottle.

"what is this?"

"His Majesty Tang En presented a gift to each challenger. The magic awakened the potion. After drinking it, it is possible to awaken talents and become an apocalypse during the challenge."

The staff member said indifferently, "As for whether you can awaken your talent, it depends on your own determination and perseverance."

"What !? Also awaken talent to become apocalypse !?"

The customers who stood behind were not calm: "I want to participate too!"

"Waiting for the queue, there is a limit to the number of entrances allowed for each entrance per time period-I'm crazy by you !?"

These staff obviously underestimated the awakening talent's temptation to other people. Almost immediately when they heard the ability to awaken talent, these tourists all rioted and came directly.

The next moment, the staff member's face changed, and he sang loudly, and a powerful flesh burst out instantly, and all the rioting tourists were settled in place.


The staff member said coldly, "I said ... everyone, get out of line!"

The tourists were immediately honest.

Joseph looked at him in shock. "Did you ..."


The staff member said indifferently: "In the previous test, I successfully awakened my talent and became an apocalypse."

Joseph took a breath, and a living example stood in front of himself. If he still couldn't grasp the opportunity this time, he could really kill himself!

"Remember this."

The staff member took out a backpack and handed it to Joseph: "There are seven days of dry food prepared, but only three days of drinking water. If you can't find the water source in the dungeon, you will only be thirsty. If you find the water source, you will not get food If you do, you will starve to death. "

"There are only three torches prepared, and you must find your own lighting tools. Otherwise, you may be stunned and captured by enemies in the dark-but rest assured, all our enemies in the dungeon are trained, and at best they will let you Serious injuries will not be fatal. "

"Then this is the emergency escape crystal."

The staff pointed at the return crystal at the bottom of the backpack and said very seriously: "This is the only way you can get out of the dungeon in an instant, so be careful not to lose it."

Joseph said nervously, "Did I lose it if I lose it?"

"Of course not, it's just too much trouble to find you and it will deduct bonuses."

Joseph: "..."

"Go! Become an apocalypse, you can marry Bai Fumei and embark on the peak of life!"

Joseph thought a little bit of excitement, so excited and flushed, he walked into the dungeon firmly.


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