Things from Another World

Chapter 1258: It's still here ...

Tang En stood behind Fiona, staring at the holographic screen projected by the magic energy, smiling.

Cameras are distributed in every corner of the simulated dungeon. All of these cameras are connected to the central control center of their theme park. They are looped every half an hour, and the situation can be found at any time, and they can also be fully prepared for rescue. ready.

Those cameras are anchored in spatial coordinates, and the master who masters teleportation can inquire at the central control center at any time, and teleport to the past-yes, every emergency rescue team simulating a dungeon is a master of teleportation. Magician.

Very luxurious.

After all, Tang En was trying to create a hotbed of catalysed apocalypse, not to create a dark area that breeds sin.

After watching for a moment, Tang En put his chin on Fiona's head, gently pinched her shoulder and asked, "How is the underground city working?"

"Now we are just starting to get on track. At present, the adventurer paradise in various cities has reported that more than 100,000 people have entered the dungeon. Under our prepared guidance, civilians of all ages have, but mainly young people. . "

Fiona pointed to the screen and said, "Especially young couples, in the danger of completely imitating the real situation, are more likely to burst out of potential and suddenly wake up to become apocalypse."

"In the past half month, the number of Apocalypse born in the dungeon has exceeded 5,000, and this number continues to rise."

Fiona's face was full of smiles: "There are also some typical ones, such as this one called Joseph, which was originally just one of our ordinary employees, but he awakened his talent in the dungeon of Ellington and found a The big treasure instantly became the handsome man of Gao Fu, and embarked on the pinnacle of life. After an exclusive interview report by our magic projection high tower, deliberately guided public opinion, many people now know that the adventures in the adventurer's underground city can make people awaken The talent becomes the apocalypse. "

Tang En smiled and said, "Whether it is a placebo effect or really effective, anyway, our original intention of building a dungeon has been reached."


Fiona said with admiration: "Now the civilians who haven't broken through the awakening talent before are discussing this matter. It has become a phenomenon of a phenomenal level, and Aurelia and I are considering whether to further guide Public opinion will expand this influence. "

"But now more and more people are converging to the adventurer's paradise in various cities. The limit capacity of each dungeon we originally designed is 10,000, and the probability of meeting in it is very low. Now, if It's not that we deliberately restricted the number of people entering, I'm afraid those crazy people have already filled the dungeon. "

"So after careful consideration, we decided not to do anything for the time being and let the public opinion ferment for the time being. We will then guide after we expand the scale and increase the number of people we can accommodate."

Tang En nodded. The two of them were very well thought out and should indeed do so.

Using the dungeon to simulate a dangerous adventure environment, combined with magical awakening potions, and the natural magical environment of the underground world, the probability of the awakening talent has been raised to a very terrifying height.

But this also involves a more troublesome thing-these catalyzed apocalypse has almost no combat ability.

If you think about it, maybe the apocalypse awakened today was actually a big-bellied chamber of commerce boss, a chef who worked as a chef in a tavern, or just an ordinary housewife ...

These people are ordinary people with no combat experience. After suddenly awakening their talents, they may feel very fresh, excited, and excited, but can you expect such people to fight? Don't think about it, it's impossible.

They may be excited for a while, want to break away from the current life trajectory, want to challenge a brand new life, but soon they will find that they are already used to the current life-only those who are still young, only May use this opportunity to change life.

After those middle-aged people awaken their talents, they will return to their original lives after a period of time, and there will be no major changes at all.

Of course, it is still necessary to catalyze the birth of the Apocalypse. Why? Because the future society will be a magic society, the road ahead of them will be wider.

With the advancement of magic reform technology, the society will need more talents who can use magic power in the future. Only by becoming an apocalypse can we master the method of using magic power, can we assume more responsibilities, and have the opportunity to get more job opportunities.

That's right, these apocalypse was not catalysed for fighting from the beginning. These mass-produced apocalypses are the mainstay of future social development, they are "college students" of Prandall, and they are the backbone of the new life.

Next, Tang En will consider establishing some apocalypse colleges to teach these adults how to use this power suddenly.

——But think of it this way, it seems that these batch-catalyzed apocalypse can not be regarded as "college students", but more like "technical technicians". The main social responsibility undertaken is not research and development, but construction and production ...

"Continuously paying attention to the operation of the dungeon, we need detailed information here, and finally we need to draw a curve to calculate the best effect age range for simulating the dungeon."

Tang En finished, thought for a while, and continued, "In addition, the business of Adventurer's Paradise has greatly stimulated the residents' interest in going out. Taking advantage of this opportunity, airboat transportation also does an event by the way. Ready for the crowd. "

Fiona nodded and said, "It's already in progress. Starting from tomorrow, the airboat fare will be reduced by 20%, and it will be maintained at 20% off for half a month. Mobility and trade activities. "

Now the time has come for the harvest month, and wheat has begun to mature in various places. As the second season of this year's wheat, the unprecedented situation has made the residents of Plantar very excited, but many people have also been relaxed because of this-they I feel that since miracles have appeared this year, they will definitely not be hungry again this year.

This is not a good sign.

Just a few days have passed, these people have begun to have the tendency to be extravagant and extravagant. If this continues, is it okay?

So in addition to overseeing the operation of the Adventurer's Paradise in the recent past, Tang En's main energy is to accompany Aurelia in handling incidents of passive work by farmers around the world.

Grain is the foundation of everything. Although this year's grain seeds have all been replaced with high-yield seeds improved by Grantia, don't forget that now they have another batch of food-consuming households-the devil's food is definitely not a small number Donn doesn't want to make low-level mistakes on this issue.

It was he who introduced the devil into the human kingdom. If he could not hold these devil, he would blame him for something.

At present, the only thing that is more fortunate is that, as the devil's big boss in the human kingdom, Hilofria, the Duke of Devil, is very stable and does not do anything special, just stays honestly with what Tang En has arranged for her. In the office-yes, it's "she", not "it."

Since coming to the human kingdom, Hiloflia has strongly protested against Tang's use of "it" to refer to the devil. In Ruen, "it" is a strong tendency to refer to non-intelligent creatures, similar to Stigmatization of one race to another.

Considering that the devil is also a god-made creature, and that the humans born here don't know how many years earlier, Tang En really changed his name to use the "he and her" to refer to humans, and even gave it to Hilofrey. Ya arranged a special diplomat status and lived alone in a villa.

Hilofria restricted the devil from chaos, and Tang En agreed that he would not intentionally stop her from hunting for prey—the prey of Delight is understandable by individuals. Anyway, there is no harm to those people. I didn't take it to heart. The only surprise was that he didn't expect that the taste of this guy would be so heavy. Even men and women wouldn't even care about it. Even the elemental lord Dikarios didn't let it go ...

After the grain has been harvested, the first grain will be sent back to Hellofria. Before that, Tang En doesn't want any trouble.

But at this moment, an embarrassing thing finally arrived.


"It's still here ..."

Tang En looked at himself in the mirror and twitched his lips, always feeling that smile was uglier than crying.


Because his "wife" is about to give birth, his "children" are about to come to this world, and soon he can meet his "father-in-law" again ...

The thought of this headache relationship, Tang En wanted to scold his mother, holding Nora sitting in the mirror, can't wait to tear her little face and rub it round to enjoy it!

"What do you want !?"

Nora looked at Tang En very alertly, and she had just noticed a chill.

"Look at what you did!"

Tang En gritted his teeth and said, "I obviously didn't do anything to Elsa, but now I'm a father, isn't it all your good work !?"

"Thank you for the compliment, Nora was the best, Bing Ding—"

"I'm not bragging about you!"

Tang En growled: "Who do you say is bad for you? Why use me !? Elsa and I are still--"

"You mean," Nora blinked. "You don't mind if Elsa is pregnant with someone else's child?"


Tang En's face was aggressive, and he suddenly reacted. If Nora was not using his seed of life, the situation seemed more serious! ?


Fiona's voice came over: "Where are you !? Elsa is almost ready! Uncle Taser and Aunt Murphy are ready, you're coming over!"

Lying down!

"I'm here!"

Tang En gritted his teeth and stomped!

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