Things from Another World

Chapter 1260: report! My father-in-law became a mother-in-law!

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, twins ... Then again, you seem to know that you are twins?"

Nun Mara looked at the crowd with a look of innocence, with a weird expression.

Why are these guys not at all excited? This is the birth of a new life-uh, it seems that only those two guys are more excited.

It's more exciting. Naturally, Sasha Glott and Azkar Kamanda. This time, Taser and Murphy can be reborn, which is of great significance to the sparsely-dragoned Dragon family.

In particular, the couples are still very experienced veterans, and they will be more confident in fighting chaos in the future.

"How is Elsa?"

Clara and Abbot can now ignore children. They care more about their daughters. This may be a special feature of parenting.

"The mother is very safe."

After a pause, Sister Mara said a little blankly: "Or should I say, I have never seen a mother recovering so quickly ... I guess you will see her soon ..."

As soon as Sister Mara's voice fell, Elsa, sweaty, pushed open the door of the delivery room and ran out: "Children ?! Hurry up, let me see them! I haven't seen them yet. It's gone! "

Tang En was silent, girl ... that's your parents ... don't you enter the state so fast ...

Watching Elsa happily holding the reborn Taser and Murphy, Down's eyes kept jumping, Nora's lazy and labor-saving approach brought him a serious ethical problem. ...

[Nora, do you say that I should call them children in the future, or should I call them father-in-law? 】


[Nora? 】

【……what! ? Huh? Me, I didn't mess things up! 】

Tang Enmin felt that Nora suddenly lost her mind, and her face suddenly changed: "What have you messed up? 】

Nora was in a hurry: [No, I really didn't make a mistake, don't say anything! I will sue you for slander! 】

Tang En is also anxious, this little guy is too unreliable! Could it be that she had forgotten something more important?

He couldn't wait to be here with these people now, and if this guy messed up something, he would have to hurry her to fart.

[Tang En is a big fool! So there is really nothing wrong with it! 】

【Really do not have? 】

【Really do not have! 】

How could it be wrong?

Nora has a dim idea. Although she really can't remember which soul was put in which body, but is this important? Anyway, they are both Elsa's parents, not others ... right?

Seeing that Nora was so sure, Tang En was relieved, maybe it was just that he was too nervous.

"Hee hee! The babies look so cute! But they are so small, what are they going to eat now?"

Elsa stared at the two baby monkey-like babies with little consciousness of being a mother, but this is also the normal state of most mothers in Prandall-civilians here are married very early, on the one hand for the fastest Forming a family reduces the burden on the original family, on the other hand, it is also to increase the labor and productive capacity as much as possible.

Because they are too young, many people are not even mature when they are born, let alone bring children.

However, with the development of society and the increase of income, this situation will soon be improved. Although Tang En needs them to increase the fertility rate, but getting married at the age of 14 and having children is still too risky for the mother.

It is also difficult for them to fulfill their parents' obligations.

What they need to eat is your milk ...

Looking at Elsa, Tang En sighed, so he didn't say that.

But before he could figure out how to explain to Elsa, Sasha Glott had already taken out two cups and handed them over. Tang En took a closer look, and it contained Jin Chancan's juice, which smelled very The sweetness seems a bit familiar.

"Is this ..."

Eltro Kamanda gathered next to Tang En and whispered: "It is the juice of the golden sage fruit and ambergris fruit. When the dragons were born, they basically ate these fruits and waited for a few days to grow their teeth. Then you can eat meat. "

After a few days the teeth grow out ...

Tang En hid quietly, with a look of horror, how fast did the dragon children grow up?

But ... When it comes to this, Tang En's mind is also full of doubts. Now Taser and Murphy's new body was created by Nora using his and Elsa's genetic factors, and they were born in the human state, then they What two dragons should be considered now? Or should it be considered human?

In this state, what should their growth be calculated on?

However, what surprised Tang En even more happened. Not long after Taser and Murphy drank the juice of the golden fruit, they were able to speak directly.

Yes, they were able to speak less than an hour after birth.

"His Majesty the Dragon ... you look so big on your face."

Sasha Glotter laughed. "Haha, Murphy, when did you like to joke so much?"

The baby blinked: "Your Majesty the Dragon King, what are you talking about? I am Taser."


Sasha Glott glanced down at the baby, and after a moment of silence, turned his head to look at the other baby.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King? This is Murphy."

Hmm ... it's Murphy Haksha.

Tang En's face was already green next to him, now he finally knew what the fool of Nora had messed up ...

"Taser ..."

Sasha Glott carefully considered the words: "Did you feel anything missing from your body?"

"What's missing?"

Taser hesitated: "If you say that, it really feels weird ..."


Sasha Glott remained silent for a moment, and then patted Taser's brain gently: "Forget it, it's not an important thing anyway, don't worry ..."

Hey, the first black dragon in your family has changed from male to female, and you said it was not a big deal! ?

"Well ... although you are missing something ... but Murphy is also adding something, you guys just make up for each other back. Speaking of you, you are also husband and wife, so let ’s not lose anything ..."

Sasha Glott comforted the somewhat dazed Taser Hackero.

"What is missing?"

Taser Hackero waved his arm. Although he was a newborn, he now has the basic ability to act under the role of the Golden Holy Fruit. He is very healthy.

The limbs are healthy and the facial features are normal. There seems to be nothing wrong with it ... wait?

Taser Hakrow suddenly froze there, staring at his Majesty sternly.

"Oh !? This is-- !?"

Without waiting for Taser Hacker to react, Murphy Hackershak next to her exclaimed: "Why would I have one more of this on me !?"

He finally turned back from the petrification, twisted his stiff neck and looked at his wife, who is also his current sister.

Tethy Hackero uttered a desperate cry: "Crouch! My black dragon tintin! How did it grow on you !?"

"I'm still surprised!"

Murphy Hackshasa was also panicked, looking intently, and pointing at Tether Hackero: "No! Why are you a girl !? I have become a man !?"

"I, I became a woman !?"

Taser Hackero was stupid, and the whole person was stupid there.

"Calm, be calm, don't panic."

Dragon King Sasha Glott comforted them: "Isn't it because the gender is wrong, anyway, you are still husband and wife, what's the difference? And you don't think that Hakoro who has been so long has suddenly become Hakosha. Is it pretty good? ... Um, Tessa Haksha, the name seems pretty good. "

Taser Hackshaw! ?

There is no worse name than this!

With a look of constipation, Tethy Hackero had no idea what to say.

"I have become a boy?"

Murphy Haksha pinched her little Tintin with a rather weird expression, and this expression and action appeared on a baby to make people collapse.

In fact, not only the two of them are about to collapse, but also the Sanguan of the others present are about to collapse.

Did Tethy Hackero and Murphy Hackshaw get into the wrong body? Gender is wrong now! ?

Whoops, who should be the responsibility?

A group of stunned people eating melon looked at Tang En, and Tang En's face collapsed. It seemed that Nora would not be able to carry the pot. To know, many people did not know Nora. Existence. In their eyes, Taser and Murphy's reincarnation were all controlled by Tang En. Now that something goes wrong, of course he is the first person responsible.

hateful! Nora, don't let me find a chance! Otherwise I must let you fart. Stocks bloom!

Gritted Tang En accepted the baptism of everyone's eyes with shame, and the playful eyes made him want to get into the ground.

But what now?

The new body has been marked by Nora's soul. This is equivalent to the blank hardware that has been written with a unique registration number. Even if the soul is exchanged now, there is no way to lock the soul in the body. Top It's more of a temporary stay ... Is it possible to let their husband and wife play a game of body exchange every 30 minutes?

"I'd better try to see if I can erase the soul marks in your body with the power of the void and re-register ..."

This is the only way that Tang En can think of.

But at this moment, Murphy Hakshah stopped Tang En. The baby's eyes were glittering and full of smiles: "No need! This is also very good. I just want to experience being exposed by Ai Ludang Dad's feeling. "

"Murphy! No! You can't do this! I absolutely disapprove!"

"Idiot, our self-cognition is still the same. As long as we restore the giant dragon form, we can still restore the original gender. Now, at most, we have a relatively special human form. Excited!"

Taser Hakrow suddenly realized, "It seems like you said so ..."

"Well, that's right."

A strange expression of excitement flashed in Murphy Haksha's eyes: "Speaking of it ... that means I can experience the feeling of a man? Dear! I want to work hard for you ... why not try to help me again How about a baby? Let you also experience the feeling of being a mother. "

Lying down!

Tethy Hackero's expression was as ugly as eating **** ...

Tang En's expression is also quite wonderful. So, in the future, he will treat his father-in-law as his mother-in-law?

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