Things from Another World

Chapter 1261: Three-year plan

The rebirth of Tethy Hackero and Murphy Hackshasa is certainly a great event for the Ellington and Giant Dragons, but for Tang En, this is obviously not the most important thing in the harvest month.

At this moment, in the Illus Empire, what is more important than harvesting crops? Don't forget, the devils over Purgatory Abyss are still waiting for his food.

Although due to Nora's recklessness, a so-called "miracle" broke out at the beginning of this year, which caused the crops to become two seasons, and the nutrients in the soil were greatly reduced, so this second season's crops may be reduced. Less, but even with reduced yields, the total grain output this year is still an explosive number-improved seeds and plant growth catalyst fluids have been put into use, which has led to a sharp increase in grain output. This year's grain output can be compared with The total output of the past four years is still more.

"Received reports from all over the place, the granaries built in various cities have been full to varying degrees."

Aurelia told Tang En with joyful expressions about the harvests in various places. Everyone in the family was wealthy, eager to tribute to the royal family, lest they fell behind, and as a result, granaries in all cities appeared. It's full-this kind of happy trouble never happened before, I'm afraid Victor should sigh again after knowing this.

"That's a good thing."

Tang En's spirit was refreshed: "The leaders of the Datang Chamber of Commerce in each city are now ordered to collect the grain in the silos, and all of them are delivered to Ellington. Our first transaction with the abyss of purgatory is about to begin."

After hearing what Tang En said, the smile on Alleria's face disappeared: "Are you sure you want to continue trading with the devil? This is not a good thing. In the history of Prendall, there are few transactions with the devil. Everyone has a good end. "

Tang En smiled confidently and said, "What are you afraid of? Others are afraid of the devil. I'm not afraid. Don't forget who I am. I am sent by gods to save the world. If you are against me, even the devil will be destroyed for you. look!"

Alleria snorted. "Just show it to others, show me what."

Tang En's tone just now made her feel a little frivolous, as if she was beating her, which is not a good thing.

Ignoring her words, Tang En spread her hands and said, "The most important thing is that the trade between us and the devil has actually begun. In the dungeon of Adventurer's Paradise, there are already many devil in it. Now all those devil are Cooperate with us under the rule of Lord Duchess Helofriya. "

After a pause, Down continued: "In fact, we can't be separated from the devil now, because we need them to help us share the devil's attention in the abyss of purgatory. If the devil's suppression is lost, the devil wants to destroy the world It's too easy. "

Aurelia put down her notepad and hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "If we really go to war with the devil, don't we have a chance to win?"

"We are going to die this year."

"The war will start next year and I can barely survive a part."

"The following year, we can fight each other and stand still."

"After the next year, we will start fighting ..."

After a pause, Tang En smiled and said, "The devil can only survive the attack."

According to the current development rate, Prendall ’s magical modification technology can be said to change with each passing day, and progress is very rapid. Every day is completely different from before. If this time scale is set on the year, I am afraid that Prendall will be able to The modernization of the society has been basically realized. The number of newly-increased apocalypse will be about five to ten times as much as it is now. In addition, the school will increase the number of scholars and the awakened apocalypse. There will be a leap forward.

And this has not yet calculated the combat effectiveness of the improved Golden Giant, and the combat effectiveness of soldiers equipped with magic power armor.

Once the artificial soul quantum computer's various algorithms and technologies have matured, it can optimize the existing process and handle some complex design schemes. After achieving stable mass production, Tang En ’s nationwide military plan is the real starting step. On track.

Alleria thoughtfully: "In other words, should we at least rely on the devil to help us fight for three years ... it's really unpleasant."

"Just thinking about it from another angle will make you feel very happy."

Tang En reminded Aurelia: "We just used some food that can be grown at will and books that can be printed in batches. We exchanged such a powerful army to help us fight for a long time. Is this transaction super cost-effective? "

Aurelia froze, and according to what Tang En said, it seemed that she was much more relaxed-so powerful devil, isn't she working for our fragile humans?

"It really feels better, thank you."

Aurelia smiled sweetly, then suddenly her face froze, and immediately smiled: "Okay, your order I will continue to order, now I will start to deal with other things, if you are OK, hurry up Leave, don't bother me with my work-you know, this shaker has caused me a lot of trouble. "

"It's so quick to turn your face ..."

Tang En murmured, and then just turned around, and saw Olena with a plate in her hand standing at the door, hesitating to come in.

I'm afraid she also heard what the two were discussing, and I was afraid that it would affect them-in other words, you are the queen of this country. Is this really good?

"Drink some tea and some fruit before leaving."

Olina looked at Tang En with anticipation, and Tang En couldn't refuse, so she sat down.

"Well, he couldn't eat any fruit at Ellington, you just spoil him too much after you mother!"

Pet, pet me! ?

Olina's face flushed: "No, how could it be, I just see you working too hard ..."

"It's my hard work! It's me!"

Aurelia was struggling for a while: "I'm the one who has been working obviously all the time! I want to eat too!"

Alleria dropped the pen and paper in her hand and ran straight to start grabbing things with Tang En.

Tang En deliberately asked her to watch her bite the fruit fiercely and stare at herself. Tang En knew she was taking the opportunity to vent her dissatisfaction.

Tang En looked at the artificial soul quantum computer on the table and asked with a little confusion: "Yes, hasn't an artificial soul quantum computer already been prepared for you? Why don't you use it?"

"I'm not too familiar with this thing, and some new features will pop up every three to five. I always feel that my learning speed is not as fast as your update speed, so I will simply put it aside.

Aurelia hummed and said, "Now import the existing data into the computer first, and slowly change your habits, but nothing else, it helps me calculate the financial data of each city is still quite It's fast, and it has the form processing function inside, which is very convenient. "

"Of course, but I simulated it based on the software functions of my hometown. Although it is not perfect, it can definitely kill your current manuscripts."

Tang En thought while thinking. As the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute further perfected the coding of the Magic Energy Network, it has now been realized that the system can be upgraded remotely, which means that the artificial soul quantum computer produced now only needs to be connected With the Magic Network, you can synchronize new functions anytime, anywhere.

Since the coding of the magic energy network refers to the communication code of the magic energy mobile phone, the coding of the magic energy network is actually common to both devices, which means that the magic energy mobile phone can also be connected to the artificial soul quantum computer.

If you develop instant messaging software, you can even send messages to each other ...

Tang Enmo rubbing his chin, should he now start to increase the research and development of artificial soul quantum computer, or wait for them to increase the production capacity after solving the three magic network signal transmitting and receiving solutions?

After just thinking about it for a moment, Tang En asked: "Oli, what do you think is the time to equip all civil servants with artificial soul quantum computers?"

Aurelia said for a moment: "Will it be a little too early? And isn't the production technology of artificial soul quantum computer fully realized? Is the production capacity very low? There is no need to rush to promote the computer. . "

"Not too early."

Tang En said while thinking: "This thing is very cheap because of the artificial soul's assistance. Many things can be left to the artificial soul to help solve. Only some specific and complex data need to be entered manually, and public office The most used personnel are actually graphics and digital processing, which have fully met the needs. "

What Tang En didn't say was that he wanted to spread the foundation of the Magic Network as soon as possible.

However, the function of the artificial soul quantum computer is still not perfect, and it lacks a lot of entertainment and convenient civilian software. It is a little too early for the civilian field, so Tang En needs to start popularizing from government departments.

I am afraid that they are the department that most needs information.

Anyway, there is already a basic magic network that can update the system at any time, so the hardware is completely sold first, and then it is slowly updated.

Later, after the production capacity went up, he could consider introducing concepts such as websites, forums, games, and videos for the artificial soul quantum computer to further enrich the entertainment nature of the Internet in the civilian field, and in the professional field, strengthen the collection and arrangement of data and deduction. Calculations, and the recording of thought sparks from various remote brainstorming, etc ...

After people are connected by phone and network, the whole world will become a whole, like a complicated brain. Everyone has the opportunity to show their skills that they are good at. It is easy to discover the real Talent.

The magic energy Internet era is a critical period for the further outbreak of Prendall's technology.

After discussing with Aurelia, Tang En had just arrived in Ellington with his front foot caught by him ...

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