Things from Another World

Chapter 1262: Be careful, let me taste the taste of a big man!

"Now it's the harvest month, should the food you promised us be fulfilled?"

In a glamorous outfit, Hiloflia grabbed Tang En from the back and staggered to his front. His fingers were on Tang En's chest. "If you don't make it as soon as possible, I'm in Her Majesty the Lord is not easy to explain ... "

Although Balmotos is not interested in the food and supplies promised by Dunn, the bottom devil, even the sub-top devil Duke Gorlieus, have food for the human kingdom, including various ways to improve life. Convenience supplies are very interested.

Tang En smiled slightly and said lightly: "Of course there is nothing to promise to you. I am a person who keeps my promise very much, but now, you should give me an explanation, right?"

Hilofria narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"It's been almost a month since we signed the contract?"

Tang En stepped forward, and Hiloflia followed him step by step. Where is Hiloflia at this moment?

"Are you there?"

"I said there would be."

Tang En glanced at her, and then continued, "But ... I haven't heard from me since I left Purgatory Abyss. My employee, Saratimore, returned I never came back. "

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to ask ..."

Tang En suddenly stopped at the door, turned around, and looked at Hiloflia aggressively and asked, "Did you really fulfill the contract and started to actively suppress the demons and attract their attention?"

The reason why Tang En said this is because Saratimore never returned, and even no news came back.

And he is too busy now, and he has no time to go there to observe the situation in Purgatory Abyss.

"I didn't believe it, so why don't you go watch it?"

Hilofria shrugged, with a faint smile on her face: "Speaking of it, you wouldn't believe it even if I said we were fighting the devil's inextricable?"

"That's for sure," Tang En snorted. "If I believe your devil so easily, I'm afraid I'm out of my mind."

Regarding Tang En's full of offensive claims, Hilofria didn't care, just looked at Tang En with a smile and said, "It's best to bring the agreed materials when you go, otherwise it will be very troublesome Her Majesty's temper is not very good. "

"Just right."

Tang En smiled softly: "At some point, my temper was not very good."

The two separated with smiles. Although they seemed to be having a good time, they actually broke up-Tang En suspected that the devil has been lazy and unable to work, while the devil doubted Tang En I just want to use them, there is no idea of ​​cooperation at all.

Balmotos the Devil is now waiting for Tang En to take the lead-he doesn't care about any **** of entertainment products, and he is not interested in comic cartoons. The only thing he is interested in is the magic equipment promised by Tang En for combat. Already.

It is a pity that Tang En is not able to provide those equipment to the devil at present. The current production capacity is not enough to satisfy the use of the Illus Empire himself. How can he give the devil a human favor?

A few days later, the first batch of grain had been delivered to Ellington. After Tang En collected it, he even took it to the purgatory abyss with some cooking recipes.

When he came to the abyss of Purgatory, he found that the battle had indeed not started yet--the devil and the demon were facing each other and nothing was wrong, and the demon King Balmotus was sitting quietly on his throne without knowing what to think thing.

"In order to show my sincerity, this first batch of food, fruits, and meat are here. It also contains a large number of cooking recipes. As long as you follow the recipe, you can cook very delicious food, then ..."

Down looked at Balmetos: "Can you tell me now what is going on here in Purgatory Abyss?"

"As you can see, they are still facing each other."

Balmotos raised his finger, and immediately before him a vortex exuding magic waves appeared in the vortex, a picture of the depths of the purgatory abyss appeared, the demons gathered together, squatted neatly there, completely A little chaotic look.

"What are they doing?"

Seeing such densely packed demons lined up in such an orderly manner, Tang En's faint feeling was uneasy.

"I don't know, no one knows what they are going to do now."

After a pause, Balmotos waved a screen and said, "The Devil's Army on our side is also ready and ready to attack."

The bustling Devil's Legion appears in the picture. The powerful devil of all races are gathered there, which is no less than the lineup of the devil.

Seeing this scene, Tang En felt relieved, at least these guys did prepare, not just wait there.

"It's very timely that you're here, and we're about to attack the demon soon."

The flames burned in Balmetos' eyes: "Although I don't know what you have done to make the demons look like they are now, I really want to thank you, maybe this time will be 10,000 years old. The moment most likely to defeat them completely. "

In the past, demons did not gather so obediently, they were all messy. Even if the demons wanted to sneak attack or ambush them, they often did not get too good results, but now they are different. These demons are arranged neatly. Standing neatly there is almost a living target!

Even the sly and cautious Balmotos couldn't help but want to start as soon as possible.

After hearing Balmotos's words, Down was immediately impressed. He wanted the soldiers under him to come here and personally participate in the war between the devil and the devil. Perhaps he could learn a lot of experience, but ...

Tang En soon calmed down and gave up the plan.

Although this idea sounds beautiful. Wonderful, but do n’t forget, compared with the devil and the devil, the human soldiers ’fighting power is now too bad. In this high-spec battle, human soldiers do n’t even have cannon fodder. Up, as soon as you go up, you may be killed by the aftermath of the battle.

Bringing some soldiers here will only increase the number of casualties. To achieve this purpose, we must first increase the combat effectiveness and survivability of the soldiers as the first goal.

When Tang En thought about this, he said decisively, "Then I wish you every success."

"Take your word."

Balmetos grinned with a stingy grin: "This time, we will wipe out these dirty guys completely!"

Although the ancestors of the devil are the devil corrupted by chaos, but after such a long time to breed, the devil has already become an independent race, and is deeply hated by the devil, can't wait to have everything about them in the devil All the marks are erased, and the devil's shame is left on them.

"Unfortunately, I don't have much time. I don't have time to stay here to enjoy your fight."

Tang En expressed his regret. After congratulating Balmotos in advance, he left the throne of the Devil.

[Saratymore! where are you? Get out of me! 】

Tang En just called Saratimore in his heart, and after a while Saratimore rushed to him, looking at Tang En with a grudge.

"Why look at me like that?"

Tang En frowned: "I asked you to report to me here, but you haven't observed anything for so long. I think it's time to consider lowering your standard of treatment."

"Don't boss!"

Saratimore exclaimed, "swipe" turned into a sex. Touching beauty, hugging crying Tang En's big leg. "Boss, this is not to blame me! You put After I stayed here, Her Majesty regarded me as a traitor to the Devil, and kept staring at me, so that I could not leave the surveillance area at all! "

Tang En frowned, "Is there such a thing?-Don't touch your hands, be honest with me!"

"You don't know much!"

Saratimore limped up from under Tang En, and complained: "After you left, Her Majesty the Lord held a meeting with other Grand Duke. I do n’t know the main content of the meeting, but listen to my original boss The meeting is mainly for your human beings. Her Majesty the Demon King seems to want to deal with your human beings after he has resolved the demons. "


Tang En sneered: "He's really far away."

"How do you say ... after all, you humans and the devil use each other. It is hard to say who will win the final victory, but in terms of combat effectiveness, you are still a bit weak ..."

As a devil, Saratimore is not very good at saying bad things about her race. She can only remind Tang En politely that the human fighting power is scum before the devil. If you really want to fight, surrender as soon as possible and don't resist. Already.

Tang En was too lazy to talk to her so much, and said directly: "The demon king has already said that he is about to launch an attack on the demon. I am now telling you clearly that he must keep an eye on the devil's movement. If there is something wrong, Go back to Ellington and inform me immediately, understand? "

After a pause, Tang En said to her indignantly: "If you are passive again, I don't mind letting you try the taste of a man ..."

"Huh? Can you really try it? I'm so excited!"

Seeing Saratimore's slightly excited expression, Tang En froze for a moment before he remembered that he had used the wrong threat way towards the wrong object ...

"forget it……"

Tang En sighed, and he was a bit rude to deal with these guys.

Down was back in Ellington, and a few days later, another great thing happened.

The artificial soul quantum computer has cracked the stage of prehistoric civilization.

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