Things from Another World

Chapter 1263: Deciphered, prehistoric spaceship

The Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute, Tang En and a large number of related people all gathered together, and the little dwarf dancing very excitedly in front was the leader of the dwarf family, the great craftsman Croto.

"... After a simple pairing test, we finally determined that Eve has completed the data cracking of the computer in Alar's ruins!"

Klotto waved his hands and shouted exuberantly: "At the same time, under the control of Eve, Eve successfully established a database of prehistoric civilizations, which contained all the data cracked in reverse. All these data are now all The structure is in this database, and it can be queried at any time, which is very convenient. "

Hearing here, Tang En not only regained his spirits, but this is great news. It is like the synthetic process of the Anas alloy previously discovered. Although it is not able to achieve it now, may it be conditional in the future? Keep the relevant information, and when conditions permit, it can be reproduced at any time, isn't it beautiful?

"More importantly," Clotto said aloud, "Based on the data of prehistoric civilizations, we have also successfully established a corresponding coded data set. Through the reverse check of the computer, we have obtained an extremely large algorithm from the computer system Information! There are many algorithmic formulas that we have never thought of. Now, as long as the corresponding arithmetic symbol database is established in Eve, or a mapping relationship is established according to the existing symbol system, it can be applied immediately. . "

Listening to Croto's words, Tang En can't help but overjoy, this news is even more surprising than the previous one.


Because computer technology is in fact a technology of various algorithms, and mathematical-based algorithms are the only way to implement various functions of computers, so mathematics is the foundation of computer technology. Without mathematics, everything is useless.

Thanks to Tang En himself, even if he knows the functions of many computers, but he doesn't know how the core algorithms are implemented, he can only provide them with an inspirational idea for Clotto and Yustisah, and How to achieve it depends on them to solve it themselves.

However, Klotto and Yustisah's knowledge is also limited by the times, and they can't do many things.

But now it is different. With the algorithm library in the prehistoric civilization computer, Eve can quickly learn and master through mapping relationships, and organize these materials into corresponding runtime libraries, and then publish them in the form of update packages through the magic network. , Then all computers that have permission can be upgraded to have the same features.

Artificial Soul Quantum Computer, Niubi is at this point.

At this time, Tang En suddenly felt in his heart. If all the algorithm libraries in the prehistoric civilization computer were found out and the mapping relationship was established, does this mean that many unachievable functions can be realized?

For example, the satellite is sent into the Prandall synchronous orbit, and then a three-dimensional positioning and navigation system is established, and a standard magic network clock is developed. Especially the standard clock is very important. In Prandall without an atomic clock, I want to It is very difficult to make a high-precision standard clock. If you rely on powerful algorithms and the natural security of the magic energy network, it may be much harder to make a virtual standard clock than to make an atomic clock.

"... the birth of the prehistoric civilization database means that we have a complete deciphering function!"

"... Originally it took archaeologists several months or even years to decipher. Now it is only necessary to import the information, and it only takes a moment to get the information in it ..."

"... This is not only technological progress, but also our key to opening the door to ancestor civilization ..."

"... In the next step we will continue to enrich the data in this database, until all the data we have discovered so far from Gnome and Goblin have been imported into Eve, making this database more complete and richer ... "

"... At the same time, we will also search these databases to see what technologies we can use now and can restore ..."

Croto's voice fluttered beside his ears, but Tang En couldn't keep his soul, and his thoughts didn't know where he was floating. When he returned to God, the others present were scattered, leaving him and Fior alone. Na and Croto.

"What are you thinking about?"

Fiona looked down at Down: "We just called you a few times and you didn't respond."

Towne said a little awkwardly: "I thought of something ... Master Croto, the successful establishment of the algorithm library, but you are very successful."

Croto said with a smile on his face: "No, no, no, I just did some trivial work. The main tasks were all done by Eve."

Tang En smiled uncritically, and continued: "But also because of the advent of the algorithm library, it is time for us to start discussing things."

Croto immediately understood what Dunn meant: "Launch satellite?

Tang En nodded, Croto fumbled for his beard, and said a moment later: "Indeed ... the birth of the algorithm library helped us solve many technical problems, and now all three network signal transmission methods have basic Embryonic, you can launch it to try it out. "

It ’s also a real loss here. If you are on the planet, if you have a technology that has not passed the simulation test, you want to launch a satellite to test it. It is estimated that it will be hacked by the treasury of the Ministry of Finance in a matter of minutes. When launching satellites and kicking them into the sky is so simple.

However, here in Prandall, sending a satellite to the sky is really as difficult as a second kick to the sky-the existence of floating stones, gravity spells, and dwarf gravity wells makes the most difficult first step completely unproblematic, and the load ratio is strong enough. Jealous envy from experts in the aerospace field on earth.

This is because on Earth, if the rocket wants to send something to the sky, for every additional kilogram of load, the overall volume and weight will rise linearly, and the fuel that occupies the rocket ’s largest weight and volume is all consumed at the stage of being off the ground. .

So, here, the cost of launching satellites is very low, and it's scary cheap. Tang En and Croto can launch and play for nothing ... Just kidding, I just want to say that Tang En's cost of launching satellites is very low. , So not afraid of failure at all.

After the satellite launch plan was determined, various departments of Ellington immediately moved into action, the design department began to open their minds, design various fantastic spacecraft, the manufacturing department began to manufacture related parts of the spacecraft, and the magic energy project The computer department of the academy has also started to develop aerospace-related functions for Eve-however, this series of actions are all done in imagination without any experience.

Tang En even suspected that this was a spacecraft that launched a satellite, or an oversized second kick that was put together.

Until he remembered the crashed spaceship that he had previously found at Gorgon Crater.

Although they stayed at the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute before, they did not have the ability to decipher and research at that time, so Tang En took it back in order to prevent those gnome employees from distracting their energy.

"I almost forgot this thing!"

Tang En patted his head, ran to the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute, and took the spaceship out.

"I rely on me to forget this thing!"

After seeing this ship, Croto jumped three feet high: "We are short of reference objects! This ship definitely helped us a lot-those guys in the design department are just messy! The designs are all What is it! I do n’t consider the impact of the atmosphere inside the planet on flight at all, only look good! ”

Tang En smiled bitterly: "After all, it's an elf. The pursuit of art has become the spirit in the bones. Don't be extravagant. Anyway, our current lift-off model does not have high requirements on aerodynamics. . "

"That wouldn't work. I'm going to call them over and print out every part of this spacecraft, inside and out, and let them take a good look at what a real spaceship looks like!"

Real spaceship? I'm afraid it's not a lifeboat ...

Tang En silently spoke, and then suddenly asked: "Speaking of this, after all, it is a spaceship. The data stored in the internal computer should be more closely related to aerospace, right? Eve has not already established a set of usable coding libraries. ? Let her use the coding library to decompile the spacecraft's computer. Maybe it can collect a lot of data. It is not too late to disassemble the data. "

"you are right!"

Croto nodded again and again: "I'm so anxious, so let's start with Eve to analyze the computer's data storage. After extracting all the information available to me, I will slowly break down the aircraft."

"It's better, after all ... this is probably the only aircraft we can find."

Tang En smiled bitterly. If they were accidentally demolished, they wouldn't be able to find another alternative.

However, with this aircraft, Ellington's blood was boiling up and down, and the original messy research and development finally began to slowly get on track.

When they had studied the shape and structure of the spacecraft carefully, and listened to Clotto's explanation of aerodynamics and propulsion mechanics, they finally designed a spacecraft ... which was more beautiful than the beginning.

But what made Croto tearful was that the spacecraft looked normal, at least working.

Next, just wait until the computer to be installed on the satellite is completely completed, and then install a new hyperspace communication module, and you can launch!

Will everything really go as smoothly as expected?

"No! I disagree!"

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