Things from Another World

Chapter 1264: With whom?

When everything was ready, and Ellington was preparing for the first launch test, Tang En suddenly made an amazing decision-he wanted to take off with this spacecraft and monitor the spacecraft's operation throughout. Status, and is responsible for observing other situations in the middle of the record.

"No! I disagree!"

This idea was of course strongly protested by Fiona.

"First, you are the regent of the current Illus Empire and the de facto ruler of Plantar. Your status is very important and you cannot take this risk."

Fiona stared at Tang En's eyes desperately, forcing Tang En to lower his head with his own gaze: "Second, the technology of spacecraft launching is still very immature, with huge risks, and it is likely to appear The explosion crashed and it was better for the artificial soul quantum computer to conduct preliminary tests, and it would be better to consider giving it up after the technology matured. "

"The third ... and the most important point."

Fiona pointed at Tang's clothes and said fiercely, "Did you say that before? It ’s dangerous to go to outer space. You have to be well prepared to go ... but now? You plan to do just that. Go up? "

From the environmental monitoring log extracted from the crashed spacecraft, it can be seen that the outer space of Tang En's world is basically the same as that of Prendall's world. Tang En told them when chatting before In outer space, the environment there is different from that in the astral world. Outer space is a vacuum, high radiation, the temperature difference between the sunny side and the negative side is extremely sharp, and it is accompanied by various risks such as the impact of small meteorite.

The most important thing is that although Tang En is a very powerful legendary powerhouse, but ... his power is based on a magical environment. Outside of Prandall, is there such an abundance in space? What about the magic? If not, would Tangn be in danger if he went there?

Although Eutinia said before, the big explosion of the astral channel that opened at the beginning caused the world to become an energy-rich state, but no one knows that so many years have passed. The energy environment around the planet Prandall Has anything changed ...

In theory, the safest method is to send an artificial soul quantum computer to control the alchemy of human beings, and then go to outer space to test the environment and collect various data. When the data is almost collected, prepare some emergency plans, and at the same time After the development of aerospace technology is complete, it is only proper to consider manned aerospace ...

"Relax, it must be fine."

Tang En is now more at ease. On the one hand, because his strength is really good, he has asked Sasaglot in the laboratory to help them test it. Under his conscious preparation, the vacuum high temperature and low temperature environment will not Hurt him.

On the other hand, it is because the energy environment outside Prendall is likely to be the same as the interior of Prendall. Do n’t forget that chaotic creatures are creatures that rely on devouring energy to strengthen themselves. They can even invade the interstellar space of the entire universe. This shows that the energy environment of outer space also meets the needs of magicians.

Even if there is any danger in outer space, Tang En still has a hand to prepare, returning to the crystal, using it, you can return to Ellington in the moment of encountering danger.

Even if there is no time for the crystal to return home, Tang En also has a portable pendant Nora. Nora can pull him into the half plane at a critical moment, and then return to Ellington through the half plane ...

If something goes wrong like this ... Tang En feels that he doesn't have to save any other world, just wash and sleep.

"No! I still don't worry!"

Fiona shook her head hard, not to say she was really uneasy, but ... this time she was going outside the planet! If you don't keep an eye on it, Fiona always feels that Tang En will disappear from the world at any time, which makes her feel a sense of uneasiness.

"At least, find someone to accompany you!"

Fiona said decisively: "I'll go with you!"

Tang En has a headache: "You who have always been so smart, how did you start to get confused this time? If there is any danger, I may escape myself. If we bring you, we are really dangerous ... "

Fiona sneered: "Don't you say the spacecraft will be safe?"


Tang En was speechless for her reason!

He had to say, "Well, I admit that there is a certain risk to everything, but I have the ability to avoid this risk, do you understand?"

However, this time Fiona completely lost her calmness and sanity on weekdays. She just strongly protested that Tang En acted alone.

In the end, with the hard counsel of Tang En, Fiona finally reluctantly compromised and chose a compromise solution: find another person of comparable strength to accompany him.

Originally, Fiona wanted Otinija to go with Tang En. As a goddess, I'm afraid that Tang En's safety is the best. , Immediately shook his head.

Ask her why, and answer: If she escapes from Prandall's environment, her breath will be exposed and it will be easily noticed by chaotic creatures.

After hearing what she said, Fiona decisively dispelled her initial thoughts.

Angus and Gene are now staying at the temporary aviation headquarters of the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute, responsible for ground data monitoring and other issues, and have no way to accompany Tang En to the air.

And Sasha Glott, who is now busy taking care of the newborn Tasser and Murphy, they are now the treasures of the entire Dragon clan, and the entire Dragon clan revolves around them.

Echo Kamanda was more than happy to accompany Tang En to heaven, but Tang En was strongly opposed to being in a confined space with this guy, and he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

It turned around in the end, only to find that only Aegwin was able to make time for a trip with him.

After hearing the news, Tang En, who was still very reluctant, suddenly refreshed, and immediately smiled, and couldn't do it anymore-instead of being unhappy at this moment, Fiona made the suggestion at the beginning.

Originally, his position in Tang En's mind was not as good as Aigwin's, but now he is better. With their own promotion, these two people will fly together and go to heaven together!

Fortunately in Ellington, no matter what happened, they are supervising under their eyes, but they are in heaven? If this happened ...

Fiona regrets that!

I am afraid that for the first time in history, she regrets that she did not seriously improve her strength. The power contained in the core of a water lord, if it can absorb half of it, I am afraid that he is at least supreme now and can help a little. Busy, not as it is now, was directly rejected.

"I don't have any opinion about what you said. I don't want to go to the outer world ..."

Aegwynn tilted his head and looked down at Dunn and Fiona with a dumb look: "How do we go? Fly up?"

"It's right to fly up, but it's definitely not what you think ..."

Tang En briefly explained the concept of the spacecraft to Aegwin. After all, she was given the concept of the planet and outer space, and understood what it means to go to "the world beyond the sky".

"I really envy Sister Egwin ..."

Elf Queen Isari secretly stomped Tang En's legs under the table, and sighed, "If it's not too tight for you to give birth, let us all be busy, I want to leave the hands Work accompanies you ... "

Tang En's heart was tight, and he looked at Fiona with a dim smile, only to find that Fiona didn't care about Isari's words, then he was slightly relieved-this guy still doesn't know Isari and him Fiona's relationship has long been discovered.

After it was determined that Aegwin was to accompany him, they took time to improve the space of the spaceship. Every inch of space on the spacecraft was very precious. However, they continued to widen and widen it for Tang Enliu. Out of place to toss.

When asking why, they just looked at Tang En and Aegwin with strange faces, and then laughed nonchalantly.

The design of the spacecraft was changed. The one that has been produced so far cannot be used directly, and only one can be re-produced. Fortunately, after having the experience of manufacturing the first spacecraft, it has been reworked a lot, and Now almost all of Prandall's resources can be freely used by Tang En, the production efficiency has been maximized, and a lot of valuable time has been saved-if it is on the earth, a rocket from project establishment to financial allocation to design to production Don't even think about shipping every few years ...

But even so, it is more than ten days after the production of the second spacecraft is completed, and the harvest moon has passed in the blink of an eye.

In the autumn, the weather is not so hot, and at this time, Prandall will also usher in the most magnificent annual festival-the glorious festival.

This year, driven by the highway, magic cars, and airship transportation, the number of floating people has risen linearly. This year, the number of people who have gone to Yalinx to participate in the glorious ceremony has reached a record high. This is not only It is because transportation is more convenient, and it is also because the Illus Empire has now become the true first power of Prandall.

It took only three years for His Majesty Down to bring the Illus Empire back to its peak from a weak and endangered empire. This strong legendary heroic color brought the people of the Illus Empire. This strengthened the sense of pride and identity, strengthened the internal cohesion of the Illus Empire, and eliminated some hidden evils.

For the first time this year, there are two main venues for the glorious ritual of the Illus Empire. One is Alynx, and the other is Ellington. Now after years of development, Ellington has gradually exceeded its importance. Alinks, it is the general trend to set up a main venue here.

What is also unprecedented is that at the opening ceremony of this year ’s Shining Ceremony, His Majesty Tang En not only released an opening speech from space, but also decided to broadcast a space picture for everyone.

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