Things from Another World

Chapter 1267: Corrupt Islands

There was once a composite picture called "Despair" which was quite famous on Earth's network. It was an astronaut on the moon watching the meteorite destroying the earth.

I'm afraid at that time, the astronaut in the picture was desperate.

But despair is not the kind of chilling horror.

The most terrible thing is that you suddenly find that the home you are familiar with actually has another face ...

The spacecraft kept at a relatively slow speed to maintain its orbit, and when Dunn saw a dark, corrupted area suddenly appearing on slowly rotating Prandall, his brain almost exploded.

All along, the news that Tang En learned from various channels indicates that there is only this main continent on Prendall, and then there is a pure sea area around the continent-it is said that originally in the prehistoric period, there was another world in this world. In the unprecedented shock, not only the main continent where the gnome and goblins lived was almost destroyed, but the continent existing on the other side of the world was also fragmented due to changes in orbit and impact, and disappeared from this world.

As the guardian of this planet, Sasha Glott, who has been around the world many times, is very sure that there is indeed only this continent on the planet.

But ... what did Tang En see now?

A sudden appearing archipelago!

The area of ​​the archipelago is not large, and it may not add up to the area of ​​the Kingdom of Roninant. It is terrible to look down from space. The land of the archipelago has completely turned black and purple, and has been completely corrupted. The dark clouds are jumping with black-purple lightning, indicating that even the magic has been corrupted around those islands!

The perimeter of the archipelago is invisible, and the rotten power is hardly visible to the naked eye, but it is this state of condensedness that is still uncomfortable.

"Hey, this is not a good sign ..."

Tang En murmured to himself, he wanted to subconsciously cut off the live video, but when he put his hand on the camera, he suddenly stopped.

Aigwin snapped: "What's wrong?"

After Tang En smiled bitterly, he retracted his hand.

In the event of an emergency, as a ruler, the first thing he thought of was to conceal information from the public.

How is he different from those rulers he despised before?

The public has the right to know. If he sets such a precedent now, other people will learn from it in the future. This is the so-called upside-down effect.

What's more, the people of Prendall face the army of chaos sooner or later. If this crisis is unbearable now, how will they fight in the future?

Tang En shook his head and said, "Since being a member of Prendall, the people also have the right to know. I am not qualified to hide the truth. Let them see for themselves. The crisis in this world."

From this distance, Tang En couldn't see whether it was a chaotic creature or a demon that corrupted the archipelago. After hesitating for a moment, he began to manually adjust the trajectory, and said at the same time: "The Pathfinder, turn on the ground telescope, ready to shoot— —Ilia, sit down with Winnett, I have no time to take care of you now. "

"The Pathfinder received. The telescope has been activated."

Tang En pushed the joystick and began to fly over the corrupted archipelago. Fortunately, the power mode and cruise mode of this spacecraft are different from the rockets on the planet. They have abundant "fuel" that can be squandered, so there is no need to worry about suddenly changing the orbit. Caused by.

After the telescope was started, at the same time, the temporary command center on Ellington also received the shooting pictures simultaneously.


Having returned to the temporary command center, Brian, who was going to open a barrel of beer to celebrate, suddenly saw the picture on the screen, and froze. He scratched his head and said to Croto, "I said, Brother, is he wrong? The direction of shooting? "

In the scheduled test, the test telescope was to take pictures of Lolita and Loriya.

"How do I know, Jean, you call Down and ask about it."

"Okay, I ... wait a minute? What's that?"

Jean was just about to call Down, his face suddenly changed, and he looked at the screen with a shocked look. The black-purple corrupted islands were so dazzling on the surface of the blue planet that it was scary.

It's as if you know that the world you live in is peaceful, but one day you suddenly find that this peace is actually just an illusion. Where you don't know, a terrible crisis is brewing ... This sudden violation and shock Is very scary.

"Does he want to shoot that area !?"

Angus also noticed the abnormal situation on the screen. His voice has just fallen, the screen has been further enlarged, the clouds are gradually approaching, the black and purple lightning is getting brighter, and under the violent cloud lightning, there is a scorched land and islands. The hot lava flowing around is just like **** on earth ...


Tang En's face on the airship was extremely poor, because the appearance on this archipelago was so similar to the environment he saw in the abyss of purgatory!

After the telescope zoomed in, he could even see a lot of demons and portals!

That's right, those demons with chaos in nature built portals on those islands!

No wonder all the demons in the Great Rift Camp have returned. No wonder the demons confronting the devil have shrunk their defense line-they have been able to break through the seal and appear in the surface world!

I'm afraid they found a way to break the seal when they continued to cross the Great Rift Camp, but they have found that the Great Rift Camp is a dead end, and once they appear, they will be severely hit, so they give up the Great Rift The exit at the camp chose another exit-although I don't know how they did it, they successfully managed to create an archipelago foothold on the other side of Planet Prandall's sea!

They are intended to get rid of shells and invade the surface world directly!

Tang En's entire face was dark. Mom Balmotos, if you can't use it this time, I'll kill you!

After seeing what was happening in the picture, Aigwin's expression also became serious: "Demons? Why are they here?"

"I don't know ... I think we need to make some preparations ..."

Tang En's eyes narrowed, the location of the demon this time was not very good, it was too far from the main land of Prandall. It may take ten days and a half months to reach the destination using the fleet of the expedition to the Broken Isles. Use the air force now The technology of the sky mothership is not mature, and it is even impossible to compile. There is no way to form an effective combat effectiveness.

Maybe, directly inform Sasha Glott that they have used the giant dragon troops equipped with magic artillery armor, and it is relatively simple and rude to directly bombard them at high altitude.

The premise is that you can dig out the real reason that a large number of demons can be transmitted to Prendall, otherwise it may be useless to kill as many as possible, and their lair is in the depths of the abyss of purgatory.

Aigwin sighed: "It's too far away ... I'm afraid it would take me ten days and a half months to fly by."

"Yes, this kind of ocean operations is not what we are good at."

Tang En nodded, although he can now directly control the spacecraft to land on the archipelago, then anchor the space coordinates, and then open the portal to drop the army over, but his single transmission ability is limited, and the army will fall into the demon's Surrounded, so we need to consider a more comprehensive plan.

"The command center calls Pathfinder! Please answer when you receive it!"

"Here is Pathfinder."

"Well, the sound picture is very clear ... Big brother, Jean, they asked me to ask you, what is going on there? He just went back to Xingyue Tower just now, and there was no abnormality in the Eye of Arcane! "

After hearing Brian's words, Tang En said helplessly: "I don't know why there is a demon there, it is not the gate of chaos. Of course, the eyes of arcane screened for chaotic features will not find abnormalities."

"A demon !? (A riot over the command center, Aurelia appears on the screen after a while), why is there a demon !? Do you know that the people outside are now frightened, the glory ceremony has just begun It's almost over. "

Tang En looked helpless: "We don't know, it should be said that if it wasn't for our launch today, we might not find them until the demons hit the door."

Aurelia said in a deep voice, "That is to say, suddenly found out, but is it a good thing?"

"Yes, at least we know the situation now, and we can get more information based on subsequent investigations to prepare in advance to prepare for the demon."

"Where is the devil? You should have signed a contract with them!"

"I don't know. I will go there again when I go back. Now I will take a snapshot of the area, and then I will release the satellite. We can monitor the area through the satellite."

"Well, I ... wait, phone."

Alleria turned on her cell phone, and after listening for a moment, she suddenly said, "Wait a minute, I'll turn on the speakerphone, and you tell Tang En."



Aurelia turned on the speakerphone, and then Down heard the words of Pertis: "Master, we have also seen the live broadcast. I am willing to go there to investigate the specific situation on behalf of the Liangninaga family. "

Eggwin couldn't help but say, "Peltis, it's too dangerous for your soldiers!"


Portis seemed to smile, and then said, "So I didn't plan to send soldiers, but rather to go in person ... You and the place are separated by a very distant ocean, and the ocean is our Naga family. No one in the world is more suitable for this task than us. "

Tang En originally wanted to refuse, but if you think about it, that ’s the truth, simply said, “It ’s bothering you. After you get there, you anchor a space coordinate nearby and share the space coordinates with me when I come back. I ’ll use them later. . "

"I see. It's my pleasure to help you."

After hanging up the phone, Aurelia said, "Peltis needs some time to investigate the situation. You should release the satellite into orbit as soon as possible and rush back. We're afraid to discuss it."


Tang En said with a serious face, and immediately began to act.

However, Tang En didn't notice at this moment. When Elijah looked at the starry sky outside the side window, the inexplicable light in her eyes ...

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