Things from Another World

Chapter 1268: What else can I do? Hand brake!

The Pathfinder adjusted its orbit again, then opened the warehouse to release the first artificial satellite "Cloto" for testing. After the satellite's central control computer was started, it successfully linked with the artificial soul quantum computer Eve of the command center. Then, under the control of the computer, the magic thruster was activated and slowly entered the recalculated orbit.

This satellite was originally used to test transition communications and telescope observations of Lolita and Loriya, but after suddenly discovering the archipelago corrupted by the demon, they decided to change the mission of the satellite after a simple temporary meeting. Became a surveillance corruption island.

"Here is the temporary command center ... the satellite signal is normal ... the angular velocity has reached the target value ... the satellite has entered synchronous orbit ... we have succeeded!"

Seeing the stable and clear picture uploaded from the screen, there was a cheer in the command center, and everyone did not expect that the first launch of the artificial satellite was so successful.

Cloto is also full of emotion, if not enough data from prehistoric civilizations, master a lot of new mathematical knowledge, and even obtain formulas for prehistoric civilizations to calculate various orbits, thereby reducing a lot of workload. Not to mention launching satellites, I'm afraid that even today, I still daydream.

"The satellite is already in orbit. Come back soon!"

Aurelia urged Tang En. Tang En nodded, looking a little reluctantly at space, the stars and the sea. This is a man's romance ...

He was a man, and even he himself did not expect that one day he could come to outer space.

Although there are still many tests not done-such as the burning effect of fire elements in a vacuum environment, the transmission efficiency of magic power, and so on.

He even wanted to test the possibility that the body of the legendary might enter the space directly ...

Unfortunately, this test is too risky, and Tang En didn't dare to joke about his life. He gave up after thinking about it.

Maybe you can catch a demon of similar strength and throw it into space to see if it can survive.

"Well, let's go back ... Ilia?"

At this time, Tang En found that Elijah's expression was a little abnormal and her heart hung up suddenly. He suddenly remembered what Eutinia had said before. Elijah was also a goddess!

——Although Ilia hasn't awakened yet, who knows if Chaos Creature will detect her power fluctuations? The oppression and distortion caused by the power of the oracle to the surrounding space is simply a natural signpost for them.

"... Ah, oh, um ..."

Ilia returned suddenly, and smiled at Tang En: "It's a bit fascinating just now. It's pretty here, are we going to go back? It's a pity."

Tang En worriedly looked at the starry sky in the distance, then rubbed her head and smiled reluctantly: "If you like, you can come back later, but now we have to rush back."

Elijah didn't say anything, obediently asked Tang En to strap her to the seat.

"Vinette, you have to be good, sit down."

"Good dad!"

Winnet ... Now her body shape has caught up with that of Elijah a few years ago, and her mind is also growing rapidly. She has become a girl of seven or eight years old. Although she likes to move, fortunately, She has not yet entered the rebellious period, and currently she is still obedient.

This made Tang En moved to tears.

"Let's go."

Tang En gestured to Aegwin with his eyes, and then started the engine. The spacecraft started to dive down to Prandall. The huge acceleration and strong vibration caused the whole spaceship to tremble violently. The windows in front of it were all because of The air rubbed and burned, and there was a fiery red in the field of vision.

In the ear of Tang En, a central computer alarm sounded: "Warning, the wing thruster of the spacecraft is loose and detached from the hull ..."

Lying down! ?

"Warning, the hull spins ... 0.12 degrees north of the landing course ... 0.13 degrees ..."

I rely! !! !!

"Big brother! Are you okay !? Our ground staff observed that you seem to be burning-wait, they said your direction is wrong?"

Tang En could not help yelling and yelled, "All the flank thrusters have been dropped! I lost my steering ability and reverse thrust ability, can this course be normal !?"


"Who designed the landing solution for the spacecraft! And the connector for the wing thruster!"

"Reference to the plan on that ship ..."

"You actually refer to the landing plan of a crashed spaceship! Or a spaceship driven by a goblin !?"

Tang En didn't know what to say. If he didn't stare, these guys copied everything as it is ... the landing scheme of their spaceship might be effective, but that was based on their engine power. The connection of the flank thrusters can only be used under the condition of the high-strength alloy developed by them and the corresponding welding technology. Isn't this special? ?

The flames in front of me gradually dissipated, but the vibrations became more and more intense. Tang En even saw many rivets and bolts jumping out. The control panel in front of him was about to fall apart ... Seeing these familiar pictures, Tang En Finally, I regained the feeling of a magical world.

"Well, I am now sure that this spacecraft has lost the value of rescue."

When Tang En found out that the joysticks were pulled out by himself, he gave up completely and continued to struggle.

Fortunately, this is Prendall, this time they are the astronauts, otherwise this first space exploration operation will end in failure.

Central Control Computer: "Your Majesty, I think I can rescue again ..."

Down: "..."

Eggwin: "..."

Although it is possible to take the three of them out of the spacecraft now, and then directly bring the spacecraft into the carry-on space, but this spacecraft is about to fall apart, and it has almost no value of rescue.

But the words of the central control computer let Tang En decide to give it another chance. It has just been born and is still a child ...

"Can you start a gravity well to slow down?"

"Warning, the reverse thruster is falling off, unable to start, the acceleration is too large, the hull structure loses stability, and the sudden start of the gravity well will cause the hull to completely disintegrate. According to calculations, debris will cover one third of Ellington's region."

"Okay ... it looks like this won't work ..."

Brian shouted: "Big brother, the crash site has been determined. It is 13 kilometers straight from the town of Jinhu within the territory of Kaspermi ... It is still the last thirty seconds before the crash ... if you want to act, please ASAP."

"My friend, if it can be rescued, it is better to rescue it."

Croto, who was next to him, was also anxious. After all, this is the first real spaceship he handled. This spacecraft has passed the test of taking off, the test of sealing, radiation, high and low temperature in space. It crashed in the end, which was too embarrassing.

How to record the first space flight of Prandall in future history books?

Klotto said: "Although it is about to fall apart, it allows us to further study how to fall apart, the strength of the structure and other defects ..."

"Don't make excuses for Croto."

Brian next to him mercilessly pierced his cover: "Actually you're just afraid to lose face, right, I don't know you yet?"

Croto: "..."

Damn, who said that the dwarf was upright? This guy's mouth is so cheap that he can't wait to rip him off ... it's short!

"Okay, okay, you are all uncles!"

Tang En was helpless, glanced at the instantaneous speed at which the watch burst on the dashboard, and shook his head.

"How to do?"

Eggwin looked nervous as he approached the ground, "Twenty seconds left."

Tang En reluctantly said, "What else can you do? Use your handbrake!"

The huge magic roared out of his body, and a hand of a mage the size of several hundred meters was formed on the outside of the spacecraft. After maintaining a relatively static speed with the spacecraft, he held the spacecraft, then ... began slowly Force back to stop the ship from falling. Fall!

At the same time, Aegwynn also released his pure magic to strengthen the ship's hull so that it would not be torn in half by the power of the mage's hand and his own acceleration.

"I'm going! Big Brother, you're amazing! You can think of 'Handbrake'!"

Brian drank his beer and stared blankly at the huge mage's hand in the sky, pulling the ship as if walking a dog.

Listening to the creak of the spacecraft, Tang En cursed angrily: "If you can make the spacecraft firmer, there won't be so many things for me!-Hey me. Fuck you and run! Stop me Come down! "

The mage controlled by Tang En dragged the spaceship backwards desperately, and the spacecraft accelerated from a height of hundreds of thousands of meters. This speed, coupled with its own mass, contains no less energy than a meteorite. It's not easy to grab it.

But such a terrible power was actually offset by the hand of Tang En's mage!

The speed of the spacecraft has finally fallen back into a normal range, and it is still accelerating. When the speed falls back below the threshold, the central control computer immediately starts the dwarf gravity well. Under the action of antigravity, the spacecraft is about to fall apart Immediately hovered in the air.

"Well, let's count it as a successful landing."

Tang En sighed: "Don't announce the news that you almost crashed. The people need some confidence to announce that we have successfully landed."

"This is best."

Croto nodded hurriedly: "Get the spaceship back, we are still waiting to analyze the cause of the accident."

"The engines are all off. How can this fly! Wait for you!"

Tang En said angrily: "When I drag it back, you send someone to check the predicted crash point of the engine, hoping that there will be no accident."


Pretending to be landing smoothly, Tang En finally managed to tow the spacecraft back to Ellington. As soon as he got off the spacecraft, the spacecraft almost collapsed, and he had to continue to accompany Croto to send them back to the assembly workshop.

At this time, after leaving the spacecraft, Elijah sent Winnett home and quietly went out ...

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