Things from Another World

Chapter 1269: Generally we call this situation mental retardation

"You came."

Otinija didn't look back, she knew who came.


"Please sit down."

Outrigger closed her eyes with her own eyes, and her mental strength had fully converged-fearing that Tang En would get chaotic attention when she entered space, she deliberately controlled her power.

But after seeing her come, Otiniya knew that Tang En had returned, so she began to dissipate her restraint.

A moment later, Otinija opened her eyes and asked, "I have tea, fruit wine, bread, refreshments. What would you like to have?"

Elijah said calmly, "Tea will do."

Her voice was cold and indifferent, and she couldn't see the usual beauty and gracefulness beside Tang En on her face, which was completely calm-like an adult.

-Only the faint anxiety deep in her eyes may prove that she is still her.

As soon as Otiniya waved, two cups of hot tea and a stack of refreshments appeared on the table: "Although the refreshments I developed are not as good as the heavens, the taste is not bad, you try it."

Elijah nodded, took a cup of hot tea and took a sip of hot tea slowly, but did not speak.

The two were so speechless, sitting there drinking tea in silence.

After being silent for more than half an hour, after changing the tea for several rounds, Otinia, who was extremely stable on weekdays, could not help but finally spoke: "I should have told you that you can't follow him to space— —Why don't you listen to me? "


After Elijah was silent for a moment, she asked, "When did you find out?"

Otinija asked, "What did you find? You already know who you are?"

Elijah nodded: "Since I began to wake up from memory, I have never shown any abnormalities in the usual way, and continue to maintain Elijah's state. How did you find out?"

"About this," Otinija's gaze was a little strange. "Don't you know that fourteen or five-year-olds are usually rebellious?"


Elijah suddenly realized: "Just because I behaved exactly like before, did you notice?"

"As a girl, there are too many similarities between Elijah, 15, and Elijah, 12."

Outrigger showed a strange smile: "The same likes coquettishness, the same sticky person, the same likes to be stupid, especially likes to attract Tang En's attention ..."

Elijah had a black line: "So exaggerated?"

Otinija spread her hand: "If these are happening to a twelve-year-old girl, it is normal, but it is still normal when she is fifteen, and we generally call this situation mental retardation."

So Ilia decided to give up the topic.

"Actually, I would like to know, if those guys in Tianjie knew that Sister Anya would stick to Tang En like this now, I don't know-"

Before Eutinia's words were finished, Ilia's blond hair instantly turned white, and then pierced her like spikes. Unstable arcane spheres circled around her. Ilia Looking blankly at Otinija: "It seems you don't have the necessary respect for your elders."

"Since you asked me to be my sister, don't look like an aunt now."

Eutinia said earnestly: "Say, you haven't fully mastered your power yet, and the state is very unstable. You should quickly disperse the arcane celestial sphere, otherwise Ellington will evaporate."

Ilia snorted and dispelled the arcane celestial sphere.

"Also, sister Anja, you don't have to use your strength to cover up your shyness."

Eutinia said solemnly: "Actually, I think he's quite suitable for you ..."

Ilya blushed suddenly, a flash of confusion flashed in her eyes, and she yelled, "Otinija!"

"Ahhhhhhh, so there is no need to pretend to be harsh."

Eutinia laughed very rarely: "Just because you are not Sister Anja now, but a minor Elijah, it is impossible for you to hide your thoughts from me, do you not recognize your actions Does Elijah like Tang En? "

"I don't ..."

Elijah opened her mouth and swallowed it.

"So, there is no need to be so shy. The opportunity now is very rare for you. You must take it seriously."

Eutinia laughed. In fact, wasn't she also seizing such a rare opportunity?

——If it wasn't for Ms. Ansetania who had become a young body, Elijah, how could she dare to adjust it. This is a rare opportunity, and we must seize it.

"Most of my memory and strength are still in the seal now, and now I am still Elijah, not an adult Ansetania."

Elijah resisted the impulse to beat Otinija and said, "So, what you say is my idea, not Ansetania's! You must not get confused!"

"Uh-huh, I understand."

Otinija nodded, this excuse was really crappy.

Why did n’t you know that Sister Anja was so cute before?

"It seems that we need to adjust our action strategy in the future ..."

Elijah thought deeply: "The more adult memory and strength are released, the greater the impact ... it is impossible to maintain the current state."

Otellija said: "It's better to tell him directly, I think he should be honored ... beloved by Sister Anya ..."

"Ilia said!"

Ilia shouted in a panic: "Not Ansetania!"

"Yes, I understand."

What is it, Otinia? The goddess of calamity, who has never talked about love, has ushered in spring, but has suffered from it?

It ’s very easy to think about it. According to the **** of death, because of "authority", Anthetania is also unlucky among the gods. No one dares to get too close to her, so Don't mention any feelings.

And after her rebirth as Elijah, after a tragic childhood, she suddenly encountered the gentle and considerate big brother Tang En, and felt meticulous care. Of course, the little girl fell into blind worship ... Under the influence of Anthetania's memory, Elijah, a rapidly growing mind, quietly changed her adoration and became a favor and admiration for the opposite sex.

If Ilya ’s life is a colorful happiness, then Ansetania ’s life is a gray despair. It is conceivable how the memories released will affect Ilya—just because I have seen adulthood Desperate life of her own, so she will pay more attention to the happy life now and want to keep it now.

But the problem now is that as Elijah, she can let go of herself freely, do whatever she wants, coquettish with Tang En, and rogue if she wants to play rogue, and she can even pretend to be stupid and naive. He was by his side; but as Ansetania, a goddess who represented "disaster", she couldn't do it. She had to show sufficient stability and calmness.

So even if she had awakened most of her memories, she even understood that she was actually "Ms. Anseltania" who blocked the memory of her young body, but she suffered and suffered, and never dared to confess to Tang En. .

In order to avoid trouble, many shrines simply abandoned their "love" desires and became a purely rational being, but Anthetania was obviously not that shrine.

Because it has never been obtained, it is even more eager.

"Should I provide you some study materials?"

Otinija tentatively asked, "I'm professional in the study of the mental state of a rebellious girl."

Iliya was surprised for a moment, then suddenly remembered that the dark girl Otinija was the patron saint of the girl at night. She could say that she knew best about the mind of the girl!

Elijah's heart moved, but after a moment she coughed and said, "I won't talk about this anymore, let's get back to the subject."

"Starry sky?"

Eutinia did not expect that Elijah actually avoided her temptation, but she took it seriously and said, "If your memory is awake, you should know what kind of impact we will have in space. The risk is very high. "

Ilia shook her head and said, "In my current state, it will not attract the attention of those guys. As my strength and memory are gradually released and strengthened, this is probably the last chance for me to bet on the stars."

"What do you see?"

"Darkness, silence, coldness ..."

Ilya's eyes were deep, with stars shining in them, and the environment around them suddenly turned into dark universe space, with stars shining around them.

With Ilya's voice, the light spots in the room that symbolize the stars are rapidly fading, and the stars are either swallowed by darkness or detonated by a sudden imbalanced order environment, turning into supernova, shooting out of disorderly violent energy rays In all directions ...

"The depths of the universe have completely fallen into chaos, and the chaotic energy has completely disrupted the order space there ... the power of chaos is spreading rapidly, and the galaxy is dying ..."

Eutinia frowned: "Last time I talked with Niscle Claire and it looks worse than what she told me. She said we have about forty years to go"

"Forty years?"

Ilia shook her head: "According to the current spreading speed, it is estimated that this time will be discounted again ..."

"Thirty years?"


"Twenty years?"

"I mean, fold it in half after thirty years."

"……fifteen years!?"

Outrigger stood up and exclaimed, "So short! What can you do during this time!"

Elijah's expression was quite complicated: "Yeah ... I also want to know what he can do in such a short time ..."

Outrigger kept lingering, pinching her fingers and not knowing what it was. After a long struggle, she suddenly raised her head and said, "Maybe we need to impart some necessary 'knowledge' to him."

"you mean……"

"God runes, more **** runes."

"In addition to this, if there is a need, there are even ways to control psychic energy, he can teach him, otherwise they would not be able to win at a normal rate of development," Otinija said decisively.

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