Things from Another World

Chapter 1270: Conjecture

"This damage is quite serious!"

After giving the crumbling ship to Croto, he almost did not give Croto an uncomfortable death. This was the first ship he built.

"Blamed me?"

Tang En spread his hand: "It's not because you haven't passed strict quality control ... the connections between these components have not been carefully checked."

"In fact, it has been tested, but we did not expect that the force in each area when landing was stronger than previously estimated."

Croto knocked lightly on the outer shell of the ship. After friction and high temperature, a smooth oxide layer was formed on the outer shell of the ship.

"Not next time use Oriha steel to make the shell."

Croto sighed, the previous alloy was enough under normal circumstances, but not in the aerospace environment. Although Oliha Steel is excellent, the output is very small. After deducting the transformation of the gold giant statue After the amount of weapons and equipment required to produce magic artillery armor, armored tanks, etc., it was not enough for all departments to allocate.

"Oliha Steel's production capacity is insufficient. It can only find ways to expand the scale of the Dixinglong breeding industry and increase the production of gold cells."

Tang En sighed. No matter when the steel alloy industry is, it is a very important basic industry. But the hardest part now is that they found out the movement of the demon. In order to prevent the threat of the demon, he must strengthen his military strength and continue to increase the armament production capacity. The consumption of Oliha Steel is even greater.

The needs of the army are the highest priority, and the needs on the aerospace side are going to be in the back row.

After thinking about it for a moment, Tang En said, "Let me provide you with a small amount of Oliha steel to strengthen the hull. After analyzing the situation of the ship, reproduce the ship and satellites. Now we need to deploy a satellite network to monitor the entire Prandall Now. "

Klotto groaned for a moment and said, "Give me a week and I promise that this problem will never happen again in the next spacecraft."

"The spaceship will be left to you, Yustisa, you and Nokia. You will be responsible for optimizing the production plan of the satellite based on the real-time operating data returned by the current satellite. After the optimization, at least three satellites will be produced at the same time. The artificial soul quantum computer will be paired with a spatial positioning system for navigation. "

"In addition, Selna, you can sort out the terrain information collected by the Thieves' Guild while operating around Prendall over the years, and then summarize it based on photos taken by satellites to sort out a usable map of Prendall's world ... I Think, let a thief draw a map, you should be able to complete this task? "

"no problem!"

"Then ..."

After a moment of groaning, Tang En said, "Jean, please inform your Xingyue Tower, adjust the observation mode of the Arcane Eye, and let them pay close attention to the situation at sea. We then organize the action. "

After thinking for a moment, Jean said, "It's a bit expensive to adjust the Eye of Arcane. It's better to recreate a simple Eye of Arcane. Observing demons is much simpler than observing the door of chaos, but it is easier."

"Just whatever you do, let's get started."

Tang En clapped his hands and said, "Next I'm going to Purgatory Abyss, and the demon suddenly appears on the sea. If nothing happened in Purgatory Abyss, I don't believe it."

Demon now appears on the surface of Prendall, perhaps because on the side of Purgatory Abyss, the demon king Balmotos has gathered the devil's army to launch a repressive attack on them.

The most important thing is that Tang En wants to observe the situation in Purgatory Abyss and guess how many demons will come to the surface world by the number of demons participating in the battle.

Of course, it would be even better if you could find the portals created by the demons, destroy them there, and directly destroy the plans to destroy them into the surface world.

After confirming Tang's itinerary, Aurelia returned directly to Alinks. Due to the corrupted islands in the live picture, this year's glorious ceremony was also overshadowed. She must return there as soon as possible to host The big picture.

Although the Corrupted Islands may not threaten the Illus Empire now, as a governor, she must be vigilant, and must be prepared and mobilized.

After knowing the situation here, Fiona began to operate immediately. The Datang Chamber of Commerce will mobilize a lot of resources and begin to stabilize the market and prices in advance to prevent panic price increases caused by the emergence of demons.

This is very necessary. It might have been just catching the wind, but civilians don't think so much. If they find that some people are snapping up something, and then think of some rumors, then the situation will quickly get out of control.

Many times, the cause of those very bad things is as simple as that.

After finishing a series of things, Tang En also immediately came to the abyss of purgatory.

As soon as he entered the abyss of purgatory, he was sensitive to the anomalies in the air-this time, the magic and elements deposited in the air became significantly more active, and a dull roar continued to be heard in the distance. Bright battle flames are burning everywhere on the battlefield, huge lightning and meteorites are constantly falling from the sky, hitting the lava ground ...

The battle level here is higher than the main continent on the surface. I do n’t know how many levels-just at a casual glance just now, Tang En has seen at least six bombings of order nine spells all over the battlefield, and An outbreak of a huge range of legendary spells.

The devil and the demon finally fought again.

"You came."

The voice of the demon King Balmetos came from behind. Tang En looked back, and a space vortex was right next to him. The voice of Balmetos came from inside, and Tang En jumped into the vortex without hesitation. After a while of space warp, he came to Balmetos.

At this moment, Balmotos was bathed in the green blood of the demon all over his body, and his murderous face was filled with a sullen smile: "Now, who do you think we will win?"

Tang En looked around and said lightly: "I can't say who is the final winner, but I know that there must be little pressure on you now. Is the number of demons a lot less?"

"No ... what happened?"

Balmotos put the great sword in his hand aside, looking down at Tang En, saying coldly, "You seem to have something to say."

"Demon, appeared in the surface world."

Tang En looked at him, his face was very bad: "Although I don't know how they do it, the pressure on your side will directly affect the speed of their journey to the human kingdom ... So, you cannot force them too Ruthless, otherwise they would fall into their nests, all pouring into the surface world! "

Balmotos laughed: "But what does that have to do with us? In our contract, we are not required to go to the human kingdom to help mankind regain your home from demons."

That's right, the contract signed between Balmotos and Down only stipulates that the two parties must cooperate to fight against the devil, but it does not specify in which way, where, and who is the main body to fight the devil. Balmotos' claim of sneaking and playing tricks is completely correct.

The devil is very cunning. He is good at playing with contracts and agreeing with them on things that must be detailed. However, it is well known that the more detailed the contract details, the greater the possibility of loopholes, but the easier it is for them to find them. The vulnerabilities are used to exploit ...

Because of knowing this situation, Tang En only agreed on the general direction when he signed the contract at the beginning, without deducting details.

Unexpectedly, this still gave the devil King Balmotos a chance.

Damn, Tang En cursed, still underestimated the deviousness of these devil!

And depending on the situation, I am afraid that Balmotos is very happy to see this situation now. He wants to drive all the demons to the human kingdom and let him completely control the abyss of purgatory.

Although the environment here in Purgatory Abyss is extremely harsh, as long as you control it and completely stabilize the rear, you can take the kingdom of humanity or live a happy life for a while.

After confirming the idea of ​​the demon Balmotos, Tang En snorted, and didn't say anything more, because he already knew the idea of ​​this guy very clearly, and it would be useless to say more.

From the beginning, when both met, Tang knew that his cooperation with Balmetos would definitely not be too enjoyable, but it didn't matter. After all, Tang didn't expect how cooperative he would be, as long as he could share some pressure. Role.

Tang En glanced around and found that the Devil Lords were not nearby. I'm afraid they were scattered around the battlefield at the moment, leading his tribe to fight.


Tang En glanced at him, straight into the sky, and flew deep into the battlefield.

Balmetos looked at the leaving Tang, and there was a gleam in his eyes ...

The battlefield of Purgatory Abyss is very large. Although it is an underground world, the total area is probably many times larger than the main land of Prendall. Moreover, due to the complex underground environment, various strange environments will appear, plus the devil. The collision with the forces of both demons created this terrible hell.

As the core area of ​​the blood battlefield, the area is already equal to more than half of the main continent. The place where the demon King Balmetos is located is basically the core area of ​​the two sides fighting, but after Tang took off from there, he flew continuously. After many hours, they were chased by countless demons along the way, but they still couldn't find the devil's lair, let alone their portal to the surface world.

In the end, Tang En abandoned his original plan, and estimated the number of demons here based on the observations along the way, and left the purgatory abyss.

"Big brother!……"

As soon as Tang En returned to Ellington, before he stood still, he heard Ilya's voice. He was about to turn around to meet her hug, but suddenly found out ...

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