Things from Another World

Chapter 1271: Dear, expand your brain?



Elijah exclaimed: "For him, the runes of God Words are already very dangerous, and the psionic energy is even more dangerous! The Runes of God Words can be regarded as a controllable force. We have already consolidated and solidified, as long as They can be used if they are qualified to activate, but giving them free use of psionic energy is equivalent to giving them the weapon to destroy themselves. It is likely that they have destroyed themselves without stopping the invasion of chaotic creatures! "

Eutinia sighed, and said, "So, you elders just want to be too conservative ... the civilization of the previous generation, the gnome and the goblins were destroyed by the energy of the astral world, not because they did not know how to use The power? If they knew it, now I'm afraid that it has already spread throughout the universe and formed a united front against chaotic creatures. "

"This is not conservative, but a correct risk assessment." Elijah shook her head: "Trust me, I care more about their safety than you—"

Outrigger nodded suddenly: "Well, I'm so sure about that."


Elijah pouted and continued: "——If I can, I also want to help them as much as possible to get them through the difficulties, but ... Yuneng is still too dangerous for them!"

Otinija pointed at the sky: "But they need psionic power now, otherwise they won't be able to go far."

Then she pointed to her feet: "If there is no psionic power, with existing weapons, how can they fight the corrupted demons?"

"There are demons against demons."

"But the devil hasn't been able to destroy these demons for so many years." Otinija said lightly: "The devil doesn't have this ability? No, they have taken the absolute advantage at first, but they still haven't eliminated the devil. Why? "

"... what do you want to say?"

Otinija asked in return: "From your perspective on Apophis, from his point of view, what do you think of Vinnet's mission?"

Ilia said for a moment: "He is not the guy who likes to send messengers. If there is anything, he is more willing to solve it by himself ..."

Otinija whispered, "So, if you encounter a situation where you can't make a shot, and you have to solve it, can you just send a messenger?"

"That's right ..."

Elijah's expression gradually condensed, looking at Eutinia, they said in unison: "That is to say, something must be out of control with Apophis!"

Apophis has not been involved in Prendal for a long time, and now I am afraid that the only things related to him ...


Ilia said slowly: "There must be something wrong with the devil. Apophis observed it, but because of the chaotic creature, he couldn't make it, so he sent the messenger Vinnet, and wanted to let her go. Solving this problem, but Winnett didn't know why he fell into Stanley's hands, and he was sealed by him ... "

Otinija said: "A human king, or a stupid muscle guy, but knows how to seal the angel, this matter is already full of doubts."

"So, Winnett has not been able to wake up until now, and has not solved the situation on the devil's side."

Elijah smiled bitterly: "That is to say, basically don't expect the devil to destroy the devil."

"Yes, unless Winnett can wake up, understand his mission, and solve the abnormal situation on the devil's side, I'm afraid we can only expect Tang En to solve the demon."

Eutinia said lightly: "So you understand the situation, do you still feel unnecessary in this situation?"

Ilia was hesitant. Of course, she didn't want to see Tang En die because of her hesitation, but the power of Phantom, if not used well, is estimated to die faster than the invasion of the Chaos Army ...

Upon seeing this, Eutinia sighed, and reluctantly compromised: "Well, I probably understand your thoughts. I don't want him to die here, but I don't want him to take the risk of using phantom energy ... Anya Sister, don't you think you think too much ... "


Elijah said immediately: "At the moment I'm discussing with you as 'Ilia' and has nothing to do with Ansetania!"

"Yes, yes, Ilia is the one who likes Tang En. Sister Anya would not like a superficial wastewood like this, right?"

"He's not waste wood ..."

"But strictly speaking, he is just a person who just made all the right choices and was lucky enough to be selected. I think it can be achieved to such an extent that it can be replaced by any other alien."

"... Because it was selected, I was able to come here to become the protagonist of Prendall, so I could meet ... with Elijah. Isn't this an accidental necessity?"

"Sister Anya, you ... Oh, well, I won't tell you."

Eutinia raised her hands and said helplessly: "We will decide on the phantom afterwards. Now let's compromise ... Teach him the godly runes that can control the phantom. The effect of a rune is at least less dangerous. "

Elijah thought for a moment, that's okay, so she nodded and accepted the method.

"Are you or me?"

"Of course you!"

Elijah said without hesitation: "I'm Elijah, how can I understand so many runes! And--"

Elijah suddenly held out her hand: "——Give me the information you said about those adolescent girls."


Eutinia took a deep breath: "Don't go too deep into your play ... Anya ... auntie!"

"It's my sister!"

"Don't you say you don't need it !?"

"Now I feel the need again."


Tang En was already ready for a warm hug—Ilia has always liked it—but when he turned around and opened his arms, he stumbled and found that he was happily coming Elijah suddenly stopped and then ran over with a little restraint.

……what's going on?

"Big brother ... well, that ..."

Elijah thought back to what Otinija had said, secretly raised her head and gave Tang En a glance, then panickedly retracted her gaze and whispered blushingly, "That ... Otinija just looked for you ... ... "

Apparently, after being reminded by Eutinia, Elijah had discovered her previous mistakes and planned to correct them as soon as possible.

The only thing she felt more fortunate now was that Tang En didn't seem to notice her abnormality.

"Find me?"

Tang En looked suspiciously at the dark sky. Just now he flew in the purgatory abyss for a long time. The Illus Empire had already fallen into the night. What was Otinia looking for? It's impossible for her to sleep alone and suddenly want to find her bed?

"Well ... you should go as soon as possible ..."

After Elijah said, she whispered, "I have to hurry home to take care of my daughter, and I will go first."

Tang En was silent again, if you are really anxious to take care of Winnett, why have you been waiting here for me early?

This is obviously a problem!

Looking at Elijah's back again, Tang En could not help but rub his chin. Considering Elijah's current age ... Could it be that she finally arrived at that time?

I have been too busy for a long time, so I was neglected to care about Ilia. If you think about it carefully, she seems to have reached that age, and the appearance of Vinnett is accompanied by sudden responsibilities, allowing her to speed up her maturity Already.

Tang En came to Eutinia's house with emotion, "Listening to Elijah, are you looking for me?"


At this point, Otania's family had returned to normal, and she was lying on the sofa half-heartedly. After Tang En came, she just raised her head and glanced, then retracted her gaze: "Sit yourself."

"Say something fast."

Tang En asked directly, "I'm very busy now, and I'll go now if I'm fine."

"With regard to the life and death of this world, do you still have to go?"

Otinija stunned Tang En in a sentence, and Tang En sighed: "Since it's so important, are you still free to watch comics there?"

"The comic is just a cover up. The world in God's eyes is different from the world in your eyes. On the surface, I'm watching comics. Actually ..."

Tang En's heart fluttered: "Actually?"

"... Actually I was watching a comic."

Otinija closed the comic book: "Tea?"

Tang En was almost annoyed by her: "No! Thank you!"

"So, don't get angry so easily, it's bad for your health."

"I thank you!" Tang En put his arms over his chest. "When did you become so nasty?"

"It's just your illusion."

Because of Elijah's mood, Otinija's mood is indeed pretty good today, but after learning the spread of chaos, her good mood disappeared, she said lightly: "Today you are coming, mainly In order to deepen your knowledge of the runes of God Words, prepare for the subsequent teaching of your Runes of God Words. "

"and many more!"

Tang En stunned: "Don't you say that the amount of information in the Word of God Rune is too large to be taught to me? My mortal body can't bear such a huge amount of information ..."

"Yes, so be prepared in advance."

Outrigger nodded and said very seriously: "For example ... connect an external hard drive to your brain to expand capacity."

"So it's so strange!"

Tang En suddenly wanted to lift the table: "What the **** is it to connect an external hard disk to the brain !? I have to open an interface in the back of my head!"

"So mortals are really poor at understanding ..."

Otinija sighed: "This is just a metaphor."


Tang En said with a black face, "So, what exactly do you mean?"

Eutinia suddenly said, "In fact, it's faster to make a slot in your head, otherwise you should use this method?"

You are the undercover of a chaotic creature, so you want to kill me! ?

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