Things from Another World

Chapter 1272: Potential crisis

Chapter 1274

What Outiniya said was to expand Tang En's brain, of course, is not really to open a hole in his head, and then stuff something in.

What she meant was that, using the characteristics of divine power and the projection characteristics between different dimensions, a Tang En's soul model was established in a high-dimensional space, and then the spatial projection characteristics were used to connect it with Tang En's ontology. You can have an amount of information far beyond the storage limit of the ontology.

However, after Eutinia explained briefly, Tang En still couldn't understand the specific method, but only roughly understood the principle.

In the end, Tang En simply said, "You don't need to bother to explain to me, as long as you don't give me a brain hole, what can you do ... I'll just wait here?"

"Yes, don't resist."

After Eutinia finished speaking, her eyes suddenly became sharper, and her little hand was patted on Tang En's body, and then Tang En watched her back fly away ... wait? Looking at your own back?

Tang En stumbled and found out that his soul was slap-flyed by Otinija?

"Making a substitute that carries information for you requires using a part of your soul. Although it is a bit painful, rest assured that it is harmless."

As soon as Otinija's voice fell, she pulled a small piece of soul from Tang En's body.

"—— !!!!"

Tang En's face turned white and twitched instantly, and the pain of tearing the soul was really beyond the tolerance of ordinary people.

"All right."

With a finger on Otania, Tang En's soul returned to the body. Should it be said that it was the daughter of the **** of death? Heirloom is a skill to play with the soul.

After returning to his body, Tang En's face was still pale, and his body trembled like a sieve. He shivered, and there was a chill all over his body, just as if he had just taken it out of the cold ice cave: "I Say ... aren't you just extracting a little piece of soul? Why do I feel as if you were pitted? "

"That's your illusion."

Otinija had closed her eyes, and the shard of her soul in her hand had turned into a ball, and suddenly disappeared.


"No, the core of the soul is still here, it's just in a higher dimension, you can't see it."

Otinija casually said, "Stand still, don't move, I will start to shape your information carrier stand-in."

Tang En didn't know how Otinija did it, and he didn't feel that his brain suddenly felt a sudden and cheerful feeling. It was completely unchanged from usual. He stood there stupidly for several hours. After dawn, , Seeing Otiniya's eyes opened tiredly: "It's all right."

Tang En suddenly said: "That's all right? I don't feel anything at all."

"Yes, you don't feel normal."

Originally, Tang En was unbelievable, but when he saw how tired Otinia was, he knew it was true.

Although he didn't know what to do to make a high-dimensional information carrier avatar, it was definitely not an easy task to see what Eutinia looked like.

The tired Otiniya waved her hand, and then Tang En found herself at her door, and heard her voice in her ear: "I wanted to continue to teach you the runes of God now, but I It's very tiring ... wait until you come back this afternoon. "

Deported, Tang En had to return to the Lord's Mansion first.

"Your Majesty Tang En."

Seeing that Tang En came back, Tina hurried over and said, "Because of what happened in the live broadcast yesterday, there are now panic attacks of varying degrees across the country, although Vice President Fiona and Princess Aurelia Already stabilizing the situation, but it has only calmed down temporarily, and they feel that now you should stand up and stabilize the hearts of the people ... "

"I know."

Tang En calmly said, "Notify Marin that she will now prepare for an exclusive interview, and I will go to the studio later."

There are many records about demons in Prendall's history. Almost everyone knows how devastating the devil can be to this world. Now this is suddenly happening. I'm afraid Aurelia is also very embarrassed. It was originally good. The glorious ceremony, but now because of the demons, the atmosphere of celebration is completely lost, and panic and anxiety are permeated everywhere ...

I am afraid that economic growth during this year ’s glorious ceremony will stagnate or decline due to this, and it may have a very serious impact on economic growth this year.

Tina led the way, Tang En went straight to the restaurant and found Fiona-despite breakfast time, Fiona still had a thick stack of documents in front of her, all because of the sudden A series of accidents caused by the situation, she must hurry to deal with every minute.

Asking the cook to bring her breakfast, Tang En sat down opposite Fiona: "It's bad?"

"Not bad, just ..."

Fiona frowned: "A negative emotion is permeating, and the depression has not erupted. This is the most terrible."

"Then guide the direction of public opinion and let them find a channel for venting."

Tang En said while eating: "Now the situation is very urgent. I don't have time to talk with those guys. Now basically I have entered a state of war. Who dares to make trouble during this period and deal with it directly."

"You should tell Aurelia, not me."

Fiona frowned, feeling slightly relieved. She pointed to the documents in front of her and said: "The arrival of the glorious ritual should make our economic vitality increase explosively, but due to the appearance of the demon, feedback from all over the place yesterday In previous reports, sales of various commodities have fallen to varying degrees. "

"After our in-depth research, all the funds that should have been digested by us have poured into markets such as food, magic equipment, and magic props. The products are mainly for maintaining survival and improving strength, and the sales are very hot."

"If this situation is not contained, this buying spree will soon become overwhelming and eventually form a vicious circle."

Fiona knocked on the table and said, "Don't forget, our current bills are bills. After these people snapped up, the bills flowed into the hands of major chambers of commerce, but the goods on the market are very scarce. Employees find that they can't buy what they want when they go to the market with paper money, or after the price of goods has risen sharply, they will further increase their prices, and then they will deteriorate step by step ... Eventually, they will find The paper money in their own hands has no effect. By that time, their anger will be passed on to you, the currency will lose its purchasing power, and even the current regime will be suspected ... "

As soon as Tang En raised his eyebrows, Fiona, who had no experience at all, understood the reason for inflation so quickly.

"I know exactly how terrible this situation is, but it is easy to solve it."

Tang En put down his chopsticks, and the maid next to him wiped his mouth with a wet wipe immediately. He said lightly, "As long as the potential threat the demons pose to them is resolved, everything will be solved."

Fiona sighed: "It sounds simple, but ... that's a demon ..."

Yeah, it ’s a demon. After fighting 10,000 years with the devil, it never fell into the downwind. The number is extremely large, and the power is the devil that crushes humanity!

Even if they signed a cooperation contract with the devil, it was just to stabilize the devil and not let them fall into the rock. They are very clear that the devil who looks so good will never honestly serve them as a reinforcement.

In this case, how to convince people that their Majesty is capable of solving the devil's crisis?

"It's a demon, but don't forget, besides the devil, we also have strong reinforcements."

Tang En smiled and said, "We have the assistance of the Dragons, so we don't have to worry about demons."

"Will they shoot?"

Fiona was full of doubts. The Dragons said that it was a very ethical race, but it was actually lazy to say that it wasn't good. They rarely voluntarily attacked except in the face of chaos.

Tang En said very surely: "Yes, even if not, I will force them to shoot."

No shot? What a joke!

Lao Tzu throws so much technology, economy, and resources on them, not to make them lie on the giant dragon heart to see the lively, when necessary, even if it is pulling the tiger pila banner and holding the dragon **** Isagrote They also need to bring them.

"Well, if you say that, panic should be contained for a while."

Fiona breathed a sigh of relief: "So, when are you going to announce the news?"

Tang En smiled slightly and said, "Of course it is now."

After having dinner, Tang En went straight to find Marlene. After coming to the studio, they immediately started the live show. Then Tang En gave a brief explanation of the sudden appearance of the devil, and then he and he The giant dragon alliance, the giant dragon helped humans share the pressure of demons was announced.

Sasha Glott, who was taking the child, was stunned when he saw Don on the screen of the magic energy projection.

Well, when did I promise to help you deal with demons?

Looking at Tang En's confident smile on the screen, Sasha Glott suddenly found that this guy's face was almost invincible!

As for the alliance with the devil, Tang En didn't make it public. Only members of the small circle around him knew it. He was not afraid that it would be bad for the Holy See to know, mainly because those ignorant people heard about their Majesty. After making a deal with the devil, it's time for some idiot to jump out and find the difference.

In order to avoid the waste of time and energy to level up, Tang En simply concealed the news.

Then the point is ...

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