Things from Another World

Chapter 1273: Genesis

"Shooting military propaganda videos? At this time? Are you right?"

Marlene, Carl, and others looked at Tang En with a miserable look. Why does it always feel like your Majesty is doing so suddenly?

"Of course you are right."

Tang En said very seriously: "Now the situation in Prendal is volatile and people's hearts are unstable. It is time to strengthen propaganda and let them see our strong military strength and the confidence of the state to protect them, which can reduce chaos to a certain extent. . "

Several people looked at each other. Is this method really working?

"Trust me, it will work. I will arrange our elite troops in Ellington to cooperate with your shooting and prepare the most advanced equipment to practice shooting."

Tang En bewitched them: "The most important thing is to highlight power and strength! Empire, don't forget that we are an empire! Be sure to shoot the kind of story that destroys you, even your dogs. momentum!"

A group of people looked stunned, how could this sound like a street gangster. What the rogue said?

"It's best to make people enthusiastic. If they can't make them enthusiastic, at least they should have a sense of security and trust. Let them know that so many soldiers who sacrificed themselves for the country are protecting them. They are safe. . "

"At the same time, let them know that in this case, all those who dare to create confusion behind the scenes will not end well!"

Tang En slaps the table and gives these naive guys a lesson on brainwashing the people. It does not mean that Tang En has begun to move towards a dictatorship. It is just that the situation now requires him to do so. Do it.

And after they heard Tang En ’s explanation, they also got a general understanding of what effect Tang En wanted to shoot. Then everyone lay on a table and started discussing. Finally, under the guidance of Tang En , They finalized the content of the shooting, and decided to start shooting that afternoon.

After completing these tasks, Tang En hurried to Silver City to find Jean.

"How's the situation?"

"The Demon's Arcane Eye has been almost constructed. It is now being recharged. It will suffice to match the sample features later."

Jean sighed and said, "It's just that the situation in the Silver City isn't very good now ... the apprentices here understand the terribleness of demons better than ordinary people, and because of this, they are more likely to be scared of the large number of demons. . "

Because magicians have to master a variety of powerful magical powers, they will step into the abyss of falling, destroying, and destroying themselves if they are not careful, so Jean has always emphasized this aspect of education, giving them ideological education less than three. Let them know how deadly it is to summon demons.

But the more I understood, the more troublesome this situation was now. In the face of the news of the demon army, they lost their fighting spirit directly.

Only those combat mages who are often dispatched to fight chaotic creatures everywhere are better.

"What a waste ..."

Tang En lamented that these theorists of the peaceful era were quite troublesome. Instead of expecting them to fight, it would be better to send them directly to factories and research institutes to become civilians.

After taking out some of the demon corpses to serve as samples for Jean, Down returned to Ellington again, because it was time to make an appointment with Ortinia.

As soon as Tang En came to her door, the door opened, and Eutinia's voice came from inside, "Come in, lie down, don't talk."

Tang En jumped in his heart, feeling his legs soft.

I remember last time, in order to curb his mental power and help him enter the astral world, Otinija taught him a divine rune, and just receiving the information of that divine rune made Tang En feel himself Spend a thousand years (Chapter 1054).

Depending on the situation this time, it seems that more divine runes should be taught. Isn't that how long I have to spend in my memory? Will I be lost in the sea of ​​memory?

After entering the room in fright, Tang En found that the entire living room of the room had become a sea of ​​stars. The huge swirl of stars slowly turned. Otinija was sitting quietly in the center. There was a complex circle beside her. Divine runes, those not yet activated divine runes that surround Otinija and the blanket in front of her.

Tang En knew immediately what meant him to lie there.

Tang En took a deep breath and lay down without a word.

"Attention, this time may be longer."

Otinija's voice was cold and calm. She lifted Tang En's head and moved herself forward, allowing Tang En to rest on her lap.

Knee, knee pillow! ?

The sudden knee pillow made Tang En stunned, but the knee pillow was nothing, but Otania's knee pillow was too sudden.

Immediately after, Tang En felt that his temple was held by two fingers. Then, his consciousness immediately began to haze, the world in front of him began to blur, his vision began to darken, and his consciousness slowly sank into a black In the water ...

Before consciousness was about to dissipate, Tang En only saw Eutinia lowering her head, and then kissed gently ...

It's a pity that before he felt the touch of kisses, his consciousness had completely disappeared.

"You can come out."

After Eutinia had spoken, Elijah stepped out of the room next to her and looked at Tang En lying on her lap, especially the lip prints on his forehead.

Otinija glanced at her: "Don't forget, you made me do it."

"I know, I know!"

Elijah said a little irritably, "Go ahead."

Eutinia said calmly: "It is more difficult to completely strip his soul than his consciousness. Now my power has sealed his body, but then his soul and soul carrier are cross-dimensioned. Hyperlinks are more difficult, so I need sister Anja next to help me. "

"How can I help you? I can't intervene now."

"Power me."

Outenea holds a radiance in her hand, which is the sleeping soul of Tang En. Now she wants to break the limitation of the dimension and hyperlink the soul carrier in the higher dimension space and his current soul ontology.

"no problem."

Ilia stood behind Otinija, her little hand rested on her back, and a steady stream of power poured into her body.

Otonia's slightly tired face immediately became a lot of energy. She concentrated and immediately began to get busy.

Sleeping Tang En only felt as if he had come into a completely strange world. In this world, everything was nothing and nothing existed. In front of him, infinite singularities were infinitely small. In the void where all concepts do not exist, I do n’t know how long, with the accidental change of consciousness of “he”, all those singularities suddenly exploded, and powerful energy spread out one by one in the void. "Bubble", in the bubble, the decaying void energy constitutes countless elementary particles, and these elementary particles have become the basic matter, and the matter continuously collides, combines, and evolves, gradually becoming different celestial bodies ...

Tang En's consciousness seems to have transcended the limits of time and space, constantly gazing in the universe, observing various wonderful changes, and experiencing the birth of the universe in person ...

"What you see is 'Genesis.'"

"Who is speaking!?"

I don't know how long I haven't heard the sound. When Tang En was almost about to lose himself, he suddenly heard a sound.

"It's me, Otinija."

"Otinia ... who ..."

Tang En's face was bewildered. In the course of the world's evolution, it was hundreds of millions of years in an instant, and he had clearly forgotten who Eutinia was.

"I knew it would ..."

Otiniya sighed, she appeared directly in Tang En's consciousness, and slowly said: "Don't care who I am, you will know when you wait, now you have to pay close attention to everything you see now It's about to be a critical moment soon. "

Who is this girl ...

Even if he saw Otinia, Tang En's consciousness could not think of any relevant information at all. In the process of Genesis, even his "self" was almost lost.

Otinija only disappeared for a moment, and then the world returned to peace again. Tang En was addicted to the stars and seas. In the eyes of "He", these worlds became more and more complicated, more and more Wonderful, the idea of ​​"his" will give birth to a new rule, but the more complex the world, the more rules need to be maintained. When the rules have formed a certain scale, a special "system" is needed to Manage these rules, because the more rules it means, the more likely it is that there will be loopholes in this world ...

In order to facilitate the management of these rules, special symbols carrying huge amounts of information and specific rules have been created to form a special system ...

Rune of God's Word was born.

The incredibly complicated and extremely powerful rune of God's Word has become the cornerstone for "he" to build and transform the world. Any combination of modifications can achieve local changes to specific laws and achieve specific effects ...

While Tang En was watching, the information of the runes of God's words was constantly pouring into his soul. In the high-dimensional space, his soul carrier was constantly solidifying and expanding ...


Otinija sighed and said to Elijah, "He really lost himself."

"It's normal, and I'll recover when I wake up," Elijah said, "from our point of view, he's just a mortal person, even under the Genesis time scale, even us It's possible to lose ourselves, let alone him. Even now, we still rely on him to save us. "


Eutinia sighed. If human beings knew the truth about the birth of this disaster, would they continue to save their so-called deities?


Is it hate?

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