Things from Another World

Chapter 1275: The "brain" thinking instead of the demons is him! ?

"The situation is very bad, my lord, we are really in serious trouble this time."

Peltis made Tenn nervous with a word. After sitting down and preparing the recording tools, Peltis began to talk about her investigation.

"Your Majesty, you should also know that long ago, there was another continent in Prendall. Although that continent has sunk because of prehistoric civilization, but for our bright scale Naga and Fury Murloc, The existence of that continent is no secret. We have explored there many times. "

"It's just that due to the power of the sea, there are almost no traces of civilization left on that continent. There are only large areas of architectural relics left. The sea covers that continent and makes it disappear from the world. "

"But this time, I ran thousands of miles on the ocean floor, and when I got there, I was surprised to find that the demons were using a super large magic array to try to pull the already sunken continent from the ocean floor!"

"It's incredible! I secretly looked around the archipelago for a while, and then I determined one thing: the islands that had surfaced were the core of the giant magic formation, and the entire continent would use that as The center, once again rising from the sea floor, becomes a piece of land. "

Peltis said with a strange look: "Seriously, the devil will do this kind of thing, which makes me feel very shocked, because this is not what the devil will do."

I'm also surprised.

Tang En sighed. "Keep talking."

"Although I wanted to investigate it carefully, I found out that with the corrupted archipelago as the center, the surrounding islands, under the water, there are traces of demons. They have completely occupied there, and I ca n’t help it. Breaking through their defense net can only be reconnaissance far from the periphery. "

"Because I haven't seen any crucial information, I waited there patiently for a few days, but after waiting a few more days, I saw an amazing scene ... Lord Angel, what do I see? ? "

Tang En frowned, and after a moment of groaning, he tentatively asked, "The commander who made the demon work?"

Peltis nodded: "It is indeed a messenger, how did you guess?"

Tang En calmly said, "Devils are chaotic and disorderly. They are crazy creatures. They cannot have such behavior. The answer is obvious. There is a relatively rational" commander "behind the scenes. Everything ... it's even possible that these were simply curated by that commander. "

"Maybe so ... but you can't guess who that commander is."

"who is it?"

Tang En thought quickly, but he couldn't think of an answer.

"It's a human ... a human king named Stanley Grace."

"--It's him!?"

Tang En exclaimed, how could it be Stanley! ? Because of fulfilling the contract, he has even devoured his soul (see Chapter 1134) ... wait! ? The soul is devoured! ?

Tang En originally thought it was Stanley who fulfilled the contract, and the soul was taken away by the Komala bloodthirsty, and then became the other nourishment.

But now it seems that instead of dying, Stanley is still living alive in Purgatory Abyss, and can even command demons to a certain extent!

This is too ridiculous! ?

"Are you sure he !?"

"Of course, you also saw the publicity of Grace before, we also saw it, Stanley Grace, I remember it very well and I can't be wrong."

"I saw him ordering the demons to arrange a magic formation, and at the same time summoned more demons from the space portal to join the army of construction," said Pertis.

What a special ... not scientific!

"After I discovered Stanley, I originally wanted to go deeper and observe the situation further, but I didn't expect to be found by the demon at this time."

Peltis sighed: "I underestimated the demon's keen sense of our races, and I was surrounded almost instantaneously-the average power of those demon almost reached extraordinary levels, and some even had Reaching the highest level, in addition to that, I also found several legendary demons. "

Peltis seemed to remember what happened before, and his face was abnormally ugly: "Due to the protection of the gods, there has never been a record of the advent of legendary demons in the history, even the supreme demons are quite rare ... but now I see the legendary demon. Seriously, I'm terrified. "

"It shouldn't happen, the legendary demons shouldn't appear in Plantar."

"But it really happened."

Oh shit……

Tang En suddenly discovered that his unintentional sword seemed to have caused very terrible consequences, which was almost irreparable ...

"After being discovered, I was surrounded by demons, and then I immediately launched a counterattack and ran away while fighting back, but I still looked down on the demons, and they almost left me there forever."

Peltis was covering her chest, there was a faint powder. The tender trace, it should be the wound just healed: "A legendary Barlow inflammation and a legendary Nazura killed. Killing magic joined hands, almost Killed me. Fortunately, I carried the homeward crystal. The homeward crystal that can be activated instantly saved my life. "

Pointing at the transparent crystal on the table, Peltis looked at Down and asked, "Master, how do you plan to deal with these demons? If you continue to let them continue to summon their fellow citizens, where will they soon be? It has completely become a kingdom of demons. There will be more and more powerful demons, and we can't compete directly. "

After Tang En was silent for a moment, he said coldly, "No, we will not wait any longer, we will take the initiative to attack."

It's really not a good idea to sit back and wait. Especially the devil has an additional Stanley who is thinking and ambitious. Under his control, a strong and powerful demon is equivalent to an extra brain. The danger is straight. rise.

If they are not organized to expand now, it won't be long before they are likely to come to the door to destroy the humans here.

"If you have a need, the Liangnina Naga will fully obey your orders and be willing to sacrifice everything for this world," said Peltis, kneeling in front of Down.

"Come up, it shouldn't take you to sacrifice yourself for the time being."

Tang En sneered: "The devil is nothing but some powerful reckless men, even with the help of Stanley? In the human kingdom, Stanley is just a idiot with muscles in his head, just It's a little bit smarter than a demon. "

In fact, there are actually only two dilemmas facing Tang En. One is that the number of demons is endless, and it is impossible to fight the war of attrition with the number of people. The second is the creation of the power strengthened by the gods in ancient times. The average strength of the devil is very strong, far exceeding the average level of human beings, and the average fighting power of both sides is not at a level.

The solution is also very simple, the quantity can't match, and the average strength can't match, so don't compare with them, directly organize a top elite team to fight guerrillas to destroy!

That's right, the answer is that simple!

If it ’s in the abyss of purgatory, and you ca n’t fight and run, Tang En really treats these demons, but here, since they want to maintain the magic circle, it is equivalent to having the key point. As long as an elite team is organized, It is impossible for these demons to leave them if they act for the purpose of destruction.

The enemy advances and retreats, the enemy stays with me, the enemy is tired of fighting, and the enemy retreats. The great leader has already stated the combat policy when facing a strong enemy. Now, Tang En needs to find an opportunity to It came out.

Dunn asked Peltis to go back to his wounds and rest, then he acted on his own.

The first is to compile all the data obtained so far, especially the surveillance images of the satellites since this time. They can infer how much time is left from the speed of expansion and the sunken topography of the old continent.

Secondly, it is to integrate all the available powers at hand. In addition to the legendary strongman beside him, there are also necessary combat platforms to follow.

For example, the mother aircraft has undergone a second transformation and innovation.

Even when necessary, it is necessary to transfer the Silver City past and directly serve as the front-end supply station and transit station.

Considering the situation in the Silver City, Tang En decided not to make this idea for the time being, maybe ...

His eyes fell on other floating islands in the sky.

These floating islands are stable, efficient, and have a solid foundation. As long as they are retrofitted with additional propellers and weapon systems, they will soon become usable "sky mother ships."

Even if they are not as mobile and defensive as the real Sky Mothership, these floating islands are cheaper to construct and have shorter construction periods!

Thinking of this, Tang En immediately put away those satellite photos and ran to find Angus.

"What !? You want to transform those floating islands?"

Down said Angus stunned there: "Aren't we able to produce airships now? Why is it so troublesome to transform the floating island?"

"Because we now need a large number of cheap, efficient air combat platforms that can be maneuvered, and logistics bases."

Tang En slowly said, "Peltis, who has investigated the Corrupt Islands, is back, there is expanding, and the number of demons is increasing, so this time, we need to take the initiative."

"I understand!"

Angus clapped his hands: "You want to take advantage of the natural characteristics of floating islands and build them into a combat platform similar to the mother aircraft in the sky, and then surround the corrupted islands and surround the demons!"

"It's pretty obvious, it just makes you stupid to say it."

Angus frowned: "Of course it's technically OK, it's just ..."

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