Things from Another World

Chapter 1276: Armed floating island fortress

What Angus is worried about is not technical issues, but manpower issues.

As he said, from a technical point of view, it is not a problem to transform the floating island. After all, the experience of the Silver City is there. As long as you catch Jean, it is not appropriate to transform a floating island?

But the biggest problem now is that there is not so much labor available.

This surprised Tang En: "Don't we just release a batch of labor before? By the reason, we should be quite adequate now."

"That was half a month ago."

Angus sighed and said, "Are you afraid you don't know what happened in the half month you were unconscious?"

"I already know."

"It's that simple. Because of the events of a while ago, people in different cities are panicking now, so many employees have gone home."

Angus spread his hand: "In many cities, factories have been shut down, and we can only transfer staff from us. In addition, we are now in full production, and there is no extra manpower available."

Tang En frowned, and he still underestimated the impact of the news of the rebels and demons on society. I am afraid that this effect will continue for a long time to gradually return to normal.

Tang En would not blame those employees. After all, they are just ordinary people. Now Tang En is not so attractive that they can ignore their family, follow him blindly, and trust him.

However, this situation now means that Ellington's production efficiency will drop a lot, and the production capacity of weapons and equipment will be affected accordingly.

After a moment of silence, Tang En suddenly thought of something, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "No, I suddenly remembered that we still have a good labor force to use."

"Are you there?"

Tang En nodded and pointed at the sky. "Silver City, in addition to those registered magicians who have been hired, but there are many theoretical magicians who have not left there."

Angus froze, suddenly realized: "You really say that!"

If it hadn't been for a few conversations with Jean, it is estimated that Tang En could not remember this. Those theoretical magicians cannot fight on the battlefield, and are unwilling to do some ordinary research work. They just want to stay in silver. The mysteries of so-called magic are studied in the library of the city ...

However, as far as Tang En is concerned, no matter how deep your magic research is, it is a waste if you don't use it.

So, listening to Angus's words, he thought about using the magicians of Silver City.

No matter how wasteful they are, it is always possible to use magic to build a floating island? If a theoretical magician can't even do this kind of building renovation work, leave the group as soon as possible ... I mean, let's move quickly.

"But will they agree?"

Angus has a lot of doubts. After all, the theoretical magicians are some proud men. Tang En suddenly ran to tell them to do the work of construction workers. They may not accept them. The magicians who are willing to accept are already following the bowl of money that Tang En earns.

"Without their consent, as long as Jean orders on our behalf, there is no room for them to object."

As the so-called war has no ego, there is no injustice under the nuclear bomb. Once a natural disaster-level war strikes, Tang En doesn't care what those people think. If you order it, you do n’t want to do it.

Therefore, when it was determined that the plan was to be used, Tang En immediately began to act. He found Jean and told his plan. After the two met, they made a total of them and immediately agreed, and he agreed with this opinion.

From a long-term perspective, the reconstructed floating island can not only conduct ultra-long-distance expeditions, but also stay in place as an air fortress to defend and counterattack. It can be maneuvered or fixed. After the transformation of a sufficiently large floating island, it can even become An air base can also be used in the defense of chaotic invasion in the future, with many benefits.

So, they immediately started to act, and Jean immediately began to convey the order, demanding that all the magicians in the Silver City who had not yet joined the work act, and everyone must participate in the construction.

As soon as this order was issued, my dear, the City of Silver froze instantly. The magicians thought that this was the rhythm to let them fight the devil, and all of them were scared. They were all green, and they did n’t want to participate in the battle. But after clarifying the facts, I found that they were only allowed to do construction instead of participating in the battle, but they felt deeply insulted and demanded to be treated fairly and equitably-as a magician, how can I move bricks How about it? This is simply insulting them!

After hearing the news, Jean impatiently issued an order: "If you don't want to work, you should abandon your magic pool and leave the city of silver to leave me a little farther away!"

Now he also finds that he protects these magicians too well. It is they who don't want to fight. They feel that the logistical work is insulted or they ... Damn, I think your mother is all over the world. Everyone has to Take care of you?

Tang En has started to produce various types of magic propellers for the floating island, but Gene has not pulled a sufficiently efficient team. If this is said, I will not let those guys Do they laugh off big teeth?

After Gene's rude words, the theoretical magicians who usually like to immerse themselves in hard work because they are mediocre in all aspects suddenly find that they have made a very stupid choice, so the efficiency of the Silver City is finally up. Already.

A large number of magicians have left the city of silver, looking for suitable floating islands all over the world, too small, no, too big, no, too brittle, no, too hard, no ...

After they have searched out some suitable floating islands and marked them, Ellington has also produced a batch of magic thrusters designed for floating islands. The characteristics of this magic thruster are high thrust. , The power is fierce, the magic utilization rate is very strong, but the speed is slow-no way, although the floating island due to its own characteristics, suspended in mid-air, but its own mass will not disappear-just offset with gravity, So there is almost no weight.

However, as long as the quality still exists, it will inevitably require a huge driving force to promote it. Therefore, the general magic engine is simply impossible, and the magic engine manufactured by Ellington this time uses Tang. The power of the rune of God's Word that En had just grasped—yes, he used the Rune of God to strengthen the power output module of the magic engine.

This is a very clever way. The power of the Godly Rune is too powerful. If the Godly Rune is directly used to drive the floating island, it will inevitably bring about a huge "phenomenal" change, which may cause space distortion and vibration. Wait, these "phenomenas" are likely to attract the attention of chaotic creatures.

However, Tang En only uses the power of God's words to strengthen the engine's power output, and it will not have such a strong effect, because from the perspective of the phenomenon, it is just that the magic engine ’s external output has become stronger and still belongs to this world. The phenomenon itself.

At the same time, there are large-scale matrix defense modules manufactured. These matrix defense modules are installed on floating islands and connected to each other to form a magic shield covering the entire floating island. The installation is quite equivalent. Convenient and fast, but the magic of consumption is also very huge.

All kinds of magic engines and large-scale matrix defense modules were shipped to the floating islands marked in batches. The forced magicians began to transform the floating islands in accordance with the orders of the engineers. Install various equipment.

After the magic engine and the matrix defense module were installed, the power core was subsequently sent-the power core used on the floating island is different from all the previous equipment because it is required to drive such a massive floating island operation The required magic power is too huge, so the lowest level of energy used is the essence of magic. Furthermore, it is necessary to use the advanced magic essence recovered from the astral world, even the magic crystal nuclei.

The modularization of all systems is a requirement proposed by Tang En. The obvious advantage is that the organization of installation and disassembly is very simple and convenient, and it is easy to implement standardized processes, even these completely amateur magicians , Can also understand the command "combining the first and second parts of the power core".

The reconstruction of the floating island this time is a test. If the effect is good, I am afraid that the production process of various large equipment will become this modular production method and installation process.

After the power and defense systems are ready, the weapon system is then transported in place. The weapon system is actually relatively simple. Because it is a floating island, all the weapons and equipment developed for the sky carrier can be taken directly. You can directly mount the main gun on the floating island without modification, and those fixed-direction magic cannons can drill holes inside the floating island to achieve 360-degree dead angles in all directions. Fire coverage.

And these are just regular firepower configurations.

In addition to these, due to the nature of the floating island's natural combat base, there are more and more exaggerated weapons in place.

For example, the magically modified Dongfeng series missiles have been repaired and ready for use, and the newly developed floating artillery is equipped with a small artificial soul, implanted with a combat module, and can lift the enemy ’s strike capability vertically. ...

These weapons were in place one after another, and revealed a very clear signal to outsiders-Her Majesty Tang En, this time he really intended to pre-emptively attack the devil.

However, at this moment, the people of the Illus Empire did not know that the construction of the floating island fortress was not all planned because ...

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