Things from Another World

Chapter 1277: War mobilization

The floating island fortress plan is part of Tang En's preparation to fully combat the devil. Using the large floating island transmission technology developed by the Silver City, a large number of floating islands can be immediately arranged around the corrupted islands. The defense modules unite to form a huge enveloping net, encircling the corrupted islands in the center.

... Of course, considering the strength of the two sides, it is not easy to say who surrounds them.

The firepower system mounted on the floating island fortress will cover the demons in all directions. At the same time, the golden giant statue and the magic power armored unit will also wait for the opportunity. The top of the floating island fortress will be at the front. The fire output provides the environment.

However, the number of demons is huge, and the strength of the individual is far superior to the human side, which means that the human side is under much greater pressure, and if it is not careful, it will completely collapse.

Therefore, Down must pull a strong teammate into the team to deal with the demons together.

……what? He sold himself to the admired elves?

No, the Elves are definitely not a good choice. If you have to say why, it is because the Elves have basically transformed into logistics providers. As long as they have them, as long as the Emerald Forest is still intact, their size is getting larger and larger. The cannery can continuously produce a large amount of food. From the perspective of the unit area supply ratio of food alone, the Emerald Forest score is currently the highest.

Ensuring efficient and stable logistics is even more important than frontal battlefields.

So ... raise the devil through Hiloflia to fight against the devil?

Hehe, looking at the attitude of the demon King Baromotos before, Tang En knew that this method would definitely not work.

It's not that the devil can't be recruited. It's just that it's difficult for Tang En to ensure that the devil recruited is thinking about what kind of ghost idea. In the event of driving away the wolf, the tiger is attracted, but the situation is even worse.

The devil is really terrible, but the devil is actually not a good thing, it is just a little bit better.

Now that the devil over Purgatory Abyss can attract the demon's attention to a certain extent, and control the speed at which they come to the surface world, Tang En is already satisfied.

Just find a powerful thug, and go for it here, kill these demons directly, and then the demons will be deterred and dare not act lightly.

There is obviously only one choice for the powerful party teammate Tang En is looking for.

That's right, that's the giant dragon family.

"What? Devil with you?"

Sasha Glott, who was taking a child in Long Island, almost jumped off the foot: "I haven't settled with you before, we are allies, but when did I say I want to help you fight against demons? Your own business! "

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Tang En narrowed his eyes and said lightly: "Devils are corrupted by the devil from chaos. Strictly speaking, they will also corrupt the world. The only difference compared to chaotic creatures is that the harm is slightly smaller. That's it. "

Sasha Glott stopped talking.

"So, fighting against demons is actually within your scope."

Down looked at Sasha Glott and said, "Even so, are you still out of the way?"

Sasha Glotter sighed longly: "You've talked about this, can I still refuse?"

Tang En smiled slightly and said, "This is an important thing that affects every soul of Prandall, after all, I can't take credit for it alone, I have to leave some for you."

"Oh, thank you."

Sasha Glott glanced down at Tang En, for the first time he had seen someone call him so fresh and refined.

"Come and tell us after you've set your time. We don't have time now."

"of course."

Tang En looked around and asked, "What about my son and daughter?"

"Ha, how dare you call."

Sasha Glotter suddenly laughed loudly: "You are not afraid they will come over to beat you."

"However," Tang En spread his hands. "Physically, the two of them are indeed my children and Elsa now. Do you think I want to accept them? I don't know what to do except call them by now. Call them. "

He can't always call father-in-law to two babies, right?

"Actually just name it ..."

Sasha Glott pointed to not far outside the Temple of Order, where the giant dragons got together and said: "Now they are exercising their mobility, those guys are too boring, so they are all watching ... Oh, By the way, hasn't Murphy become a man now? She ... he hooked up a while ago. Introducing Nal Haksha, he said that he doesn't mind that Nal and Taser now have a leg, and welcome her to join ... "

Down: "..."

Does this guy have a stronger taste due to the change of gender? Now plan to wipe out Taser and Narr?

"Strangely, however, Nal rejected Murphy."

Sasha Glott looked at Tang En with great ambiguousness: "Because she now has a better choice ... Your Excellency, Tang En, you are really lucky. Although Nal's temper is a little bit worse, she is our huge Where is the rare great dragon of the dragon family. "

"You can pull it down!"

After so much, Tang En didn't know the intention of these guys. Last time, Alkanretia in the hot spring capital was almost succeeded by Nal Haksha, and he will not follow such low-level mistakes in the future.

Although I was very interested to see how my son and daughter are training themselves here, considering that there are still many things now, Tang En left directly.

Immediately after returning to Ellington, he was surrounded by a group of people. Fiona asked nervously, "How's the situation? Did they agree?"

Seeing Tang En nodded, a group of people's hanging hearts finally let go.

Aurelia sighed with relief, and then said with a little excitement: "There are giant dragons participating in the battle, at least we can guarantee that we will not lose this battle, but if we want to win, it depends on the development of our side . "

"The latest large-caliber electromagnetic guns have been completely assembled. 10Kg mass bombs are fired from the floating island through a 50-meter-long acceleration orbit. The rate of fire can reach 6KM / S! The range can exceed 200KM! The end power can penetrate us. Any armor produced! "

Clotto has always had a deep fascination with electromagnetic guns. He believes that this weapon is very beautiful, wonderful, and very willing to dig deeper into the technology of electromagnetic guns.

Part of the technical data obtained from the prehistoric civilization this time can be used to optimize the electromagnetic gun technology, so Croto directly used to produce new large electromagnetic guns.

After testing, the power of the electromagnetic guns optimized using prehistoric technology has been greatly strengthened, which can completely crush the main guns on the original Sky Mother Ship.

This time the demon appeared, in order to fight against the devil, Clotto immediately ordered the mass production of such large-caliber electromagnetic guns, and in conjunction with the operation of the Silver City, installed large-caliber electromagnetic guns on the floating island.

In fact, this time, it is not just large-caliber electromagnetic guns. In order to fight against the threat of demons, this time Ellington took out almost all the treasures at the bottom of the tank, and all the experimental weapons were moved to the floating island. On the fortress, it is intended to transfer all of them to the vicinity of the corrupted islands at one time, and then directly use them in the battlefield to directly obtain first-hand test data.

It is well said that actual combat is the sole criterion for testing the truth. Before using it in combat, you never know how powerful and flawed those weapons are.

While a large amount of resources were transferred to the floating island fortress, the soldiers of the Illus Empire also began to transfer. Since this time was mainly air combat and naval battle, they did not require the entire army to attack, but only mobilized those The elite team that participated in the flight combat test, even so, assembled a total of 25,000 troops.

According to the arrangements, the elites of the 25,000 troops were scattered on the floating island fortresses one by one, and they began to become familiar with their battlefields. At the same time, there were 5,000 people in the elite. Dispensed second-generation magic power armor.

The second-generation Magic Energy Armor, which has just been produced a short time ago, has basically completely repaired the shortcomings of the original Magic Energy Armor, and has made multiple optimization adjustments. Not only has the combat capability become stronger, but its mobility and endurance have also been obtained. It has been greatly strengthened, and the standard space warehouse equipped can make these soldiers even more powerful. When used properly in battle, they can exert incredible effects.

At that time, these elites wearing magic power armor will be put on the battlefield together with the golden giant statue controlled by the hero, and they will engage in close confrontation with the demon, and then the real effect will be seen.

An array of missile launchers is arranged around the floating island fortress. Almost all of the prepared underground warehouses are special missiles with special warheads. The range is within 10-40KM, mainly to intercept and strike air targets, but The radar system is still under development, so interception depends on luck, and the effect may not be good.

In addition, these floating island forts are also equipped with missile silos, which are preset with the "Dongfeng" series of missiles. These missiles are specially designed to counter the legendary demons, which are filled with a large number of The eliminator dust can form a short-term magic vacuum area at the moment of explosion. At the same time, the goblin high explosive powder and triggered powerful spells in the shell can instantly form terrible lethality, even if it is a legendary demon It can also cause serious injuries.

Of course, these are just efforts to increase their own advantages. The real killing trick is actually the Giant Dragon Army.

The giant dragon army equipped with magic cannon armor is undoubtedly the strongest strike force in Prandall now. It can sanction any target. Even if it is a demon, it is afraid to face the dragon!

While monitoring the movement of the demon, while preparing with gongs and fanfare, finally, when the time entered the withering moon and the leaves had withered and fallen, the area of ​​the Corrupt Islands was more than doubled from the beginning, Although the longer they get ready, the more the Corrupt Islands will expand.

Tang En didn't dare to drag on anymore, and directly issued a war mobilization order. This battle of the Prandall beings to fight back against the demon invasion finally began.

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