Things from Another World

Chapter 1278: Lying down! I really want to be a dad this time! ?

War, the brutal war of survival between different races, came so suddenly.

what? Shouldn't it be so cruel, should we seek peace?

Sorry, it doesn't exist.

The coalitions of humans, elves, orcs, gnomes, goblins, etc. that represent order, and demons that represent chaos, the two sides have irreconcilable contradictions and it is impossible to coexist.

Seeking common ground while reserving differences cannot happen between order and chaos.

At this moment, on all the floating islands, the soldiers lined up in a square array and waited. Around each square array, Tang En's face was displayed on the large magic energy projection receiver.

He is making a war mobilization order.

Next to him, legendary heroes such as Jean, Angus, Igwin, Sharptooth, Eberon, Selna and others were present. In addition to them, Brian, Durandon and others from the dwarven country, from Ray Tester, Mengkaan, Vanilla, Cocoa, etc. from the Empire, Clotto, Nokia, etc. from the gnome kingdom, Queen Isari, Maserati, Matilda, etc. from the elven kingdom, all of them Look on the side.

Even Oscar, Rives, and others from the Roninante Kingdom came to the scene rare, and then they witnessed the current strength of the Illus Empire ...

Then Oscar was frightened.

He had to keep his face blank to hide his inner shock. The information he had obtained before was already amazing, but when he came to the scene, he saw all kinds of large ship cannons in the sky, and it felt even more amazing. Suddenly, there was a strong sense of absurdity-is this really Prandall?

How do you feel that the things I have seen recently are getting more and more strange ... I always feel that the style of painting has an inexplicable sense of conflict with this world ...

Although Oscar hasn't seen Down's world, but ... he has seen comics published by Ellington. Things that were originally in comics now suddenly appear in real life. The impact on these people is difficult. imagination.

Oscar even wondered if everything in those comics really existed?

A lamp that can make people bigger and smaller, a door that can reach any destination, a tablecloth that can change food, a telephone booth that can change the world, and even a machine that can travel through time and space ...

If these things are really ...

Oscar shuddered suddenly. If that was the case, who else could prevent Tang from dominating the world?

"... Although I don't like war very much, but now, for our future in Prandall, we must stand up and completely destroy these demons from the abyss of purgatory!"

Tang En's voice echoed in everyone's ears, and the impassioned war mobilization order did not make him feel cruel and ruthless emperor, but made these people feel that he is a love of the people like a child, in order to guard everyone willing to bear countless insults emperor.

This situation is related to the publicity propaganda planned by Fiona and Alleria a while ago, and the effect of the military exercise propaganda filmed by the Magic Projection Tower. The situation of one mind and one voice-because different voices have disappeared into the shadows.

"... Now I declare that the entire army is attacking! Crush them!"

With the order of Tang En, the floating island fortress started to start large teleportation magic arrays in order according to the number. The transmission coordinates of the magic array were provided by the bright scale naga who rushed to the periphery of the corrupted islands at this moment. Under the guidance of Portis and Sally Heath, they were vigilant near the target area to cover the teleportation of the floating island fortress.

In order to prevent pressure on the space, they all transmitted one after another in a certain order, and soon the space around the floating islands over Prandall began to distort.

In addition to the floating island fortress, several improved sky mother ships and frigates have also set sail. The space jump engine has entered a warm-up state and the space portal can be opened at any time-yes, Tang En will After the improvement of the Silver City's large teleportation magic array, it was moved to the Sky Mothership. Although the principle is still magic, Tang En jokes it as a space transition engine, which sounds full of force.

However, if this space transmission technology is further optimized and integrated through scientific methodology, it may one day really become the ideal space transition engine.

Over Ellington, the dense air force is gradually disappearing, watching the troops gradually enter the field, Tang En withdrew his eyes, and said to others: "The combatants prepare to go with me, non-combatants go back to each one to ensure logistics supplies, In particular, cities must ensure order. If chaos occurs, it must be calmed down as soon as possible, and certain people must not be given the opportunity to mess things up. "

"I see. You must also pay attention to safety."

Fiona sighed and gently hugged him in front of everyone. This was the first time she had shown Tang En in public.

Orina, with a faint smile on her face, was very indifferent. As the only queen legally married to Tang Enming, there was no special expression at all, which made Brian's heart full of admiration and also made her sister The Oscar can't wait to rush to hack him ...

But Olina didn't say anything, but Aegwynn frowned suddenly, covering her chest subconsciously, and seeing Fiona embracing Tang En, she suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart, like a sour A little pain ...

Aigwin was a little at a loss, and didn't understand what was going on. After Aurelia noticed it, she had some kind of bad idea and didn't explain it to her. Instead, she stood by the side and watched lively. I don't know how much drama has been added to them.

Isari noticed the change in Aegwin ’s expression, and her smile on her face became softer. It seems that the subtle influence of Aegwin ’s sister on weekdays is still very effective, at least now she can detect the change in her inner emotions. .

Fortunately, she was influenced in advance and she accepted this emotional state in a subtle way, otherwise the situation is very bad now.

I still hope she can be a little more straightforward, maybe soon, the elves can have more opportunities ...

Isari looked down at her belly and rubbed it gently, a sweet smile on her face.

After everyone said goodbye to Tang En, Isari slowly walked to the front, smiled at Lola not far away, and said to Tang En: "Although I want to help you, this time I I wo n’t accompany you to the battle. I bless you in the name of the flowers blooming in the forest. May the green leaves always be with you, all the way to peace and return triumphantly early. "

Speaking of this, Isari blinked, and suddenly smiled brightly, took Tang En's hand, pressed her own belly, and said, "After all ... the child cannot have a father."

Tang En was instantly aggressive.

Isali's words were astonishing, and all the people eating around me were suddenly shocked.

Lying down! ? What did I hear! ?

Her Majesty Tang En really has a leg with the Elven Queen! ?

Although there were rumors circulating around Illuth a long time ago, it was said that Tang En must have a leg with the Elven Queen, otherwise the Elves could not have such a close relationship with him. Who would have thought that one day, their ridicule would come true !!

-And not only has a leg, there are children!

Now, even Olena, who is always smiling next to her, is not calm. Although she knows that Tang En has been associated with other women, she doesn't know when Tang En has enlarged the elf queen's belly. !!

Looking down at his belly, he is not pregnant yet, but the Elven Queen is pregnant. What does this mean?

Explain that he and Isari often have more room than himself!

Although Olina has long lost the idea of ​​competing for favor, she still feels inexplicably uncomfortable when encountering such a thing.

Not to mention Olina is upset, Lola is also upset!

Obviously, the two of them are almost in chronological order, and the same room with Tang En is almost the same. Why is Isali pregnant, but her stomach has no reaction at all?

Is it that Tang En was biased when planting?

If Tang En knew that Lola's unwarranted guessing would definitely yell injustice, at that time there was a blank in his mind, what other ideas are there-but now Tang En's brain is also blank, because he never expected, Before going to the expedition, Isari would even give him such a huge "surprise".

Lying down! I really want to be a dad this time! ?

This time is different from the situation of Elsa's pit father, but it is really true, the child he and Isari made!

Although Isari has said a long time ago, if she is really pregnant, the child belongs to the elven clan. There is no need for Tang En to take care of the upbringing, and the elf clan will raise the child completely.

Now Tang En has discovered that at this time, can he really not care?


Once he learns that Isari is pregnant with her child, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent!

After all, this is real and belongs to his children!

"Are you sure you are not kidding?"

Tang En was still a little unbelievable, and confirmed again: "When did you find out?"

"Just the days you were unconscious."

With a happy smile on Isari's face: "The Elves were very difficult to conceive. I didn't expect that in just two or three years, I successfully conceived. It really was the right choice."

Just two or three years! ?

Fiona, Aurelia, and others had their eyes fixed on Tang En's back.

This big-colored wolf had been with the Elven Queen two or three years ago! ?

And they were naive to think that this was something that happened only recently! ?

He noticed a change in Aegwin's expression, and Tang En suddenly had a cold sweat on his head.

Oops, it was a great day for the expedition. How could it suddenly become an incredible Shura field!

"I go first!"

When Tang En's face changed, he suddenly pulled up Aegwynn and rushed directly into the sky: "There must be no me in front of the battlefield! Let's go!"

Fiona: "..."

Alleria: "..."

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