Things from Another World

Chapter 1279: Blackened Eggwin! ?

"So, that I actually ..."

On the frontline, on the floating island fortress, Tang En was nervously saying something to Aegwin under the strange eyes of the soldiers, but he also encountered such a bad situation for the first time, and did not expect Isari at all. Showdown at this time.

Does this guy want to help him establish a death FLAG! ?

Tang En didn't know if the death FLAG had stood up, he knew he was about to roll over.

In particular, Aegwynn has gradually awakened, has a certain understanding of feelings, and has determined the relationship between himself and Tang En in his heart. Only one step to finalize the relationship, but Tang En can't figure out why. At this critical moment, Isari, who has always been a God teammate, suddenly fell off the chain?

Panic Tang En didn't know what to explain, because he actually did everything, and unless Igerwin could accept this situation, he could not be justified.

Not to mention the fact that he is still facing war, and there is no more place in his mind to make excuses.

"What do you want to say?"

Aigwin looked at Tang En with a doubtful expression, wondering what he wanted to express.

"So, I and I have been hiding things from you ..."

Eggwin nodded and said casually, "Oh, that, I already knew that."

"... I know you must be angry, so I ... what?"

Tang En froze suddenly: "You already knew?"

"Yeah, the Queen told me more than a year ago."

Aigwin nodded, his eyes drew slightly: "No way, for the survival of the Elves, this is the only way. Therefore, Her Majesty can successfully conceive. In fact, I should thank you on behalf of the Elves, Don.


Tang En took a breath and lay down, which sounded a bit wrong! It feels like this is the rhythm of GG!

"Thank you, but I was forced ..."

"I know, sister Sally said, she forced you to accept this, so ah, I blame her fiercely."

Aigwin gently squeezed the hair of the horns and bent the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a soft smile: "How can you force others to do unwilling things, right?"

Yes, of course, but why the expression, attitude and tone of your words make me feel cold! ?

I don't know if it's an illusion, Tang En seems to see the darkening signs of Aigwin ...

"And ah, Her Majesty also asked me to say that it was for the elves, and let me determine the relationship with you as soon as possible, but at that time I did n’t understand what a couple was and what to do, so I agreed she was……"

Igwen finished talking casually, looking at Tang En, asking very intimately: "Why? How are you sweating?"

Tang En wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: "It's all right, all right ..."

Nima, I don't know how many people are staring here now, can we not talk about it?

I always feel like I will be hatchet after returning ...

"I, I always feel that I should give everything for the future of the elves, and what I can do, I should be able to do ..."

Aigwin said to himself, "But after I have studied privately what the Queen did, I found that it was not that simple ..."

What Aegwin said was her emotional growth. It was because of Sally's request that she began to be exposed to this knowledge, and gradually learned about feelings, love, and couples.

But the more she knew, the more she was confused.

Does Tang En like her? Yes, he said it many times and liked her.

Does she like Down? I do n’t know, what is it like?

Aigwin doesn't know if she likes Tang En, but she finds that besides not knowing this relationship, she will be happy after seeing him, and will miss him when she can't see him (although not often, Much better than others), when you see him happy, you will be happy, when you are sad, you will be sad, when you see him with other women, you will feel bad ...

These are the same as those in the books, the feeling of love is the same.

Aigwin was surprised to find that, in fact, she had already liked Tang En without knowing it?

But shouldn't love be exclusive to each other?

Why does Tang En like so many girls?

He obviously said he liked himself, but he still liked others, and he married Queen Olina ...

Could it be that his so-called like was just a lie that he uttered casually?

No, she has heard Tang En's voice very clearly at Gang Yan.

There is no doubt that he really likes himself.

So what's going on with him and other women?

Aigwin was troubled by the complicated feelings, especially when he saw Tang En, his thinking would become more chaotic, so he rarely voluntarily came to see Tang En.

She actually admired Isari for being so simple and straightforward.

Aigwin said slowly, the soldiers next to him were getting more and more strange expressions, Her Majesty Tang En is so powerful, not only has the belly of the elven queen been enlarged, now even the legendary heroes of the elves are let go However, it is simply a model for human beings, and the pride of men has been exploded!

Jean Angus, who came after Tang En, stood far away, whispering while watching the joke, but didn't dare to approach there.

They always felt that once they approached, they would easily become a substitute for Tang En's transfer of firepower.

"This guy is really scum ..."

Angus sighed: "I didn't expect that after I had Sally, he refused to let Aegwynn off."

"All right, your eyes are red."

Eberon beside him couldn't help but groaned: "You haven't talked to Jean yet?"

"what can I say?"

Gene said blankly: "If you really understand him, you will know that it is useless to say anything, because it is very likely that what you see is what he wants you to see, and you never know if he really What is the idea. "

"That means ..."

Selena blinked: "His pitiful appearance now is likely to deliberately reduce the possible anger in Aegwin, and by the way reduce vigilance?"


Brian laughed, "You haven't seen the means of the big brother. I can only persuade you. Usually he always shows such grievances, but he is really a victim? Oh ... just trust him There is a ghost. "

Durandon looked at his dad coldly: "No wonder you have come back feeling that your skin is a lot thicker. It turned out to be a master."

"Rewarded and rewarded ... What did the big brother's famous saying say? In order to achieve the goal, you can do whatever you can."

Selna was shocked: "He is a king, and everything should be upright, how can he use such shameless means like us thieves?"

Sharp teeth scratched his head: "Perhaps this is the norm in his world?"

Well, this is probably the most reasonable explanation ...

On Aegwin's side, Tang En felt that he couldn't stand it anymore. When he met Aegwin, he seemed to have encountered a natural enemy. Facing her simple and kind eyes, she could not use all her skills.

At the end of Aegwynn, suddenly his face showed a faint smile: "... So, I still need to think carefully about the task of reviving the elves, after all, there are people who have never told me about such things. . "


Tang En shuddered, terrible!

If Igwin could say such things, she was obviously very angry.

In fact, she has already made it clear that she doesn't care about things between Tang En and Isari, or even those things between Tang En and other women, but what she cares is that Tang En has never Never told her these things!

Yes, she was concerned that Tang En had deliberately concealed the fact from her.

"Igwin me ..."

"Is it time to say this?"

Aegwynn pointed at the horizon in the distance: "Why are we here?"


This is the front line!

Tang En was speechless.

"So let's tackle the threat of the devil first."

After Igwen's soft eyes turned around Tang En, he said gently, "Then I will listen to you slowly."

Suddenly I heard such a sentence, Tang En was like a scent of heaven!

God! O earth! She was willing to listen to her explanation!

Such an understanding girl is a rare treasure!

How can I be sorry for her!

Guilt ...

Seeing Tang En's expression, Brian in the distance couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This world is really one thing, one thing. The big brother pitted so many girls, and finally planted it in Aegwin."

Everyone had nothing to say.

After watching the whole scene, the soldiers noticed that Tang En's gaze was full of threats. His heart suddenly stood up, his whole body was tight, and he showed his best condition in front of Tang En-this time If you give him a chance, it's pure unhappiness.

Seeing their performance, Tang En nodded with satisfaction, and then said with sorrow: "Now, we are two hundred kilometers away from the west side of the Corrupt Islands, very close to the patrol range of the demons, which means that we are always May be in contact with the devil. Now, let me see your momentum and determination! Tell me, do you have the confidence to defeat the devil !? "



The soldiers roared: "Because we don't want to defeat, but to destroy them completely!"


Tang En nodded with satisfaction: "Now, the mobile reconnaissance soldiers set off to search for the enemy first, and all of them are in a state of alert. All the long-range firepower systems are online, and they are ready for long-range strikes!"

"Roger that!"

"Let's have a big party here!"

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