Things from Another World

Chapter 1280: Dongfeng Express, the mission must be reached!

The sea breeze was whistling, the dark purple clouds were tumbling on the sky, the air with a sweet smell became sticky, and the air was filled with an extremely uncomfortable feeling, which was from the corrupted breath released by the devil .

Demons are creatures spawned by the demons that are corrupted by chaos. They carry a slight amount of chaos. Although the speed of corruption is not as fast as that of pure chaos, they are more compatible with the world due to their power. They are not less dangerous than chaotic creatures.

"Damn, it feels like I'm soaking in the swamp."

The soldiers cursed in a low voice, but they were still far away from the demons, but their bodies were already heavy and difficult to move, and even some of them were slightly weaker. They had to rely on activating the magic power armor to help them maintain their freedom of movement. .

Not only these soldiers, but others on the floating island fortress also noticed abnormalities in the air.

The devil's breath was too strong, and Prandall wondered how long it hadn't happened.

"Report Your Majesty! The reconnaissance team found pollution traces of demon activity in the waters 40 kilometers ahead!"

Is the range 40 kilometers away ...

Tang En narrowed his eyes, and Selna next to him glanced at Tang En: "Why, do you still want to say hello to them, and then the two sides will open up a battle and formally start a war?"

Tang En grinned: "Although I am a highly qualified person, my qualities are not left to them ... let me know, let the Peltier ribbon lead the Naga soldiers to dive into the deep sea immediately and avoid the battle. Range, the missile force is now ready to launch the Dongfeng missile. "

At a distance of 40 kilometers, except for those super-close range missiles, Tang En can attack the opponent, but this is not the best choice, because now they have come here and have not been found by the demon, so they have First-mover advantage.

They can completely wash the corrupted islands created by the devil with a wave of missiles before the devil knows it. A wave of headaches will surely make them feel the warmth of the "warm welcome" of the Prandall ethnic groups. Emotional.

Do n’t forget, now with the guidance of artificial satellites and a simple positioning module that simulates the development of prehistoric civilization technology, the Dongfeng series of missiles have acquired the function of positioning and navigation, and can accurately bomb the corrupted islands across more than half of the sea, let alone this Dozens of hundreds of kilometers.

"Order is coming! Lock on the target now! Wait for the allies to withdraw!"

The missile launch center that has been on standby has finally received the order. The gnome employees were just as excited as the chicken blood. The Dongfeng series missiles are relatively large, so they can be equipped with large thrusters and magic arrays. The power after hitting the target is extremely amazing. This time, in addition to the exercise, the Dongfeng series missiles participated in real combat for the first time, so everyone is very much looking forward to its performance.

The relatively large Dongfeng series missiles were slowly pushed into the silo, and then the built-in control module was activated, which was connected to the artificial soul quantum computer at the missile launch center. At the same time, the artificial satellites in the sky also received The missile's positioning signal clearly marked its location.

"The system is online, and the marking of the shooting target has started ... the target has been marked."

On the projection screen of the magic energy, the islands hundreds of kilometers away are clearly and clearly displayed. The corroded islands and the distant maps form a sharp contrast. The color of the seawater gradually deepens as the distance approaches, and the corrupted islands The nearby sea water is boiling. There are a lot of floating corpses floating on the surface of the sea. Many floating corpses have even been corroded into corrosive sea bone by the corroded seawater ...

Satellite maps can even blur the demon flying over the island. Some of the islands that were exposed to the sea in the early stage have now become one piece and become a very large land. According to estimates, the area of ​​this land is already very close. Roninante Kingdom.

Obviously it was just the land that had just been lifted from the bottom of the sea. At this moment, there was no trace of immersion in the bottom of the sea. The rocky land was completely blackened, and hot lava was flowing everywhere. Thick black smoke rose up and formed in the air. The clouds are such that even satellites in space cannot see the full picture of that land.

Among the targets locked by the missile force, this land that has been occupied by demons is the key target of the attack, but because it was not possible to accurately lock there, they simply adopted fuzzy positioning directly, and first gave the uninvited guests a missile scrub and welcomed them. .

Anyway, Her Majesty Tang En is not bad at money, and these missiles are not distressed when consumed.

When the silos on the floating island fortress were successively in place, and all the missiles were ready, the missile launch center finally received the notification that the friendly forces in the front had withdrawn and allowed to launch.

"Oh oh oh oh !!! Let the world feel our power!"

At the missile launch center, a group of gnomes shouted excitedly: "Although we have no magic power, we have science! All are in place and ready to launch!"

The little dwarfs, each less than one meter tall, have amazing action. They are scattered, sitting in front of their posts, staring at the data graphs and curves on the screen, quickly collecting all the data that can be collected. Anything that will affect the missile The launched data will be included in the calculation system, and then the missile's flight trajectory, missile strike area, estimated damage range, etc. will be accurately estimated ...

After all these data are ready, since the establishment of the unknown missile force, they finally showed their sharp fangs!

The missile silos above the floating island fortress opened their covers one by one, and then accompanied by strong vibrations and violent air currents, the huge missile slowly emerged, and then steadily lifted off ...

"Oh oh oh! Is this a secret weapon that we produced long ago but have never dared to use it !?"

Brian stared, and straightened with excitement: "It really is a cannon in the world ... no, the artillery in the world! Some fight with my cannon!"

Durandon felt very embarrassed when he saw the appearance of his father, and cursed with a black line: "Shut up for me!"

"This is the Dongfeng series missile? It looks extraordinary, but I don't know how powerful it is."

Sharp teeth licked his lips. He had previously heard Ebbron talk about this, but he had never seen it in person. This time he might be satisfied.

"Dongfeng series missiles ... I heard that the range can reach thousands of kilometers, and it can hit Nanila directly from the Illus Empire ..."

Oscar's expression was quite complicated, and this information was told by Olina in private, in order not to let him and Down enemies.

But Oscar suddenly understood Tang En's attitude. The difference in strength between the two sides was so large that they did not even consider him as a level of enemies. The enemies in his eyes have always been demons or chaos?

Perhaps in his eyes, he was actually nothing more than a lord, temporarily managing the land in his hands.

"I don't know if they are 'gifts'. Will they like them?"

Tang En watched the Dongfeng missile take off and murmured to himself: "If I don't like it, I will be a bit sad."

Gene and Angus looked at each other, would this guy dare to be more shameless? You are going to bomb people into pieces, and you are so embarrassed to say that you are sad?

After the Dongfeng missile rose to a height of 10,000 meters, it started its first derailment and then flew directly toward the locked target. With the promotion of the magic engine, the speed became faster and faster, and it quickly broke through the speed of sound. A kilometer's distance, in a blink of an eye!

"What it is?"

Stanley hovered over all the demons. When the Dongfeng missile approached, he had already noticed the anomalies in the sky. The strange things stirred the clouds in the sky and caused the wind to surge, which made Stanley feel a little uneasy.


Although that thing is extremely fast, Stanley did not notice how powerful the magic wave was, at best it was the level of some third- or fourth-level Warcraft, which was not even a ration in front of these demons.

But just in case, Stanley issued an order to intercept: "Nazula Flying Wings, immediately stop the unknown objects! Tear them to pieces!"


On the corrupted ground, a sudden roar suddenly sounded, and then a dense shadow rose to the sky. Thousands of Nazura flying wing demons rushed into the sky after receiving Stanley's order, and they communicated to each other. Confused with chaotic and crazy ideas, while fighting for flying space with each other, they are striving to fly towards the incoming missiles.

When the missile was approaching, these Nazura flying wings were ready to spit out acid, and some were ready to pounce on to tear the opponent into pieces with their fangs and claws.

The busy demons below the island also looked up to the sky, and they seemed to want to know what the cylinders that fell from the sky were.



As soon as Dongfeng missiles entered their field of vision, they immediately entered the end acceleration. Originally, after long-distance acceleration, the speed was extremely fast. However, when the target was locked and the end acceleration was started, the speed increased sharply, and the missile speed almost Reaching 20 times the speed of sound, a cloud of sound explosions was stirred up in the sky, and the whole was burned because of the fierce friction of the air!

Almost when the demons saw the missiles, Dongfeng missiles had already crossed their blockade and whistled on the corrupted earth!

"Boom boom boom boom—"

The deafening explosion sounded through the entire sea area. The violent magic formed a huge vortex at this instant. The magic array carried on the Dongfeng missile was activated at the instant of the explosion. The terrible nine-level spell blossomed at this instant!

Meteorite fall

Frozen Abyss ...

Lava Hell ...

Destruction Storm ...

Arcane Star Ring ...

The colorful element light illuminates the sky and completely devours this land created by the demons!

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