Things from Another World

Chapter 1281: I'm not human! Donn!

Yesterday, a total of 1024 Dongfeng missiles were launched successively from the floating island fortress. The strike points were divided according to the energy range and spell range estimated by the loading level to ensure that the missile can cover the entire corrupted islands, especially the central one. land.

The gnomes at the missile launch center have not calmed down until now. The satellite images can clearly see the shock waves spreading from the New World as the center of gravity. The flaming flames are everywhere.

People including Tang En, who was watching the live image outside, were all trembling with excitement, because they were all very clear that once the Dongfeng Missile, which debuted in this world, made a huge victory, it was directly obtained!

Now, even if they do n’t look at satellite images, they can still detect the violent magic waves coming from afar. The sky in the distance has been burning since the missile was launched yesterday, and the flames ignite the contaminated clouds, even if Hundreds of kilometers away, they all seemed to be able to hear the screams of the demons.

If it makes sense, if you want to kill the lord's demon in an instant, the ninth-order spell is actually quite difficult, especially when the other party has time to prepare.

But the situation is also obvious now, Tang En hit them by surprise.

They have no idea what the Dongfeng missile is.

And after the transformation, using magic array activated spells, there is no chanting time at all, the missiles are triggered directly at the same time, there is no time for them to prepare, and ... not one or two missiles, but groups. Missile rain formation.

The power of continuous saturated bombing is very powerful, especially the spells of various departments are mixed together, and the effects of each other's spells are superimposed on each other, the effect is very terrible.

The low-level demons occupying an absolute number have been killed and wounded in this bombing, and the remaining powerful demons that occupy the absolute main force, the demon lord, etc., even in this bombing, even if they are not dead, It is bound to be seriously injured, and in the next confrontation on the battlefield, it is impossible to exert all its strength.

Missile-activated spells whistled. After a day of continuous bombing, the Corrupt Islands has completely turned into a chaos of magic. The four elements are competing for the right to use magic, and the magic itself is rapidly consumed. The magic coming from all around pressures the demons on the archipelago. Those demons who escaped the missile bombardment died directly under the turbulence of this magic, and it is difficult to sustain the slightly stronger ones.

"Damn! What the **** are these !?"

Stanley roared in anger, and since yesterday, the strange weapons have been falling continuously in the sky. Now even if he is stupid, he knows that he has been attacked, but the problem is that he doesn't even know where the enemy is now!

Moreover, this attack is too terrible! ?

Obviously, it is a powerful demon army. Under the bombing of this strange weapon, most of the casualties were lost, and the rest almost lost the full combat power! ?

Stanley wondered what it would be like if his own army of Gris would welcome the attack.

The answer is cruel. Except for the annihilation of the entire army, there can be no second result.

So the question comes, who will attack yourself?

Could it be a condemnation?

Stanley couldn't believe it. When the large white thick pipes descended from the sky, it could be clearly seen that there was text written on it, and it seemed to be Ruen, that is, those things came from Plantar.

So who has the ability to make these things now?

The answer is obvious.


Stanley spoke the name with his teeth gritted, and his violent killing and anger completely engulfed his reason.

At this moment, he didn't even want to know how Tang En found out what he was doing here. His eyes were full of Tang En in his heart, only to kill Tang En.

It is because of him that he has lost all of Grace!

Kill him. Only by killing him will the anger in his heart be calmed down! Otherwise, even if it has conquered the entire world, it will not forget the shame it once had!


"Although it's been a day, but the power of the spell is still there, which is not suitable for us to launch an attack, but I suggest that we continue the ultra-long-range bombing."

Jean stared at the satellite image and said, "If you continue to invest in the magic missile, it will further disrupt the magic environment there, and it will also affect our combat environment later, so I recommend launching ordinary missiles next."

In addition to Anges and Tangs, they produced some extremely powerful magic missiles, and also produced many ordinary missiles based on materials such as goblin high explosives. These missiles mainly rely on the impact of explosives. And the shrapnel to kill the target, the original effect on the devil will not be very good, but now the devil has been seriously injured, the defense power has greatly reduced, at this moment it is the best time to launch these ordinary missiles.

"That's my intention, too."

Tang En nodded and issued a ruthlessness: "Tell the Missile Launch Center to continue to load ordinary missiles and continue to suppress the bombing of the target. If there is no order, bombing will continue until all the ammunition in stock is launched!

Since there is a distance advantage, then you must make good use of it, and before the devil rushes over, pour all the ammunition onto them, no matter how much the effective damage is, you have not lost.

After receiving the order, the gnomes of the missile launch center refreshed, and quickly entered into working state, and began the second round of loading.

"Booming ..."

The intensive missile rain rose again, with Tang En's full blessing, whistling and flew towards the corrupted islands.

Seeing these missiles lift off, the soldiers who have been standing by on the floating island fortress suddenly have an ridiculous illusion-if the number of these missiles is sufficient, will they not be on the battlefield?


"Damn! There's no end!"

The land that has just been lifted up is now very fragile. After yesterday ’s bombing, the earth has shattered, and now the magic environment is very disordered. There is no time to repair it. If they are allowed to bomb again, Stanley will work hard these days. It's all gone.

But I didn't expect them to continue bombing for another day!

The war has begun for two days, but in addition to the continuous bombardment, he can't even see where the enemy is and what he looks like, how can he fight!

Listening to the sound of the blast outside, Stanley, who could not bear it, growled kindly: "Go stop them! Let them not undermine our plans!"

The demons lifted off, and tens of thousands of demon lords roared and released powerful shield spells, covering the entire land. They rushed into the sky and actively intercepted high-speed missiles. Habitat will accelerate the falling. The falling missile is blocked in the air!

"Boom boom boom--"

However, their actions actually succeeded Tang En's intentions. This corrupted land is a fart and can be dealt with at any time. The main threat is these demons-and now, these demons have taken the initiative to bear those with their own bodies. The power of the missile explosion, isn't this crashing into the muzzle yourself?

Even if it is a demon lord, after two days of bombardment, and then withstand the frontal impact of the missile, it will also be violently blown by the viscera and the broken skin. The strength will fall and fall, almost from the beginning in the pseudo-legendary realm Straight down to about the Grand Master level.

Although non-fatal injuries can be recovered quickly due to their own special constitution, ... will Tang En give them this opportunity?

The answer is no.

The continuous missile rain bombardment completely suppressed the demons from drilling out of the cave, and the land of the New World has been cut off by a layer of missile rain. It has been three days, and at this time, the floating island fortress Missile inventory was finally exhausted. Then, Tang En directly ordered the floating island fortress to start moving forward, and at the same time, the air mobile force began to operate to disrupt the operation.

Hidden in the deep sea, Naga suddenly launched a fierce attack from the sea with the weapon provided by Tang En. As soon as the two sides engaged in a firefight, the battle went directly into the fever phase. The angry demon broke out under the control of Stanley. Terrible fighting power, but after bombarded by missiles, their strength is not as good as before.

Tang En will not leave the demon healing time: "All soldiers follow orders, the whole army assaults! Crush them!"


Time does not distinguish me from the enemy, it is absolutely neutral, not because Tang En is an angel of God will be more beneficial to him, nor will he stand on its side because the demon is stronger.

Although the longer the time, the greater the advantage of Tang En side, but on the demon side, why don't Stanley want the time to go slower and better?

The longer the time, the more demons can create more land, forge a larger frontline base, bring more soldiers, and be able to stand more stable in this world, and then ... straighten up the whole world with one go!

Although the country crushed by the army of Tang En was destroyed, but now it is different. Stanley's ideal is very beautiful. Now he is no longer the former him. He thought that after the end of the contract, he would be destroyed. The one who devoured it, but did not expect that he would be entrusted with a heavy responsibility and became a demon commander!

Now, all these powerful demons must obey his orders!

Looking ahead, who else in this world will be his rival! ?

Down? Even Tang En, when faced with the demon army, has only a dead end!

But ... Stanley still didn't expect that he had been hiding in such a hidden place, Tang En still found them, and came to the door!

"It's so bullying!"

There are limits to human abilities.

Stanley learned one thing from his short life.

The more you play tricks, the more you will find that human capabilities have limits.

Unless beyond humanity.

"I'm not a man! Donn!"

Stanley yelled from the sky, and the body that the Lord remade for him, when he finally accepted his new identity, suddenly began to demonize, his sharp horns pierced his forehead, and the purple-black membrane wings suddenly pierced. After the scapula stretched out, the vertebrae clicked and extended several times. Each spur protruded from the side and turned into a cricket tail ...

His eyes burned, and the skin began to harden. A thin layer of keratinized hard shells appeared on his body. The hardened and cracked skin was emitting thick billowing smoke like flowing lava ...

"All demons, follow my orders!"

Stanley growled, his voice deep and thick, with a fiery flame in his mouth: "Kill those guys!"

But just then ... A dazzling beam of light suddenly struck!

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