Things from Another World

Chapter 1282: I was just afraid that I was not ill ...

In the distance, a beam of intensely dazzling light suddenly struck. As soon as Stanley was stunned, the beam of light hit a demon lord not far from him.

Only a harsh sound boom sounded, and then the entire body of the demon lord was blown into pieces by the violent impact!

But the dazzling beam of light did not stop. After crushing the demon lord, Yu Wei not only stopped on the mountain behind, but the huge mountain peak was directly blasted by the beam of light!

Stanley was taken off by the ensuing gas explosion, leaving only a blank thought in his blank mind: what weapon is that?


Floating Island Fortress.

"Report! The test firing of the electromagnetic gun is completed, the trajectory correction is completed, the charging is completed, the mass bomb has been filled, and it is ready to fire at any time!"

Tang En looked at the front coldly and said, "Prioritize the priority to lock air targets, and shoot freely!"

Although there are still more than a hundred kilometers away from the battlefield, and there is no wide-range radar to lock the target, there are already scouts on the front line. They can help lock the target remotely. After the orbital correction is made here, you can directly fire.

Due to the characteristics of the electromagnetic gun, the hit rate is extremely accurate.


The herald was ordered.

"We can also start preparing for battle."

Gene pulled out his staff and squinted his eyes. "The last few rounds of attacks must have alarmed them. If nothing unexpected, maybe the demonic army is attacking us."

"I'm impatient to wait."

Sharp-toothed smiled and clenched his tomahawk: "No matter how fierce a demon is, can it be more difficult than a chaotic creature?"

These legendary powerhouses have all come down from the battlefield of Chaos Invasion War (except for Selna), so they can be called heroes (except for Selna), and even the terrible chaotic army has been defeated (except Selena), how could you be afraid of the demons (except Selna)!

Tang En smiled and said, "Don't worry, we will attack with the dragon later, and now ... let our gnome brothers have fun first."

On the front battlefield, the dwarfs must have no way to play, but there has not yet been a contact battle between the two sides. These ultra-long-range weapons are their most powerful advantage, and they can completely eliminate some demons now.


Tang En looked back at a strong man squatting and watching the comics, and suddenly smiled: "We can also send some younger brothers to play with them ..."


On the stinking coast, Naga walked on the waves and rushed directly to the island.

The demon, who has been hit for many times in a row, is mad because he can't find the enemy. When he finds Naga, he immediately screams and kills him.

The two sides fought directly on the coast!

"Dirty demon, let me die!"

Pertis waved the staff with a look of disgust, and the biting frost suddenly burst, freezing all the demons that rushed to her into ice cubes, and then she flipped her hands and a chainsaw sword appeared in her hands. Three or two times, the frozen demons were cut into pieces, and their hearts were completely shattered.

Originally, Naga was difficult to compete with the demons, and their average fighting power was just better than humans, but now they have received a lot of equipment aided by Tang En, and their overall strength has advanced by leaps and bounds. pioneer.

Even if you ca n’t fight it, you can retreat into the seawater. Although the devil is not afraid of the seawater, it is difficult to exert all the combat power in the seawater. If you chase into the sea, you will find your own way.

"Don't confront them! Use the equipment in your hands! Our mission is to harass!"

Seliseh stood behind and shouted, "Watch their aerial targets—"

Before Selises had finished speaking, a series of terrible sound booms suddenly came from overhead. Both sides fighting below were overturned by strong air waves. Peltis only saw the sky coming. A series of dazzling beams of light, and then the high-flying demons were smashed by the mass bombs into pieces of blood.

"The power of electromagnetic guns is so terrible!"

Peltis said with a sigh, the mass bombs in the air seemed to burn up due to the intense friction, and the whole body emitted a dazzling light. When the mass bombs hit the first target, almost all the kinetic energy All will be converted into damage and explode on the target. If the target's defense is not strong enough, after the mass bullet has penetrated it, it will continue to fly until all the kinetic energy has disappeared.

This weapon developed by relying on electromagnetic effects was originally possible to achieve with great power. However, under the effect of lightning magic, you can achieve more excellent results by consuming only magic at low prices. It can be said that It's a super cost-effective weapon.

When the air waves disappeared, the Naga climbed up for the first time. They held a magic pistol and a chain saw sword in one hand, and constantly searched for small targets for slaughter. If they encountered a strong enemy, they immediately retreated and held the group. Do not give each other a chance to break one by one.

The demons in the air had electromagnetic cannons on the floating island fortress to strike, and they did not have time to suppress the Naga, which made Peltis very reassuring.

"You idiots!"

After several rounds of electromagnetic cannon attacks, Stanley noticed that the demons on the land below had not been attacked by the electromagnetic cannons, and finally came to his senses. He hurried to the ground and shouted angrily: "It will be attacked in the air, and it will be suppressed by landing. ! "

A large number of demons fell from the sky in a strange flame of flames, crashed to the ground, and then rushed to the naga. Naga, which was gradually advancing on the coast, suddenly increased pressure!


The demons roared and threw corrupted spells, and large groups of evil flames exploded in the ranks of Nang Liang Naga. Although there was Selise's spell support, and the defense provided by the matrix defense module, But there were still many Naga who could not escape, and became infected with the immortal evil flame, and soon were corrupted and joined the demon army.

"Watch out for their evil flames! It will corrupt our minds!"

Peltis was extremely angry, vocalizing throughout the coast: "All soldiers are in groups of ten, backing or retreating against the matrix defense module, and scattered operations are prohibited!"

Now fortunately, the evil flame cannot break through the matrix defense module, but this thing has a limited capacity and cannot be equipped for every soldier. Otherwise, how could they fight so badly?

As the Naga began to hold a group, the demons did not dare to immerse themselves in the storm. They spit out evil flames from afar, as well as thick acid, sharp bone spurs, etc., to weaken the matrix defense module. Defensive capabilities.

"Can't go on like this, our supplies will be used up sooner or later!"

The guard of Sally Heath, Polisaya looked at the energy indicator of the matrix defense module with anxiety. The two energy cores were replaced with each other to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the defense module. However, under the siege of the demon, the magic power was consumed. Too fast, the advanced magic crystal in their hands will not last long.

After taking a few shots, Lalise fired several little demons into pieces, and asked coldly, "Apart from being so persistent, are there any good ways for you?"

"Maybe we can break through with a matrix defense module."

Polisaya clenched his chainsaw sword: "If you stay here, the devil will only grow--"

Polisaya's voice stopped abruptly, and then the chainsaw sword in his hand whistled and chopped at Therisis!


Selise swaggered the chain saw sword with her wand and yelled, "Polisaya, you are crazy!"


Polisaya roared indistinctly, saliva splashed, and frantically wielded a chainsaw sword to attack his surrounding companions.

"Damn! Shield of the Mind!"

Selise suddenly noticed a strange wave of magic in the air, her face suddenly became extremely ugly, and the magic pistol instantly frosted the ice star, and Polisaya was frozen in place. At the same time, the mind shield spell was released: "Everyone be careful! It's Comara's deceiver! Polisaya is under control!"

The next few gray-fin Naga glanced at each other, and then made no secret, and a rush of bees rushed up, pressing Polisaya directly on the ground, taking out the chain saw sword and punching him mercilessly. Hit and kick! --Oh shit! Why can you follow Her Royal Highness every day, we can only do hard work!

Sally Heath was stunned: "What are you doing !?"

A Greyfin Naga explained: "Her Royal Highness, please don't misunderstand, it is said that this can relieve mind control."

Ghosts believe it! You clearly want to take revenge! ?

"His pain hurts!"

Polisaya screamed suddenly, and after hearing the gray-fin Naga, he stopped reluctantly, and Sally Heath even saw someone secretly gave Polisaya a kick-what did this guy do What the **** is it?

"Abominable! I was afraid I wasn't out of my mind ..."

Polisaya moaned in pain, covering his head: "Who the **** is attacking me ..."

"Kumala is deceiving, but ..."

Sally Heath's face was very ugly: "I haven't found it yet!"

Kemala demon is a very difficult kind of demon. Most of them have no physical form, immune to physical damage, and are very good at some special powers, such as deceiving the mind, changing shape, catalyzing blood, etc ...

The Kemala demon is obviously the most troublesome demon. They like to hide traces, and then control the target to kill each other, and they can gain victory without any effort. On the battlefield, the Kemala demon is The most dangerous enemy, you never know when your comrade-in-arms will be controlled by it, and then pierce your chest with a sword.

Sweat dripped drop by drop, Selises clenched her staff and did not dare to relax at all, and the Shield of the Mind was only able to enhance their resistance to psychic spells and could not be fully immune.

Comara didn't find out for a moment, and they could only stay there with fear.

When the two sides had been deadlocked, the sky suddenly became a lot brighter. Naga looked up and suddenly opened their mouths, all of them stunned.

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