Things from Another World

Chapter 1283: Airdrop the Gold Colossus!

As the floating island fortress approached the corrupted archipelago further, and the coastline of the archipelago was faintly visible, traces of demonic activity began to appear in the sky.

The Moment Powered Armored Unit immediately began to operate, and they flew into the sky, defending the demon's attack with floating artillery around the floating island fortress.

Demon spell attacks caused ripples outside the floating island fortress, but the powerful power core gave the matrix defense module a strong defense ability, and their spells could not penetrate our armor at all.

On this basis, the high maneuverability and endless combat methods of the magic-powered armored forces have caused the demons to suffer a lot. The demons have been subjected to a very strong impact in the previous bombing, and they are now very weak, and then again In such a shameless siege operation, even the demon lord can only die with hate.

At the same time, the accompanying Sky Mother Carriers had already climbed further under the unified command of Croto, came to the sky above the corrupted islands, and began airdrop operations.

A large number of bombs were dropped, and this round of bombing was in advance to prepare for the battle of the Golden Titan and armored forces.

When the bomb blew flowers on the island and cleared an airborne area on the battlefield, the extremely heavy golden giant statue finally leapt from the deck of the sky mother ship.

What the Naga people saw is the picture of the golden giant statue falling from the sky with the flames wrapped around them. The feeling of the huge bodies falling from the sky is really shocking!

On the fourth day of the war, the Golden Colossus finally joined the battle!


Among the golden statues headed by Victor, Victor yelled excitedly: "We have been silent for too long. Now, let our family see our true strength!-We are invincible heroes! We will destroy the enemy! "

"Well !!!"

These heroes led by Victor all shouted. Under their control, the golden statues whistled and fell to all parts of this archipelago. Just at the moment of landing, they didn't know how many demons stepped on.

Subsequently, the Golden Titan immediately entered the combat state, the magic channels on his body were lit one by one, the complex mystic runes were also activated one by one, the spells constant on the Golden Titan immediately took effect, the spell aura opened directly, and the Golden Titan Officially joined the battle!

The feelings of the Naga who are closest to the Golden Statue are the most obvious. Originally, because of the corruption of the mind, they chose a conservative strategy. Therefore, Naga, who was losing ground, suddenly found that her status in all aspects had strengthened a lot. Immediately after the golden colossus fell from the sky, they understood why.

As a weapon of war, the Golden Colossus has five very powerful strategic spell aura effects:

Aura of the Wild Thorns: Rebound 50% of physical damage;

Aura of War Power: Increase nearby friendly units by 100%.

Iron Will Aura: Increases nearby friendly units' 100% resistance to negative conditions;

Aura of Vitality of Life: Increase the speed of 100% self-healing of nearby friendly units;

Elemental Resistance Aura: Increases 100% resistance of nearby friendly units to magical damage;

Especially the steel will aura, with this aura effect, Kemala's mind control effect will be greatly weakened, even for the same target is difficult to take effect again!

This is simply sending charcoal in the snow!

Pertis raised his staff and shouted sternly as he lowered the blizzard to stop the demons: "Take the Golden Colossus as the core! Move forward!"

The Naga immediately began their operations, canceled the matrix defense module, and kept up with the closest golden giant statue, and began to move forward.

At the beginning of the design, the Golden Titan has four solidified skills, trample on war, brutal charge, violent hammering, and Titan Leap. Originally it had no reason and thinking. After entering the combat state, although the skills will lock the enemy to attack, but It is easy to spread to your own personnel, so it is not good to be too close to the Golden Colossus.

But now it is different. Under the leadership of Tang En, they have transformed the golden giant statue and added a control core. Now the golden giant statue not only has the assistance of an intelligent computer, but also the active control of the soul of the Yingling Temple. Control has been greatly strengthened, and the overall combat effectiveness and performance on the battlefield have become much stronger.

A badly wounded demon lord landed on the coast, and the golden giant idol, which was slowly moving, suddenly locked it, and immediately followed the hero who controlled it to launch a brutal charge!

"Boom boom boom--"

The Golden Titan was like a golden hurricane that hit all the demons along the way. After encountering the friendly army, it directly launched the Titan Leap and passed, and then hit the demon lord fiercely!

The demon lord, who was about to breathe, was suddenly sprayed with blood by the golden giant, and the cannonball flew out!


When the demon lord flew out, he threw a horrible evil flame, and immediately swallowed it after being bombarded on the gold statue, but Oliha Steel has a strong anti-magic performance, and the evil flame can't do anything about the gold statue !!

The 20-meter-tall gold giant statue leaped high again, while raising his hands. At the moment of falling, Tekken hit the demon lord's head severely!

With a bang, the brain shot!

Iron fist smashed the weak demon lord into a pool of meat sauce like a wreck, and his heart was completely broken, and the dead could not die anymore!

"Oh oh oh!"

Cheers rang out from all the floating island fortresses, and the great strength of the golden giant statue gave them great confidence.

"These demons don't look as powerful as they thought! It looks like they were in the Great Rift Camp."

Brian dug his nostrils and said proudly, "If you give me a chance to play, my Warhammer and I will definitely kill a lot of--"

Before Brian's words were finished, I saw in the picture that a demon lord suddenly spread his wings and released a large-scale evil flame spell. The evil flame instantly engulfed everything around me, regardless of the enemy, the nearby Naga soldiers, and Our air mobile combat unit was immediately burned into flames by the evil flames!

The messenger of the Hall of Spirits, already on standby in the air, immediately intercepted the dead souls on the battlefield.


Brian's voice stopped abruptly.

Tang En glanced at him, this guy has no other ability, but his ability to set up FLAG is quite strong!

He opened the communicator and said to the nearest Victor: "Victor! Help to lock down the demon lord. Let's support it remotely."

Knowing that we have a long-range strike here, I dare to fly to the sky. Isn't this to death?

"It's locked!"

The floating island fortress immediately received the shared coordinate signal. The loaded electromagnetic gun immediately began to adjust the launch angle, and then fired a mass bomb!

Mass bomb took more than ten seconds, leap over a distance of more than one hundred kilometers, and then hit the demon lord who was leading the spell fiercely!

The demon lord also simply, noticed the attack of the electromagnetic cannon at the last moment, forcibly stopped the guidance spell, and hid to one side, but was still rubbed to the body-in an instant, half of the body was passively smashed and then gasified by high temperature. Already.

But without crushing all the hearts, its body began to recover quickly.

"Dare to kill my people! Let me die!"

Pettis's tone was cold, and the arcane torrent blasted on the demon lord instantly, fleshing its fried skin, revealing a fragile heart.

At this time, another Naga beside him did not hesitate to use flash to rush up, and the chainsaw sword penetrated directly into the heart of the demon lord!


The demon lord roared in pain, his body withered at a rate visible to the naked eye, and his vitality was completely lost in a short time.


Stanley blasted a Naga soldier with one claw, growling, "All demons are not allowed to take off! Use all your power to kill these invaders!"


At this moment, who is the invader has lost its meaning. Now that the war has begun, only one of them will be left in the end.

The Prandall clans are destined to coexist with the demons!

"and many more!"

At this time, Tang En on the island suddenly stunned: "The demon who flashed past just looks a little familiar!"

"It's Stanley."

Jean said in a deep voice: "Although he has become a demon, his face is still recognizable. He never thought he was born again as a demon!"

"That's wrong!"

Tang En said categorically: "The **** of death cannot make his soul reborn in a demon posture!"

"but now……"

"He could become a demon, it could only be one reason."

Tang En said: "It was in the previous battle that he did not die after fulfilling the contract. That is to say, the demon who had signed the contract with him did not kill him, but left him, but Created a chance for him to become a demon! "

Angus grew his mouth and mouth, and his face was incredible: "You mean, Stanley signed a contract with a demon as a human, and now comes back to attack humans as a demon?"

"Obviously this is the truth."

The faces of other people are also very ugly. This approach of Stanley has exceeded his previous evil behavior. He is now a complete gangster!

"So the question is coming."

Tang En said in a deep voice: "Is he actively asking to be a demon, or does a demon need his human intelligence to make him a demon to work for himself?"

A group of people is silent. This is very important. If it is the first, this war may be just Stanley ’s personal behavior. If it is the second ... it means that there is another Stanley behind. An enemy, that guy, is what they really have to deal with!

"Thinking of this is a bit redundant now."

Tang En suddenly said, "Whatever it is, kill them first, and then slowly torture his soul."

Stanley's soul has been regarded as something in his pocket-this time, Tang En didn't believe he had signed another contract that could save his life!

When the battle was heated, terrible roars suddenly sounded on the new continent, the ground cracked, and more demons emerged from the ground. Stanley actually ordered those demons to take advantage of the opportunity to go to war Opened the portal, summoned more demons to participate in the battle!

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