Things from Another World

Chapter 1284: The army of elements is coming!

The black demons emerged from the ground, and in a short time, they actually reversed the coalition forces.


Even Jean couldn't help swearing: "We have been washing and bombing here for a few days, and the ground has been flattened a few meters deep. Stanley even dare to summon underground !?"

Tang En was helpless: "Not only did he dare to do it, he succeeded ..."

It was previously bombarded by several waves of missiles and destroyed more than 90% of the low-level demons, but at this moment they were all replenished. The dense demons and worms were pouring out of the cracks on the ground, and howling screaming at the gold giant and Naga .

Although their power is not strong, the golden giants can step on more than a dozen, but their number is really huge.

Ants often kill elephants.

Although the Golden Giants will not be killed, Naga following them will not!

"Naga needs support now."

Aigwin could see that the people who could not have her friends died on the battlefield in this way. She took out the Long Steel Swords and said, "I'll help them!"

"Don't worry, I have a plan for dealing with it."

Tang En took her, shook his head, and walked over, pulling out the comic book in the hands of the strong man squatting there, smiling and saying, "Dicarios, your chance to play is here."

That's right, the strong man who has been squatting there with straight eyes, is the elemental lord Dikarios.

"Do not want to go, ignore me, give me back ..."

However, Dikarios's mental state is very wrong, and he tends to be a little self-closing. This is to blame a hungry pleasure demon. After Hiloflia came to Ellington, she had no idea how much purity had been ruined The mind of men and women, it is normal for her to draw some strength from dreams and those pure men and women to do something indescribable.

But she was hungry and didn't even let Dikarios go. Who was Dikarios? Fire Elemental Lord from Fire Elemental World! The human form is usually maintained only for the convenience of communication!

When Hilofalia was surprised to find that there was still a living Elemental Lord here in Ellington, she was instantly excited, so ... for a month, Dikarios failed to stop, he A powerful Lord of the Elements of Fire was tortured by a Pleasant Demon Queen, and even had a tendency to close himself ...

Tang En really wanted to know what Hiloflia had done to it-you know, the element lord does not have the life seed thing, even if you dream, you ca n’t dream that way ...

"Don't forget the contract we signed, you are my employee now."

Dunn reminded him: "If you don't help, I'll have to send you back to Ellington. I think Hiloflia will be glad to see you."

Because the demon king Balmotos did not want to allow the devil to participate in the human battle in Prandall, Tangn did not even bring Hiloflia with him on this expedition, but left her in Ellington.

At this time, when hearing the name of Hilofria, Dikarios's mind collapsed instantly, the human form disappeared instantly, and it became the original elemental form. The blazing flames rose into the sky, it Roared: "Don't raise the shameless devil before me! I must make her pay a painful price! The price of unbearable life! I want her to understand that the dignity of the element lord is inviolable!"

"I understand I understand ..."

Tang En's gaze suddenly became a little weird, and he subconsciously glanced at Dicarios's lower body. Could it be because of ... poor Lord of the Enlightenment ...

So Tang En seduced him: "Go, Great Fire Elemental Lord Dikarios! Go summon the army of elements, burn those demons to ashes, and let that shameless devil know how powerful you are! Let She shuddered in front of your strength, made her kneel in front of you for mercy, completely conquered her, and turned her into your 'can't afford to mess around!' "



In a villa in Ellington, Hilofria snorted and looked down at Don on the screen, her eyes were rather unpleasant: "Really a man with a small belly! It seems like I should get you some trouble."


The roar of Dikarios echoed above the floating island fortress: "Yes! I want her to kneel in front of me for mercy! I want to let her know that I can't mess with it!"

The anger that had been lingering in his heart was completely released. Dikarios' body became larger and larger. After leaving the floating island fortress, the suspension continued to expand in the air, and it quickly broke through the 100 meters until it became After being as huge as the floating island fortress, an anthropomorphic face appeared on it.

"Come down ... Purify all the flames! Burn all the pollution in this world!"

In the mouth of Dikarios, a fiery flame spit out, and the sound was thick and slightly superimposed. Along with its words, a circle of strong magic waves spread out, and the sky suddenly lit up bright circles. .

Those apertures are all transmission channels leading to the elemental world of fire. At this moment, Dikarios opened tens of thousands of transmission channels and summoned countless elements of fire to Prandall!

The dense flames were connected in one piece in the sky. The burning fire element passed through the transmission channel, and then the incarnation meteorite fell from the sky, hitting the corrupted earth heavily, and when it landed, it directly inspired a series of flame storms. The little devil was all burned to ashes.

Compared with demons, the characteristics of these elemental creatures are more specific. They are all composed of immortal fire elements. As pure elemental creatures, the disordered magic environment in the corrupted land area will not affect them. At the same time, the destructive power of the devil can hardly affect them.

The most important thing is that because the lower-level elemental creatures have almost no mind and completely obey the control of Dikarios, the psychic spells of the Kemala demon will completely invalidate them, while the attack of the elemental creatures will be able to attack the Kemala demon. Causes effective damage, it can be said that the elemental creature is the natural nemesis of the Kemala demon.

As soon as the army of elemental creatures arrived, they directly captured the entire corrupted land and fought fiercely with the demons everywhere.

"Burned all the demons to ashes!"

The order of Dikarios is very simple and rude, and the execution of elemental creatures is also very simple and rude. They madly release their flames and pounce on any hostile target that they can see. If the enemy is weak, they will be directly Burned to ashes, if the enemy is too strong, it will explode directly after it is thrown up-if it is matched with some lines or something, it will be even more shocking.

"This is an opportunity!"

Controlling Gundam ... I mean that Victor, the golden giant, found that the fire element descended from the sky, and directly suppressed the expansion of the demon. Then he suddenly refreshed, controlled the golden giant to jump high, and then banged in a punch. The overcoming Nazula killed and killed the demons and roared: "The low-level demons are handed over to the element of fire, and our target is the demon lord! These low-level demons are not afraid after killing them!"

After receiving the order, other heroes of the spirit warriors immediately stopped entanglement with those low-level demons, and allowed them to bite on themselves—the Oliha Steel that constituted the gold giant was extremely strong, even if it was large. Neither the demon's fangs nor claws can break through the defense, and there is no need to fear their attacks.


With the cover of the element of fire, it was not easy for the demons to keep suppressing Naga, so Peltis issued a decisive order: "Fight around the gold giant! Keep life first!"


Naga warriors closely followed the statue of the gold giant. After the demons that came up could not break the defense of the gold statue, they screamed at the naga soldiers, but the naga soldiers got the gold statue After the halo effect, one by one became very brave. Ordinary little devil could not help them. Nazura killed. Slayers, spikes, and flying wings do not have to worry. The only trouble is Nazula withering. Their spells have a natural restraint to Naga.


A Uberis Heartbreaker rushed to Peltis, and while Peltis cast a spell, it screamed and released Heartbreak.

But at this moment, Pertis had a soft light suddenly on her body, which canceled the heart-breaking technique. When she turned and waved her hands, it was an ice technique to freeze the Yuboris demon-devil. : "Stupid, how could I be here without preparation!"

Peltis appeared momentarily next to the frozen Yuboris Heartbreaker, slap it into pieces, and looked at the battlefield in the distance, her eyebrows tightening.

Thanks to Tang En's power, the soldiers here are not afraid of death, but no one wants to die meaninglessly.

In this battlefield, Naga's strength is still too weak. Strictly speaking, without the help of the golden giant statue, they may now have evacuated to the deep sea.

It is not easy to support them now. If they want to continue fighting, they now need support. More support, not only these stupid, only know the element of self-exploding fire! It's enough support to determine where the battlefield goes!

"Look who I found ..."

A weird voice sounded on the side of Pertis, and when she heard it, she stunned, and before turning around, she found that she was suddenly tied to the ground by a weird force. come out!

"Legendary Power, Queen Naga!"

Stanley slowly emerged from the shadows, smirking and holding up the magic sword with the burning flame in his hand: "I don't know how much power I can absorb after I kill you?"


Peltis' expression suddenly gloomed: "As the dead, you should have gone to the kingdom of death."

"However, I have a new mission to escape."

Stanley held up the magic sword in his hand and stabbed Perthis's chest fiercely: "That is to assist the great master and destroy you completely!"

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