Things from Another World

Chapter 1285: I seem to have found a big fish

The magic sword was severely stabbed on Pertis's chest-but at this moment, a strong blue brilliance suddenly appeared on Pertis, and the soft and highly purified water element put the magic sword Steady in the immediate vicinity, while the restraint on Pertis was purified.


The sound of Celise Hess came from behind: "Let's go!"

As soon as Peltis broke free of the shackles, she hid to one side, and raised her hand next to Thrisis, and an electromagnetic gun shot at him!

Although the 20 mm caliber electromagnetic gun can only fire tens or hundreds of grams of mass bombs, its power is not weaker than some small caliber artillery, or it cannot be replaced in terms of penetrability, accuracy, and suddenness. The advantages.

A sharp buzzing of the electromagnetic gun buzzed Stanley's brain directly out of the skylight. Smelly brain and red blood shot out. Stanley roared and threw the magic sword at Thurris Heath, burning. The wicked flame's magic sword pierced Thoris Heath like a powerful shell.

However, Selise was not afraid. At this moment, she had performed the magic of descending. As the representative of the goddess of water, Anita Lair, her power had a strong suppressive effect on the demon of chaos in nature.

After the magic sword smashed into Talisis's shield, it caused a wave of water ripples, then lost its strength and flew back to Stanley.

Stanley's severely injured head did not die. The wound healed quickly in the blink of an eye. The flesh and blood nerves were still exposed around the eyeball. He was about to curse Therisis, but was shocked to find that those beside him That weird weapon also appeared in Naga's hands-Stanley said nothing and fled!


Sally Heath ordered sharply, and then a blast of mass bombs whistled out and slammed into Stanley!

Stanley did not dare to enlarging it. With a flap of his wings, the corrupted magic immediately strengthened his shield, forcibly deflected the mass bombs by some angles, and avoided the deadly attack.

"Damn guy ... what the **** is in your hands! It can hurt the body bestowed on me by the great master!"

Stanley's eyes stared at the electromagnetic gun in their hands, shocked inexplicably in his heart. This weapon can penetrate his previous spell armor. It shows how powerful the weapon is, even more incredible. Anyone can use it, there is no requirement at all!

If they all use this weapon ... it is more difficult to conquer the world than it is imagined.


Selise laughed sneer, Stanley froze, his body was covered by dark shadows, he looked up, only to see a huge foot fell from the sky!

With a bang, "Stanley" was trampled into the ground by the golden giant idol falling from the sky!

"I seem to have found a big fish."

Victor's excited voice came out of the Golden Colossus.

"Give me—get away!"

The flaming evil flames poured from the feet of the golden giant statue, the earth was melted by the evil flames, and turned into a fiery lava. Stanley drilled out of the molten earth, and lava flowed on his body.

The sudden attack of Stanley was extremely angry, but even more frightened at the moment was the sound he had just heard.

"Victor! It's you!"

Stanley snarled as he looked at the Golden Titan: "Why are you still in this world, you who have been killed by Gillard !?"

"It looks like your intelligence is behind."

Victor smiled slightly, without much explanation, and raised his hand with a punch: "Go to death."

The huge fist of the Golden Giant shouted and smashed over, Stanley frowned ... escaped!

Even if the demon is powerful, it is useless to kill the golden giant idol. In the end, he will be half dead.

That's right, although you know that your strength has become much stronger after becoming a demon now, but after the previous battle, Stanley has been very clear about the characteristics of the gold statue, indestructible and infinitely powerful.

Although they don't have many fighting skills, relying only on their huge size and brute force and indestructible armor is enough to turn them into terrible war weapons. Stanley feels fortunate that the gold giant The number is not large, otherwise the battle would really not be necessary.

Not to mention there is also a legendary Pertise staring at it, and a representative of the goddess of water, with a group of Naga soldiers with strange weapons ... not running is a fool!

"Leave me!"

Peltis gave a loud sigh, and the violent water poured from the surrounding air, rushed to Stanley, and then instantly frozen into an indestructible ice cage!

"Come here!"

Stanley yelled to control the demon to rescue him. The ice cage was mainly to block the enemies inside, and it could be destroyed more easily from the outside.

Several demon lords obeyed his instructions and rushed up. The green flames fell from the sky and lit the ice cage. Several other demon lords killed Pertis and tried to prevent her from continuing to attack Stanley.


The Golden Titan killed him from one side, and knocked the demon lord that flew away fiercely, then Victor strode to catch up with the demon lord that was hit by the fly, and the violent hammer screamed and smashed down!

The demon lord is a Juboris purgatory demon who is good at spells. When it is attacked, the body naturally releases a purgatory flame with extremely high temperature. The fireball thrown by it can almost burn the surrounding fire. Everything, however, can't destroy the defense of the Golden Colossus!

In the face of the terrible high temperature, the gold giant idol just became brighter and the temperature increased a lot, but because the inner spirit is used instead of living people, it will not be affected at all.

Victor ignored the huge fireball that was flying on his face, and used his face to directly catch the spell. After smashing the spell, he pressed the demon lord to the ground in an extremely violent manner.

On the other side, Stanley, who received support, finally escaped. Stanley, who escaped from the birth, did not turn back, and rushed directly to the center of this corrupted land. There, there was a two-way teleport to the abyss of purgatory. Door where he can escape the battlefield.

"Don't run away!"

Selise exhaled cold air, her eyes were exuded with faint blue light, her hair danced without wind, her body was full of surging water elements, and her staff was exuding cold blue light around her. The wand slammed heavily on the ground, and the biting cold screamed and rushed to all directions. The ice storm spread for dozens of kilometers in the blink of an eye. Even the friendly fire elements were affected, and the flames became weak. A lot.

Centered on Thrisis, within a radius of more than 20 kilometers, it instantly entered the bitter freezing from the Mid-Autumn Festival. In this drastic climate change, the demons from the sweltering purgatory abyss were impacted. Very strong, the speed of action almost slowed down to the naked eye.

Stanley, who was rushing to death, was specially taken care of by Sally Heath. Her body was covered with a layer of crystal clear frost, and the wings behind her were almost completely frozen.

"Damn bitch! I want to kill you!"

Stanley screamed and ignited his body, trying to dispel the cold with his evil flames, but the ice storm released by Sally Heath contained part of the strength of the goddess of water, Anita Lair. Once in the body, It's hard to get rid of them completely, like the iliac crest.

Stanley's mouth screamed terribly, but when they saw Talissy and Pettis killing the soldiers, they panicked, and immediately ordered the demons to stop in front of him to help him stop the Naga soldiers.

"Too many demons!"

Although those demons are slow to hang frost all over the body, but roughly, there are probably tens of thousands of demons just emerging from the ground. At this moment, the golden giants are not there. If they continue to pursue, they will fall into the demons again. Surrounded.


Pertis shouted, "Stop him!"

"I'm coming!"

Victor had just slaughtered the demon lord, heard Pettis' shout, turned his head and immediately locked Stanley, who was fleeing.

At this moment, he was about five kilometers away from Stanley's straight line. All kinds of demons were in the middle. If he rushed directly, it would waste a lot of time to clean up those demons ...

Victor's eyes narrowed, he pressed a button lightly, and then controlled the gold statue to take out a huge ... electromagnetic cannon from the carry-on warehouse.

This electromagnetic gun is a shrunken version of the main gun mounted on the sky mother ship, which is specially designed for the golden giant statue, but the current output is not much, only a small number of golden giant statues are carried.

Victor pulls the gun, squats, aims, locks, fires, all in one go. With the assistance of the artificial soul quantum computer, his shooting angle is impeccable. The mass of a 500mm caliber bullet weighs several kilograms, and is close to 6Km / S. After launching at a high speed, I hit Stanley directly after one second!

This time, in the face of a 500mm caliber mass bomb, Stanley's reinforced armor was not good enough. The armor collapsed under the impact of the mass bomb. Most of his body was passively shocked and shattered into fragments. Almost hit by Victor directly!

But even so, because Victor didn't kill all his heart at once, the good-looking guy still couldn't die, but instead escaped into the underground cave and recovered his injuries while running away.


Victor hit the ground with a punch, and after Stanley got to the ground, the Golden Colossus would be hard to come by.

"Victor! Beware of heavenly support!"

Pertis shouted loudly, Victor looked up, and the bright red light from the sky brightened his eyes ...

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