Things from Another World

Chapter 1286: The Dragon Legion joins the battle!

Above the corrupted earth, the deafening loud noises continued to sound. After summoning the army of elements to participate in the battle, the battle has entered the fifth day. Dikarios imprinted the situation of the entire corrupted area in his mind. Then keep each enemy's position in mind, use it distractively, and monitor their movements one by one.

The army of elemental creatures has almost crushed the army of demons.


"I want to let these **** dregs know that the terrible end of the anger element lord!"

Dikarios growled, and a gigantic baptism of fire began to brew.

Although they are both XX lords, the concepts of the demon lord and the element lord are obviously different. The difference in strength between the two is really too big. It ’s awful. Dikarios wants to destroy the planet, except for Tang En and even No one can stop it.

Don En silently looked at Dikarios in the distance, and it seemed that this time it was really stimulated by Heroflia. There was no way to act on Heroflia, and simply take these devil's close relatives to vent one. Fan.

Tang En picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Notify all ground troops, turn on the matrix defense module, and at the same time use the golden statue as a shelter to avoid the flames."

"Roger that!"

The order was passed on in a short period of time. After receiving his order, the Naga soldiers quickly centered around the gold statue of the giant, and developed a matrix defense module. At this moment, the sky has been red flames. Completely covered, the dazzling flame ignited the entire sky, making it impossible for people to look directly at them. The powerful power from Elemental Lord Dikarios made everyone tremble from the depths of their souls.

"What a great guy, how did you convince it to join Ellington ..."

Selna, who had not experienced Ellington's early construction, couldn't help whispering to herself, she couldn't imagine how such a powerful elemental lord would work with a small human lord.

Bryan smiled, and when he was about to brag about their glorious deeds with Selna, Tang En glanced at him, so Bryan immediately died down.

The rainstorm of dense rain dragged a long tail flame from the sky, and everything in the field of vision became a world of flames, not to mention this corrupted land, even the distant sea was completely destroyed by the firestorm. Covered, this round of flame bombing conservatively estimates that trillions of tons of seawater will evaporate into the sky, and then the Prandall main continent will definitely have to drop heavy rain.

"Boom boom boom--"

The power of flames falling from the sky is not inferior to the meteorite, but after losing the physical core, the impact of the flames is much less, more is the burning damage of the fire element and the hot air impact damage. Watching these flames falling from the sky Burning the demons and forcing them to hide underground, Tang En finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that although the average strength of the devil is strong, it is not unmatched. At least now it has been found that there are many attack methods that can cause great damage to them, especially the fast and fierce large-caliber electromagnetic cannon, which is extremely far away. , The concealment is strong enough. After locking the target, if you hit it accurately, you can kill a demon lord in one shot.

The only drawback is that the recharge speed and recharge speed are slightly slower, which can not form fast bursts.

The messenger looked at the flames flying above his head in trembling, and said brazenly, "Your Majesty, we are very close to the land made by the demon, and the control center requested to stop the fortress."


Tang En looked up at the ripples blasted on the shield by the flames. Large-scale map-level spells were not good at this point. It was difficult to completely avoid his own target, and it would be affected to some extent.

"Also, keep in mind that the short-range artillery is ready for saturation bombing."

Down looked coldly at the land below: "We're going to lift them off the ground!"


The devil has lifted this land from the sea these days, and has created a new continent the size of the Roninant Kingdom. For Tang En, this is not good news--not that this piece suddenly appeared What terrible impact the land will have on the sea level and the climate of the planet, just because the area of ​​the land is too large, it is very troublesome to search it carefully.

This new continent has completely turned into a sea of ​​fire at this moment. Gold statues of gold are standing on the ground, sheltering the Naga soldiers beside them, but there is a wider area, which is completely free of friendly forces. Has completely turned into a fiery sea of ​​fire, after the flames fell. After smashing a large pit on the ground, and then directly transformed into a fiery fire element, galloping on the ground, looking for traces of demons.

The demons who did not have time to hide in the ground were overwhelmed by those fire elements within minutes. There was a big gap between them. They could kill one or two fire elements, but there were still more fire elements to wait for. They couldn't be killed at all.

They like to use human sea tactics to destroy enemies, but now, the elemental fire lords teach them what the real human sea tactics are: boundless, endless, fire elements from the elemental world of fire are even more unafraid than demons. They do not form a mind. They are more afraid of death than demons, and a slight corruption can not affect them at all. Therefore, these elemental creatures are simply demons' nemesis.

Under the control of Dikarios, there are already some fire elements fused with each other to form a large fire element, Dikarios growled: "Dig them out of the ground and burn them to ashes!"

After receiving orders from the large fire elements, they began to bombard the earth. The fiery flames turned the hard and hard rocks into lava, and the natural bunkers of the demons were constantly softening and disintegrating.

Soon, some elements of fire penetrated into the underground caves. The first ones were the little devil who were stricken by the outermost. The flames released by the element of fire directly blocked the caves, leaving them nowhere to escape. Can take the initiative to pounce on the fire element, and then burned to ashes in pain.

More and more fire elements found the entrance to the underground cave, and began to rush into the ground, blocking the entrance and exit of the cave.


Under the orders of Stanley, the demon lords hiding in the underground space from high-altitude bombardment were intolerable, screaming and rushing into the elements of fire that had penetrated the cave, burning the fangs and sharp claws of the evil flames and putting the fragile fire The elements were torn to pieces, and then they blasted out of the cave all the way.

The demons screamed, spread their wings and rushed into the sky, looking down at the army of elements on the ground, then they raised their hands and prepared to throw the evil flame spell--

A bunch of dazzling lights blinked through these non-remembering demons. The terrible electromagnetic gun locked the demons that rushed into the sky for the first time, and then the gunner launched the mass bomb without hesitation. After the waist was torn to pieces, a violent sound boom followed.

At the same time, the fixed turrets on the floating island fortress were also ready to begin a saturated bombing of those demons.

Then Tang En took out the walkie-talkie and said indifferently: "Sashaglot, the giant dragon army is ready to be dispatched, the goal is ... to completely destroy the demons into slag!"


Sasha Glott immediately received the news here, and then they were discussing how to bring the child's giant dragons one by one to restore the giant dragon form, took out their own cannon armor, flew into the sky.

Dozens of giant dragons appeared in the sky instantly, and the impact on the entire battlefield was extremely great, especially the naga below.

When Pertis saw the armor of the cannon on the dragon, she suddenly changed her face: "All Naga! Retreat immediately!"

"Her Majesty !?"

"Our mission has been completed, and the next battlefield is not something we can participate in!"

Peltis said very simply: "The giant dragon army has already participated in the battle. Once it is spread, it will be a dead end!"

As a result, the Naga immediately began to evacuate the battlefield. Fortunately, they did not dare to penetrate the land battlefield so far in the battle these days, and they could withdraw into the deep sea soon.

All kinds of missiles and bombs were tilted onto this new continent, the deafening blasting sounds were coming one after another, and the ground was shaking. The shattered and shattered, the demon army had not even seen Tang En's frontal forces, they had been continuously The dizzy steering of the ultra-long-range strike method bombed more than 90% of the little devil, more than 70% of the main devil, and more than 50% of the big devil, and even killed more than 20 powerful demon lords. heavy.

"Support! Master!"

Stanley screamed at a whirlpool in front of him exhaustively: "We need more reinforcements! Down's offensive is terrible!"

"You waste! Not only was our plan discovered, it was even beaten by humans!"

From the other end of the vortex came an indistinguishable voice: "You disappointed me and even began to wonder, are you really a human king who has fought in battle?"

"Master! They have elemental creatures to assist in the battle! And that terrible war puppet!"

"Waste! I've sent more demon warriors past, if you can't defeat the enemy, you don't have to come back!"

Stanley was overjoyed when he heard the words: "I will not let my master down!"

Just say there is reinforcements!

At this moment, the shock outside has subsided for a long time, I am afraid that those terrible bombings have ended, think about it too, so terrible weapons, and powerful spells, the consumption is absolutely terrifying and absolutely impossible to continue.

In other words, it's time for the demon to fight back!

Stanley took a deep breath of the scorching air filled with sulfur, and his narrow eyes looked down at the portal below. At this moment, more and more demons were crossing the portal and joined the army.

Stanley laughed, then he waved a finger and shouted fiercely: "Now go out with me and destroy those elemental creatures and humans-"

Before Stanley's words were finished, a dazzling beam of light suddenly blasted the ground, fell from the sky, and fell directly to the centre of the demons in front.

Just listening to the loud sound of "Boom", the whole world turned white, and the demon in the center of the beam of light was instantly evaporated and gasified!

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