Things from Another World

Chapter 1287: Cannon hit mosquito


A series of thick beams of light descended from the sky, penetrating fragile rock formations straight through the cave, evaporating the demon hiding inside into ashes.

The violent beam of light scared Stanley silly.

"What spell is this !?"

Whether as a human or a demon now, he has never seen such a terrible spell!


The high-pitched dragon groaned through the sky, echoed into the narrow and crowded cave, and Stanley's face suddenly became extremely bad.

It's a dragon spell!

The giant dragon has even entered the war!

The situation was not good, and Stanley panicked inexplicably.

It was okay before, after all, he knew the strength of human beings, even if Tang En's mysterious means emerged endlessly, but anyway, it was still in an acceptable range.

But once the giant dragon entered the war, the situation was different.

In Prendall, the giant dragon is synonymous with invincibility. Even Stanley can't question this. Even if you know that the devil is very powerful, but compared to the giant dragon, Stanley really doubts that the devil can't-especially just With these spells, Stanley, who was directly bombarded, began to doubt life.

The strong shock continued, and Stanley found that he could no longer continue to hide, the reason was simple-the rock formation above his head had completely disappeared, the burning sky had been exposed, and Stanley had seen the sky soaring. Giant dragon, they are spitting the hot dragon breath and burning the earth.

Different from those giant dragons in his previous impressions, at this moment, those giant dragons soaring in the sky are attached with heavy armors, accompanied by their high-pitched dragons, and huge cannons on their backs. A dazzling white light was sprayed out of the tube, and an energy cannon bombarded by a high concentration of magic power bombarded it, and nothing could stop its power.

"leave here!"

Stanley growled and shouted. He knew very well that if he continued to stay here, only the entire army would obliterate the road. In fact, it was not just the place where he hid. Under the exploration of the element of fire, countless counties on the entire new continent. The underground caves were all exposed, and now they are being watched by the giant dragon. A large number of demons were forced to gush from the underground caves. They rushed to the elemental creatures with their teeth, trying to kill some elemental creatures first, and killed a blood path from the encirclement Come.

However, Dikarios, also in the sky, has discovered the demon's change, and the fiery roar of the Elemental Lord resounded through the sky: "More enemies have appeared! Children, come on! Burn them to ashes! "

For these fire elements, the order of Dikarios is the supreme imperial edict. They immediately merged with each other and became super-giant fire elements of tens of meters in height. The visual oppression of such a huge fire element, It even surpassed the gold giant statue, and the fire element is far more aggressive than the gold giant statue. Of course, in terms of defense strength, the fire element is still not as good as the gold giant statue. ,

The giant fire elements rushed into the demon, waving their flame-like arms to slap the flying demon flying around, spraying hot flames to burn them to ashes.

Devil's fangs and claws can easily tear humans or other creatures' bodies. The corrupted evil flames will also torture the order's biological spirit and eventually fall into madness. However, these advantages can be used when facing elemental creatures. Vanished.

Only their spells may have some effect on the fire element, but after the fire element is attacked, the fragments falling from the body will become small fire elements again, and then rejoin the battlefield, which can be said to be immortal Fighters, these demons restrained desperately.

Seeing that his own demon army was suppressed by elemental creatures and the giant dragon on his head, Stanley was almost going crazy. Why are so many demon army with such terrible strength, all falling into the wind? The reinforcements brought by Tang En are not only huge, but also of high quality! ?

Especially those giant dragons, who can fight them! ?

The dragon can be said to be the king of air combat, even if it is a demon, it cannot defeat the dragon in the sky, but now? The dragons are even more perverted. They even put on terrible equipment, and the super-pressive force on the ground units is helpless!

Stanley, who had escaped from the underground cave, looked at the giant dragon in the sky, feeling very tricky. At this moment, he suddenly found that a large floating island suddenly appeared on the sky that should have been empty.

Stanley's pupils tightened, and the superb vision from the devil's body made him see the humans on the floating island, and he immediately understood that these floating islands are all Tang's bases!

Thinking of this, Stanley made a decision in his heart.

You will not make me feel better, I will not make you feel better!

Stanley ordered a part of the demons to dive into the sea through the demons, and then circled behind the floating island, intending to launch a surprise attack on the floating island from behind.

Do you want to destroy me? Even if I die, I will pull you back!

After a large number of demons got behind the floating island, they suddenly rushed out of the water and approached the floating island. The dense flames of evil flames whistled and smashed over!

"Warning! A lot of demons are coming from behind!"

Tang En frowned: "The anti-aircraft turret fired directly, no need to ask for instructions."


Gene pulled out his staff: "Let's go some activities, too."

"The main battlefield is handed over to the giant dragon below, and we will leave it to us."

Angus also took out his staff and gave a cold smile: "I think these demons may not know how terrible the fighting power will be when humans defend their homeland."

"I'll go as well."

Aegwynn pulled out the Long Steel Swords, and the battle has continued to the present. The demons can no longer be considered as weather. They have come to the present but have not yet made a shot.

"be careful."

After a pause, Down said: "Our goal is to capture Stanley alive. If anyone encounters him, be careful to keep him alive."

Although I hate Stanley, in order to understand the truth of all this, Tang En really only got information from Stanley.

As Tang En came to the battlefield, the legendary strongmen went out. There were many floating islands and more demons. If the defense ability of the floating island fortress could not resist, it would be almost instantaneous. The floating island fortress will be captured, so they must kill these demons before that.

"Very good! You can do it!"

Before, it was suppressed by electromagnetic guns, so flying to the sky is to kill, but now, there are giant fire elements on the ground, gold giant statues, and fire elements running around the ground, and there are giants on the head. The dragon has been using giants Gun plowing the ground, there is still a fire element lord in the distance constantly release magic random bombing, really to say, now the ground is much more dangerous than the air.

Noting that the demons had distracted the people on the floating island fortress, and that there should be no time to fire that terrible cannon, Stanley immediately ordered all flying capable demons to fly into the sky again while taking advantage of the giant dragon. When that terrible weapon attacked the ground, go and besiege the giant dragon.

Flocks of flying demons flew into the sky, and a dense group of black birds flocked to the giant dragon. The green and evil flames burst out at the same time, and most of the sky became green. Tens of thousands The evil flame fireball directly swallowed the nearest giant dragon, Rao Yilong's powerful defense force, and suddenly received such a fierce attack, it still suffered very serious injuries.

"No! They decided to fight back!"

Sasha Glott keenly discovered the idea of ​​the devil, and the wild fighting method immediately began to converge. The devil's life is relatively cheap and he can casually die, but the giant dragon is not the same. They are scarce and they are all deadly. Loss.

So many demons can't just be frontal, they can be suppressed from the side!

Sasaglotte took a few giant dragons to the side of the demon, and then suddenly fired a magic cannon. The violent artillery blasted out. Sasaglotte only turned the muzzle. Sweep a few clean passages from the dense crowd of demons.

"do not be afraid!"

Stanley roared: "Staring at an attack! They are few in number, killing one is victory!"

Strictly speaking, Stanley is really right. The giant dragon takes great care of his life. If he can kill one, Sasha Glott will take the other giant dragon away without saying a word.

Moreover, the demon's size is relatively small compared to the dragon, with fast speed and strong maneuverability. It is difficult for the giant dragon to capture them, and it has the advantage of fighting with the dragon in the air (you can understand yourself as a dragon, and a demon as a mosquito. ), Can completely kill the dragon.

Unfortunately, Stanley still underestimates Down's power.

When Tang En found that the demon soldiers split in two ways, while interfering with the floating island fortress that could not fire electromagnetic guns, he went to attack the giant dragon. He decisively ordered: "All soldiers equipped with magic power armor, attack immediately and destroy the demon. Cover the giant dragon! "

"Roger that!"

The anxious soldiers who had been staying on the floating island fortress heard this order, and they were suddenly energized and overjoyed, and they started the magic power armor, whistling out of the shelter of the floating island fortress, and rushed directly to the distant battlefield. .

As soon as he got the chance to participate in the battle, as soon as he rushed out of the floating island fortress, he immediately released the buff spell, and his speed suddenly increased. It's mine! "


A beam of high-energy rays blasted past him, tearing the demon's waist in half, and then Tom heard Danny's hearty laughter: "You dream."

Since they became real fighters, such things as stealing heads have never disappeared. They have never before, and I am afraid they will not.

"Your Majesty, although a large number of demons have appeared, we have found ..."

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