Things from Another World

Chapter 1288: Anyway, I ’m just cannon fodder!

"Your Majesty, although a large number of demons have appeared, we have found that there are still many demons hiding under this new continent."

Depp is speaking. As the direct commander on the battlefield, he did not directly participate in the battle.

He pointed to the satellite image and analyzed for Tang En: "After our careful observation, we found that in this new continent, there were several areas in the previous days where a large number of demons appeared in batches, especially the fire. After the elements invaded and were bombed by dragons, many enemies were exposed, and we very much suspect the existence of portals in those places. "

After Depton's pause, Shen Sheng said, "But during the two days of fighting, there were fewer demons out there, so we suspect they may be hiding the main forces and preparing for a surprise attack when we are relaxed. "

Tang En said with a frown. "It could also be that they are making holes in the ground and are going to launch sneak attacks elsewhere."

For demons, burrowing underground is a very normal thing. They didn't do this kind of thing when purging the abyss, and the devil often suffers because of these small means that can't get on the table.-Yes For the devil and the devil, in order to win, any means is possible.

The war has been going on for more than a week. More and more demons have joined the battle. On the human side, the main force of Her Majesty Tang En has already joined the battle. At this moment, the elite troops wearing magic power armor are filled with sky. Flying around the giant dragons in the sky and the floating island fortress, they constantly attacked the demons with a keen and dynamic form.

Although the demon is flexible in the air to fly by instinct, but after adding artificial soul quantum computer-assisted control and auxiliary combat, the mobility of the magic energy armor has been enhanced by more than a little, and it is no less than that of the devil.

The main attacking means of demons are their bodies and their innate magical abilities. Since the devil is an early creation of the **** of darkness Apophis, which belongs to a race that strengthens its power, they have a different spell system than humans. Many Spells are more like their innate abilities.

The demon born in the devil's corruption has strengthened this ability.

The most common of them is the evil flame spell. Whether it is a Ubolis demon, a Nazula devil, or a Komala demon, these three different types of demon can almost use the evil flame to varying degrees. Spells, in particular, the evil flames of Juboris is the most.

You can burn flesh and body, and the evil flame that corrupts your mind is terrible in some ways-you may be able to resist the burning of the evil flame, but your soul may not be able to resist its corruption.

In previous battles, many Naga soldiers have been corrupted and corrupted by the psychic powers of the evil flames and Komala demons.

This situation can't be avoided in battles in the sky. The magic power armor has excellent protection capabilities. However, it is incapable of dealing with the impact of mental shock.

"Be careful!"

Angus kicked a soldier out of the air, and the invisible soul blast slammed directly on him. The soldier he rescued was scared of cold sweat. With his strength, if this Komala The destructive psychic shock hit, I am afraid there is only a dead end.

"Dirty beast."

He was hit by a psychic shock, but Angus was indifferent. With his strength, this level of mental attack could not shake his mind at all.

Angus rolled his sleeves, his fists with arcane energy howling and landed on the translucent Komala demon.

Kemala's eccentric tentacles were directly wrapped around Angus, and the dish washes to extract his magic. Two tentacles were directly attached to his temples, trying to control him through close contact.

"You dregs."

Angus sneered, and the arcane energy in his hand suddenly increased. Then he turned his fists into palms and ruthlessly pierced the horror's body of Kemala. Then he pulled hard with both hands and only listened to the "pull" An anguish that made people's teeth soft and soft, Angus actually tore the Komala to deceive him!

As soon as Angus turned around, "Oh!", He was hit by a Nazura flying wing demon, and the sharp sickle wing cut severely!


A beam of cold and biting rays radiated on Nazura's flying wing demon, freezing it there, Angus punched out, and Aoneng burst out, and Nazura's flying wing detonated.

Jean withdrew his finger and ruthlessly mocked Angus: "You still like to make this kind of low-level mistake."

"Huh, that's because I like to fight with my brain, to deal with these stupid demons, sometimes thinking too much can be bad."

Angus took a sip and pointed to the distance. "You have the ability to watch it with Abigail."

Gene followed his fingers and looked at him. Then he saw that Aegwin with high hatred was being besieged by a group of demons, and said suddenly: "That can't be compared. After all, I am a mage. She is best at dealing with these Guy. "

Compared to Aegwin, Mage's Gene is clearly innately inadequate on the frontal battlefield, even if he has been promoted to the legend, not to mention, the Elven-born Aegwynn is full of chaos about the devil. Breath of breath. Fallen creatures are very sensitive. She has been committed to destroying chaos. When she joined the battlefield, she burst out with an amazing power. She cleared out a large number of chaotic creatures. Z plus the blessing of the earth goddess in her hands. Dragon's Double Sword also has a damage bonus for this chaotic evil creature, of course, it is extremely efficient.

However, because of Aegwin's powerful fighting power, she has received special attention from Stanley. There are already hundreds of supreme-level demon besieging her, and even two legendary demon lords are looking side by side. Opportunity-Aegwynn's attack was too severe, and they did not dare to come forward at will.


There was a burst of humming sounds, and then a dark, sharp and sharp dagger rain suddenly came, and a large amount of negative state damage dagger whizzed and tore a lot of demonic bodies. Then Selna slammed her finger, and the Poison, corrosion, dullness, blindness and other negative state spell effects and poison effects directly explode.

"This stupid ..."

Jean's mouth twitched and roared at Selna: "How stupid are you to think of using these negative states against demons !?"


Selna yelled at Gene and immediately shrank her neck. "What do you mean?"

"It's been two days, and you haven't noticed your negative state spells, and poisons have no effect on them except to dye their bodies!"

Jean growled: "Are you mentally retarded !? I doubt how you got promoted to legend!"

Selna was crying by Jean's roaring eyes, desperately spreading a dagger rain: "I'm a deserter anyway! Anyway, I just don't know how to fight these guys! Anyway, I'm just lucky to be promoted to the legend! Anyway, I'm just cannon fodder! "

Gene and Angus stared at Selna tremblingly. Just now many demons were attracted by her sneak attack. As a result, Gene yelled and directly stimulated this guy. This one after another The Void Sword Rain was covered, and the demon was torn to pieces by her, and Selna, who had given herself up, did not even find that her direct efficiency in throwing the Void Sword Rain was more effective than her hiding behind her. The poison is much more efficient at cursing ...

Jean suddenly became agitated, and continued to stimulate Selna to make a big move. At the same time, he winked at Angus, Angus understood, and the staff whistled, and began to whisper a wide range of spells.

After a short chanting spell, an eighth-order spell singularity blast that reduced the cast range, reduced the duration, and enhanced the explosive power suddenly appeared among the demons, compressed to the extreme arcane energy, burst out, and prepared in advance Jean instantly pushed Selna out of the singularity blasting magic range with repulsion. The violent impact that erupted in an instant directly devoured nearby demons, and a demon blood rain rose from the sky.


Angus shook his staff proudly. This spell not only cleaned up the demons that Selna had attracted, but also greatly reduced the pressure around Aegwynn, and killed a lot of seriously injured people. The demon, the little fish and the prawn are all dead. Only the lucky big devil and the two demon lords are left.


Found that the younger brother was dead, the two demon lords had to take the remaining big demon and rushed to Aegwynn. The flames of Yuboris' evil flames blocked the route around Aegwynn and left her nowhere. Fled, at the same time, the other withering Nazura's withering spell also fell on Aegwynn, absorbing her physical strength and vitality madly-but the law that Aegwynn himself mastered was "life", which was simply Nazulla's withering Devil's natural nemesis.

Emerald Hymn · Stinger of Thorns!

Aegwynn ignored the big demon and locked the two most threatening demon lords. The dazzling sword air filled the sky, and then stabbed them all at the same time!

The evil flame demon lord of Ubolis held up the flame shield and carried the sword attack hard, but he forcibly rushed to Aegwynn, and the claws of the burning flame shot fiercely. Hit it, even Aegwin would be seriously injured!

Aegwynn calmly avoided the onslaught of the evil flame demon of Yuboris, and used his flexible posture to go to the side. The Longsteel sword wielded like lightning and chopped off!

With a squeaking noise, the evil claws' sharp claws were cut off by Aegwynn!

As soon as the furious evil flame demon shakes his hands, the claws grow again, and the evil flame on his body becomes more powerful, and the pollution becomes stronger again. Egwin even has to support his shield to avoid being polluted.

Just then, a beam of scarlet rays fell from the sky!

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