Things from Another World

Chapter 1289: Let it return to the sea!


The Lord of Uboris Felflame was blown to pieces in front of Aegwynn, not to mention the heart, it didn't even leave a whole piece of flesh and blood.

The stench blood was blocked by the shield, and Aegwynn didn't pause at all, and turned directly to transfer all the attacks to another withering Lord Nazura.

The sharp sword screamed and tore the defensive net of Nazura's withering monster, piercing his body with scars.

Lost the special effect of the spell, the body of this withering lord of Nazula. The physical strength is just as ordinary as Nazula. The demon is almost as strong as Aegwynn, and oppressed it strongly. The gale pierced its heart in a blink of an eye and took its life.

The unparalleled power made those big demon frightened and fled, but a piercing chill erupted around Aegwynn, freezing those big devil directly into crystal clear ice, and then the sharp wind blade suddenly broke out, The frozen great devil was cut into minced meat, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

Tang En slowly drifted down.

Aegwynn put away his two swords, wiped his cheeks, and looked away from Tang En, a little bit of pique: "I can do it without your help."

"I know."

Tang En smiled suddenly. He walked over to help Aegwin organize his messy blond hair and whispered, "I just want to end this battle as soon as possible."

Before Depp, they carefully analyzed the following demons' movements, and found strange places. Although there were many demons on the main battlefield, their number of reinforcements was reduced.

According to the information obtained by Tang En, the number of demons is very large, and this has only continued for a week, and there should not be such a huge gap.

So, Down, they both suspected that Stanley was going to use another trick.

Just as Tang En was discussing the countermeasures, there was a new piece of information from Pertis.

As Tang En guessed, the demons really had other strategies-they actually made holes from below the New World, then dived directly into the sea, using the power of Comara to confuse the demon and control the Warcraft under the sea. They move west!

What's on the west? The sea of ​​the abyss, the land of Naga.

But after crossing Naga's territory ... it was Prandall's main continent.

Stanley, actually intending to secretly dispatch a large number of demon troops to sneak attack on the rear of Tang En while they were fighting here!

I have to say that this news made Tang En startled with cold sweat. At this moment on the battlefield, it is almost his most elite troops. He stayed on the side of the Illus Empire, with only a few scientific researchers left. And those recruits who have not yet passed the training, if these demons really bypass their blockade and attack the rear, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Tang En didn't even have time to think about why the demons didn't choose to appear from the Great Rift Camp this time, but instead chose to sneak into the sea from here for a sneak attack. He only knew that there was not much time left for him-- The battle here must end as soon as possible.

Tang En immediately asked Perty to bring the Naga army to block the advance of the demon in the sea. The sea is the home of Naga. Although the number of the two sides is a little different, Naga has the advantage of the home field and can completely hold the pace of the devil .

On the side of Tang En, a decision was made immediately.

He is going to force Stanley to have a decisive battle with him here, of course, not a decisive battle with the devil, just to solve Stanley.

At first glance, time seems to be on Tang's side. The longer it is delayed, the more industrial weapons and production capacity on his side, the more ample ammunition and equipment, and the speed of destroying demons will definitely be greater than their support speed.

But if you think about it, the situation is actually not as beautiful as you think. Wonderful.

Although the fighting has been ongoing, and the devil is fighting on the side of Down, the magic array built by Stanley has not stopped. During the week of fighting between the two sides, the area of ​​this new continent has continued to increase. It ’s a big circle. According to the current situation, the area of ​​the new continent will increase faster and faster, and the sea level of the entire Prandall will be affected as a result. The coastal area on the main continent is likely to be affected by rising sea levels. Don't move to higher inland to survive.

The demons don't even need to do it, they have affected the fate of countless people.

If they break into the main continent while they are at war, they don't know how many people will die in the hands of the demons.

So Tang En couldn't afford it.

"What are you going to do?"

It is not only Tang En's idea to end the battle as soon as possible, but also Aegwynn and Angus's ideas. No one likes war, chaotic creatures are coming, and the time for peaceful development is too important for Prendall.

"First ... of course, these demons hiding in the dark were forced out."

Tang En narrowed his eyes and sentenced to death for this new continent.

Although in the long run, an additional continent is equivalent to the expansion of living space, which is very beneficial to the development of the people of all nationalities in Prendall, but now this new continent has been corrupted and has no productive potential at all, so ...

"It's not the right time for this continent to come back to the sea."

Tang En slowly pulled out the will of the world.

He intends to sink the new continent and use the sea water to force all the demons out.

From the abyss of purgatory, they like to live in dry and hot environments. The wet, cold, and dark seawater is definitely their nightmare-Stanley can order these demons to dive into the seawater, but they will never like to do so.

Stanley couldn't control all the demons at the same time, so when Tang En sunk the entire new continent into the sea, and the seawater poured into those caves, the demons who did not receive the instructions would inevitably escape there and fly directly into the sky.

Afterwards, the two sides will start the final battle over this sea!

When Tang En liberated the will of the world, all the creatures in the entire sea area were frozen for a moment. Sasha Glott, who was slaughtered by the devil in the sky, subconsciously looked at Tang En in the distance, him, and his hands. The sword was so dazzling at this moment that it couldn't be seen.

"It's that terrible weapon again ..."

Sasha Glotter muttered, slapping a demon who rushed to his face, his heart filled with shock.

No way, even if he was a creature created by the Dragon God himself, he can't understand the origin of the weapon in Tang En's hands, but he can clearly see that the breath exuding from that sword is absolutely real. The divine power allows him to look up and obey from the depths of his soul.

"That's ... what! Ah !?"

Stanley hiding in the dark shivered under the coercion of the will of the world. He looked tremblingly at the sword, completely unaware of what he saw—in his eyes, Tang holding the sword at the moment Grace is almost like a real **** came to this world, and his power is like prison.

"Cheating ... is cheating at all !?"

Stanley felt that it was a luxury to even take a breath of air. He looked at Tang En in an extremely difficult way, even if the light emitted from the sword had burned his devil's eyes, and did not dare to look back. He muttered to himself: "Master ... tell me how to fight this? How can you fight this? Just kidding ... This is really the power that human beings can grasp? It is a **** ... Tang En is actually already Is it God? "

Although the strength of the power emanating from Tang En is similar to that of the "master" in Stanley's eyes, the nature of the strength of the two sides is completely different. Stanley can clearly distinguish it. Although Tang En's strength is similar to that of the master, His "quality" is extremely high!

With the same level of strength, if the blow from the "Master" would seriously hurt him, then the blow from Tang En could easily make him completely obliterated from this world!

If Stanley had known that Tang En turned out to be such a terrible enemy, I'm afraid he would not dare to confront Tang En with his courage. In the face of this terrible existence, the best choice is to submit to him what……

Not only them, but also Angus, Jean, and Aigwin, including Hiloflia far from Ellington, were able to perceive the coming of this powerful and terrible power.

Although the demons in the sky have been corrupted and fallen by the power of chaos, at the moment they are facing the power of the world's will and are in an irresistible situation-and the reason is that only Tang En judged them as enemies. So all the demons covered by the world's aura effect are frozen there, not frozen, but blocked by space, and completely stiffened.

The demons have become living targets, giants. The dragons will not miss this opportunity. Sharp claws, scorching dragon breath, powerful cannons, poured out on the demons relentlessly, a blink of an eye, The demons buzzing around the giant dragon were cleaned up, and the entire sky was much cleaner.

Tang En slowly held up the will of the world, and a powerful and magical gush erupted around him, quickly covering the entire new continent. The soil elements that constituted the new continent entered an extremely active state, and the entire continent began to tremble.

Wrapped in powerful power, the gold giant statues flew up to the floating island fortress one by one.

The fire elements converged to become a giant fire element, and then sent back to the elemental fire world by Dikarios.

"What does he want to do !?"

Stanley hiding in the dark seeing this scene can not help but rise up, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Soon, this unpredictable probation became reality. Under his horrified gaze, the continent under his feet suddenly began to tremble violently, and then ... began to sink slowly!

The soldiers in the floating island fortress were stunned after seeing this scene.

This is the real power of Her Majesty Tang En, who they follow!

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