Things from Another World

Chapter 1290: The Pope is heartbroken

Enormous magic power is constantly flowing out, making the whole new earth's soil elements enter an active state. The new continent just raised by the demon began to shake violently, and a large area of ​​lava flowing land was undulating like soft cheese. , The magma was thrown up high, and then fell down severely, everywhere was splashing.

The hot breath was ejected from the cracks in the earth, the air was filled with hot water vapor, and the whole sea was shrouded in mist.

The cracked ground continued to sink in the thunderous thunder. The sea began to pour inland along the low-lying terrain. The demons screamed out of the cave, fluttering their wings and wanted to fly to the sky, but Gene, who was already on the sidelines for a long time, would not miss this opportunity, and immediately began to harvest.

The blood of the devil fell down, and the entire sea area seemed to be greened. The seawater was shining with forgiveness in the sunlight and lava.

"What a terrible power of God!"

After seeing this scene, the audiences on the main continent actually kneeled on the ground involuntarily. They can see how fast the continent subsided from the satellite image and the scene map.

On the satellite image, the entire continent is shrinking at a rate that is almost visible to the naked eye!

In the live images, the sound of the earth's cracking sounded like thunder, the mountains and rivers reversed like the end, and the sea water roared and roared into the continent, devouring countless demons.

Such a powerful power cannot be possessed even by a legendary powerhouse.

Who else besides God?

At this moment, in the eyes of those people, Tang En has become the incarnation of the gods, and the only hope to save them.

On the floating island, Pope Jessolini XXIII also noticed this. He was crying and laughing. As a messenger of God, Tang En was regarded as a shrine by the believers of God at the moment. It is a blasphemy to speak the truth. Probably the relationship between Judaism and Christianity) ...

However, people are messengers who will be supported by gods on the 28th. Yesorini dare not even find Tang En to settle accounts. There is no way. People are big.

Looking at the expression of admiration on the side of Illuli, Jessolini felt a little bit painful. The inexplicable virgin seems to have to change his faith. Would it be okay if the believers knew it? The Pope is expected to do the same.

Not only did Yi Luli adore Tang En so much, but even the cat-headed mother of the Vulcan Court, who often seemed to be very uncomfortable with him, now knelt down on the ground very religiously, and offered her loyalty to Tang En in the distance. .

Only at this time, the two of them will be able to perceive it clearly. What did Vulcan Carlo River say that Tang En was his messenger? How could a human being have such a powerful power? Who can do this other than the angel of God?

——Of course, it's time to kneel and kneel. After the war, it's time to fight and continue to fight. The two do not interfere with each other. Belief is important, but the purity and dignity of girls is also important.

Seeing that the two saints who were originally mixed with them now are not kneeling on Vulcan, but instead kneeling on a human, Pope Imir of the Vatican Holy See also has a kind of sorrow.

Not only did he lose as the Pope, he also lost to humans as an orc ...

The devastating shock continued, more and more demons rushed into the sky, but some demons under the control of Stanley dived into the sea, intending to escape into the main continent while chaos.

But at this time the demons were blocked by Naga.

In the sea, Naga's strengths were maximized. They were extremely fast, sturdy, and completely unaffected by the seawater. They attacked abnormally, and when they missed, they disappeared into the seawater immediately. They have a headache.

In contrast, the demons that dive into the sea, although they are not afraid of the sea, they hate the sea, and their actions will be greatly affected. The faster the speed, the greater the resistance of the sea. They have no experience in water combat and enter the sea. After that, instead of finding a way out, they jumped into a huge prison on their own initiative.

Peltis, who had long since bucked, shouted, "Kill them!"

Even though the mountains are shaking above, the changes in the sea are not very big, and the ocean currents that have become slightly more violent are not much different than in normal times. It is not a fear to Naga.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Naga soldiers rushed out of the nest, blocked several very obvious exits, and waged a siege and extermination battle against the demons.

More and more demons were pierced by harpoons in Naga's hands, blood stained the sea water, and the power of corruption began to spread around the ocean ...

Selises noticed this, and her face was very ugly.

The chaotic power attached to the blood of the devil is not strong, but the harm is not small. Even if the blood is diluted with seawater, it can easily infect and corrupt marine life. The range of marine life is very large. If they cannot be eliminated as soon as possible, they will probably spread out unknowingly, and eventually they will not end.

As a substitute for the goddess of water, she must do something.

Selise held the staff tightly, and the sea water around her formed a strong blue vortex to enclose her. Then ... the magic in the body exploded, and the divine power of the unusually surging water goddess spread around her. Going out, covering the entire battlefield, the blood of the devil in the seawater was continuously drawn out, and a blood cell condensed above the sea level!

As the blood of the demon drew away, the turbidity in the seawater gradually decreased, and the restless marine life gradually calmed down, avoiding the battlefield between Naga and the demon far away.

"What filthy blood."

Dikarios sprayed Mars, and as soon as he waved his hand, the hot flames began to burn the blood cell. The evaporating blood offset the blood that Selise had pulled out. The huge blood cells stopped expanding. But as the blood evaporates and the concentration increases, the smell of evil in the blood cells becomes more and more serious.

[Nora. 】

Tang En, who was controlling the stability and sinking of the New World, immediately understood Tang En's thoughts, fluttering his wings and flying over his head, and then the emerald green life force fell from the sky, covering the entire sea area!

The powerful force of life not only purifies all the evil and evil powers contained in the blood of the demon, but also greatly weakens the power of those demon, and makes the situation of the fierce confrontation between the two sides a huge change. The demon instantly Completely fall into the downwind!

In order to prevent the subsidence of the continent from affecting the sea level, Tang En controlled the subsidence of the continent very slowly. After a full day and a night, the new continent, which had been lifted by the devil for nearly a month, had once again re-emerged in the boom. Sinking into the sea.

From the satellite top view, it can be clearly seen that this new continent, which is close to the Kingdom of Ronentante, has been swallowed up by the ocean, leaving only a few isolated islands on the mountain peaks-and now those peaks are constantly Sinking, soon, here will return to the embrace of the ocean.

The backwaters caused by the subsidence of the mainland forced the hiding demons, the huge waves set off by the crust changes were calmed down by the power of the goddess of water, and Nora's life force completely suppressed the demons. Power, the situation is now very good, only one last step.

After the last mountain peak completely disappeared below the sea level, Tang En, who persisted for one day and one night, finally breathed a sigh of relief. While recovering his strength, he also took advantage of this opportunity to sweep his spiritual power over the sea. Estimated the number of remaining demons below.

About half a million.

Do n’t think it ’s too much, this number is already quite small, you know, when Stanley first started, but with the power of portals, he was continuously releasing demons to this new continent. You want an area comparable to that of the Kingdom of Ronnyant How many demons can the New World carry? The answer is terrifying.

After being washed by missiles, bombed by the Elemental Lord, and swept by the Elemental Army, countless demons were harvested and killed by a variety of large-scale attack methods. Finally, a wave of elite demon lords was airdropped by the gold giant GANK. Only about half a million demons remain.

And now, one third of these demons are still in the ocean, surrounded by Naga's army, and the remaining two thirds of the demons have all washed up into the sky-the demons without flying ability have fallen into There is only one dead end in the ocean-in the sky it becomes the living target for dragons, magic power armored units, air rapid reaction forces, Dikarios, and artillery on the floating island fortress.

Because these demons are all over the sea, if the distance is too long, the combat efficiency cannot be guaranteed. The soldiers must continue to fight with the floating island fortress as the center, so now the floating island fortress has begun scattered operations.

The Sky Mothership is more mobile. It has to maneuver from the middle and use high-altitude main guns to support the entire battlefield. The silent and silent electromagnetic guns have become a nightmare for the demons.

After sinking in the New World, Tang En issued a new order-order Naga to receive air-dropped magic bullets, and then use the magic bullets to bomb the portals sunk into the ocean.

The demon bombs that had just been urgently transported from the Blackstone Cave arsenal were dropped from the floating island fortress into the sea controlled by Naga, and then they began to look for portals with demons coming out, holding the missiles one by one.

And at this time, Stanley, who had been fleeing in horror, intending to escape the purgatory abyss, escaped to the portal, and was found by Jean who had been there to harvest the demons.

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