Things from Another World

Chapter 1291: Stanley enters

"Sorry, this is nowhere."

Gene looked at Stanley, who was completely demonized, with a look of desperation, and rolled up his sleeves before going to teach him to be a man.

As soon as Stanley saw Jean and the sharp teeth coming here, his face suddenly changed, and he turned to escape.

"Where do you want to run?"

Abram suddenly appeared in front of him. He picked up the warhammer and hit him with a severe bruise. Rao was in the sea, and Stanley's internal organs were almost blown away by him.

The sharp teeth chased from behind held up the tomahawk and smirked and killed: "He's mine!"

However, a beam of icy ice rays was faster than him, freezing Stanley's half body directly in the water, and then pushing it with repulsion, letting him avoid the cutting of sharp teeth.

Angus then snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Obviously, Stanley is a human shame and should be left to us humans to deal with."

"No no no."

Eberon stood on Stanley's head, shaking his warhammer and said, "Don't Tang say that the peoples should merge to create harmony? How can you emphasize the concept of race? You are driving history back! So, He should belong to our collective. Whoever grabs him first is who he is. "

After speaking, Abram looked at Stanley, and his eyes were clearly saying, "Choose me fast, choose me, choose me, and I can give you a lot of joy."


An unprecedented crisis is coming!

Stanley looked at these legendary heroes, and felt that his life was completely out of his own. He had become a symbol of their strength and honor. They could only lie on the table and let them slaughter!

——The ants still know Gou and stealthily, how can he accept this fate as a king!

"Wait! You can't kill me!"

Stanley suddenly yelled, "I know a lot of information you don't know. Down needs this information. Although I don't know why you dwarves and orcs will listen to him, but killing me will definitely ruin his plan!"

"whispering sound!"

Sharp Teeth couldn't help spitting: "Isn't it stupid to say that this guy has muscles in his head? Why is he so smart at this time?"

Sharp Tooth and Eberron both knew that Tang En's plan, of course, did not intend to kill Stanley, but only to let him wait for the initiative to cooperate, so they deliberately showed some killing intentions, forcing Stanley to beg for mercy.

But I did not expect that their methods had not been used up, Stanley, the soft-footed shrimp, had already discovered the truth.

"Nonsense, after all, it is now in danger of life. In this case, everyone will have the potential to explode."

Angus came over and took out a special alchemy rope to tie Stanley, imprisoned the magic pool in his body, and dragged him up the sea: "I'll go and send him over, you can continue to clean up those demons, I can't stand it This sea environment. "

Angus proves to us one thing: even the legendary powerhouse, there will be deep sea phobia.

As soon as Tang En shifted his attention from the rough sea back to the sky, he saw Angus dragging a demon flying over, and looked intently. Oh, Don En smiled suddenly, wasn't it Stanley!

"Yo, isn't this Stanley?"

Tang En made a greeting in the past, and then gestured to him with the will of the world, watching Stanley calmly and said, "You have deliberately reached a deal with the devil, and finally betrayed humanity and became a demon. Unfortunately, it became Our captive ... So what do you want to say now? "

"Let me leave here."

After seeing Down, Stanley calmed down a lot. He said in a deep voice: "You don't know what a terrible existence you have caused yourself. You broke our plan. My master will not only kill you. , Will kill all human beings, and bring the entire world under its rule! "

"Oh oh, I'm so scared ..."

Tang En said with a playful expression, his face suddenly changed, and he slaps it up. He dropped a few of the fangs Stanley had drawn. Tang En scolded his face grimly: "You like dictatorship, I can understand After all, power can easily make people fall. You want to conquer the world, I can understand, after all, you are a king; you like young and beautiful little loli, I can understand, after all, you are a metamorphosis; but I ca n’t Understand that, as a human being, you are willing to fall. Become a member of the devil, and even help them to deal with human beings-you are a human shame! "

After speaking these words, Tang En felt as if something was wrong in the subconscious, but the thought only flashed in his mind and disappeared. He couldn't remember what was wrong. The upset he simply faced Stan again. Lee greeted him with a messy punch, swollen his face and bruises, and made them miserable.

"Don't hit it, don't hit it, it will be trouble if you kill it."

Angus stopped Down, Stanley looked at him gratefully, and then heard him say, "I haven't enjoyed it yet, at least give me breath."

Stanley: "..."

Tang En took Stanley to fly back to the floating island fortress, and then sat down there with a golden sword, and simply asked: "I think you should know what is happening now, and you have nothing but a dead end. , But you can choose to die more comfortably, or die after all the torture. "

"Huh, do you think I'm afraid of torture?"

"Stop dreaming," Stanley said with a strained neck. "Since I've decided to serve a great host, there's never been more in the world-ah ah!"

A finger pierced into his eyes, and then penetrated his brain, stirred fiercely, Stanley screamed in pain, and then Tang En slowly retracted his fingers, took a tissue and wiped his hands. Blood and brain plasma, watching the wound on Stanley's head slowly heal: "What did you just say?"

"I, I said," Stanley gasped. "No, no one can torture my will ..."

"Oh, it looks like it wasn't you who was anxious for mercy."

Angus sneered, eyes full of contempt.

"Don't tell him so much, I think, our Pleasure Demon Queen will be happy to show us her means of dealing with demons, especially a human-transformed demon."

Tang En smiled strangely and suddenly disappeared from them, but after a moment of effort, Tang En came back again, but at this time, the beautiful, charming, and beautiful Hiloflia came along with him.

"A demon transformed from a human being? Are you sure? You must know that the power of a demon is very powerful, and it is impossible to bear with human willpower, so becoming a demon will only become a lunatic who has completely lost his mind. Impossible-oh my god! "

Hilofria was whisperingly questioning what Tang En said to her, but then suddenly saw Stanley, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at him with an incredible look: "It was really a human transformation and It ’s a demon! And it ’s a sane sample to keep it sane—wait! What are you doing! Do you want to kill him? ”

When Hilobria came over, Angus was teaching Stanley. As a result, Down was not in a hurry. Instead, Hilobria was anxious, and immediately cast an spell to prevent Angus from continuing to torture Stanley.

Angus snapped: "Why are you protecting him?"

"Are you stupid !? He is a rational demon!"

Hilobria shouted, "Perhaps, his existence proves the reversibility of the demon !?"

Looking down at Stanley and Hiloflia, Down suddenly frowned, and he thought of a strange question.

The devil is the product of the devil corrupted by chaos, so after losing his reason, he constantly reproduces and mutates near the gate of chaos ...

So, what is the essential difference between a demon with reason and a devil?

"Do you want to work out a way to turn the devil back into the devil from him?"

Tang En shook his head: "Give up, it doesn't exist. He is a special case."

Hilofria didn't budge: "How can you know if you don't try it?"

"up to you."

Tang En faced indifferently: "Now I give him to you, you have a day to experiment, but at the same time, you must pry out the information we want to know from his mouth, if not ... after you give me the order honestly! "

Hilofria raised an eyebrow and said, "What do you want to know?"

Tang Enluo thought, and said, "First, who was the one who handed Winnett to him?"

"Second, who signed the contract with him?"

"Third, who is the 'master' who turned him into a demon?"

"Unsurprisingly, the answer to these three questions is likely to be the same person."

"Then, how did he teleport the demons to Prendall? What purpose did they come here for? Why did they fight with the devil for so long, but suddenly wanted to conquer the world at this time? And Vinnett's recent rapid growth Does it matter? "

After Tangen asked a series of questions, he threw Stanley directly to Hiloflia, and then he went down to join the fight in person and destroyed the demons.

After Hilofria took Stanley to a small, closed room, she drove the entourage out with a smile, walked in front of Stanley, and watched him with a smile: "So ... thanks for your thanks I saved your life. Should I cooperate with my work? "

Hilofria's fingers lightly ran across Stanley's face, and her nails suddenly stretched, marking a deep blood mark on his face, and then she looked at Stanley's red blood and suddenly looked He approached him sternly and asked coldly, "... Can you tell me, as a demon, is your blood red?"

"And—" Hilobria grabbed Stanley's head, pinched his hair fiercely, and stared at his eyes and asked, "--why do you have 'his' breath on you?" !? "

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