Things from Another World

Chapter 1292: human nature

It took the coalition forces to clear the demons at sea and the bottom of the sea for a whole week. After receiving the demon bombs aided by Tang En, the naga had been swimming in the sunken new continent to find the trail of the portal, and then used the demon Bomb to destroy the portal-the demonic effect can directly destroy the basic skeleton of the portal, which is quite clean and environmentally friendly to use.

After clearing all visible demons, the coalition stayed here for a few more days to observe the situation here. After all, no one could tell whether the demons would continue to come out from here.

When they finally determined that the place was safe, the coalition began to return.

When the coalition returned to the Illus Empire, the time was already in the middle of the dying moon.

After entering the winter, the weather reduced, and the Warcraft gradually entered an active period in order to store the energy for the winter. Therefore, people all over the country gradually reduced long-distance travel for safety, and they chose to work or play nearby.

Seeing that the year is about to end, people do not feel much happiness, but are in a very anxious state.

The emergence of the demons had a far-reaching impact on the Illuth Empire than Tang En imagined. Even the army propaganda videos and live broadcasts on the battlefield have saved them a lot of momentum, but the demons are deeply rooted Fear is the fear that people have difficulty overcoming.

Even after seeing the coalition kill the vanguard of the invaders of Prandall, people are only a little relieved and not completely relieved-almost everyone knows that the number of demons is extremely large, and it can be said to be endless. Exaggerated, this time just the accidental discovery of the vanguard has already let the powerful imperial coalition fight all its strength. If it meets the demon's regular army, what are the consequences?

People dare not imagine.

Traces of the floating island fortress appeared one after another in the sky. After the transformation, the floating island fortress that became very spectacular appeared in people's vision, and the anxiety of the people disappeared a little-after all, it was visible The fortress shelters them in the sky, which is more reliable than any promo.

"Shelter? Ahh!"

In a tavern in a hymn, a customer who was drinking slammed the table: "Who believes !? Ah? This is obviously after he has power, in order to prevent people from resisting his rule, he finds an excuse to strengthen Just your own armed forces! "

The guest who was drinking next to him heard the man's nonsense, and quietly away from him, as if he could see something terrible.

"What demon invasion, when we are all two or three-year-old children? The devil has been in the purgatory abyss and the devil has been fighting bloody, how can it suddenly come to invade this world? Scam, everything is a scam!

The guy laughed and pointed at the magic projection screen and said, "What you see, hear, and think about, all that guy wants you to see, hear, and think, everything is in his. Under control, have you ever thought, are you still free? "

"Mr. Karp, you're drunk, be careful ..."

"Nonsense, I'm not drunk, fake, everything is fake, what demon invasion, what triumphant return is all fake, only the floating island fortress above us is true! What is he for? He is in order to consolidate his power, and kill those who disagree with him at any time and do not obey his orders! "

Karp laughed wildly: "I'm not exaggerating, I mean, all of you here are all garbage! Don't dare to sacrifice everything for Sorant-"

All the customers around here were frightened, and all of them hurriedly settled the bills and left the tavern, afraid to stay there anymore.

As soon as the customers walked out of the tavern, they found several people in the shadows already appearing next to Karp, surrounding him.

"Kap Gis, because your words and deeds violated the wartime public opinion regulations, the amnesty for you and your family will be canceled, you will be re-investigated and labor reform education ... If you have any questions about this Comments, please keep them, because we will not listen. "

After speaking, the man waved and said lightly, "Take it away."

"You can't stop me! We will surely rescue Queen Shanelie and help her regain control of Sorant—"

Karp's voice became weaker and soon disappeared into the street. The standing hooded man didn't leave, but instead sat next to the bar with the tavern owner's gaze frighteningly.

The boss said bluntly, "Gou, sir, me, we didn't listen to his nonsense ..."

The hood man pulled open the hood, and it was Rather, who had previously been apprehended by Ghost Agent Tang in Alkanretia.

Ruther smiled at the boss and said, "Relax, we won't do anything to you, Karp Gies, one of the three Sorand families, descendants of the Gies family, so they will be affected Supervision, especially at this time, will only pit their families if they don't have a long mind ... don't say that, get a glass of Thunder beer. "

The boss gave him a glass of Thunder beer, watched him sit there and slowly drank. After a moment, his courage became a bit bolder, and he carefully gathered together and asked: "This lord ... magic Is it possible to project the programs broadcast on the tower? Are they really invading our world? We have now been defeated? "

Rather glanced at him and laughed meaningfully: "Is it true or false, does it make sense to you people? You just have to live your life, listen to those people bragging, what do you care about so much? ? "

The boss laughed: "Master, you laughed, after all, that is a demon ..."

If it was invaded by another country—just like when Tang En conquered Solant, they would still have a life to die—but if the demon invaded, all people would have no choice but to die. He Of course, we are ready to run.

Ruther said faintly: "Now, our fighters have just returned from the front line. They were there to kill and kill for this world, but those of you who have been sheltered gossip behind their backs, and even tried to scorn their credit ... ... boss, don't you think we should punish Karp? "

"Yes! That must be it!"

The boss wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and Lather only made a look, which made him feel stressed.

Rather looked at the trembling boss, smiled, drank his beer, threw him a ten-copper banknote, waved his hand and said, "Enjoy the life now ... Although we defeated the devil, but This is just their vanguard. Soon, the real war will begin ... "

Watching Lather leave, the boss had no eyes, and the whole man was about to faint.

This war fought for nearly a month, wiped out millions of demons, but turned out to be just a vanguard of demons? Real war is coming soon! ? The gods are on! They just lived a few days, and this is about to start fighting again!

It was then that the boss suddenly found out how happy and peaceful life Tangn had brought to him after he ruled Solant.

"These stupid guys!"

After seeing the reports submitted by the cities, Fiona couldn't help cursing, and Aurelia, who was sitting opposite her, couldn't help but laugh: "The people are foolish, but foolish People are the easiest to be ruled. If there is no wise leader leading them to civilization and prosperity, they will always be foolish. They will only believe what they are willing to believe. How do you say that? Don't wake up a person pretending to sleep. "

"Okay, don't tout your wiseness."

Fiona waved his hand and sighed, "Our Majesty Tang En killed and killed the frontline and was busy saving these idiots, but these idiots doubted the truth of these things in the rear, and even maliciously hurt our soldiers. It is these irresistible stupids to save, which is a great irony. "

The case of Karp Gies is not a special case, but a common phenomenon. When Tang En enhanced the information exchange in various cities with various magical equipment, this situation has begun to appear. Under the guidance, many people began to doubt whether they saw the real thing-after all, there are things like TV series, it is also possible to shoot something sensational to scare them? Anyway, they can't see what the other side of the sea looks like and what happened, so what is the situation that they haven't just said casually?

"No way, this is human nature."

Alleria shrugged. "Tun is quite thorough."

"It's troublesome to deal with these people. They have now learned to arm themselves with democracy and public opinion."

Fiona has a headache. These people are full of malice and can't handle it, but now many people are deceived by them and keep staring at them. If they give them no reason at all, they will be executed. I am afraid that Tang En has been operating The image is about to collapse completely.

Therefore, it must be handled with extreme caution.

Aurelia said a little dissatisfied: "Where is Down? Why didn't he show up at this time?"

They haven't seen Tang En these days, and his mysterious and secretive don't know what he is doing.

"He ..."

Fiona's face was bewildered: "He's solving a vital thing now ... perhaps, it's about the future of our world."

Alleria was startled, "What do you mean?"

"Hilofria has successfully unearthed the information that Tang En wants from Stanley. Not only that, she also dug out some unexpected information."

Fiona glanced at her quietly: "Now, Tang En is listening to her report."

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