Things from Another World

Chapter 1293: You need a new demon king

Outside of a room, Dunn and Hilobria stood opposite each other. They looked at the room in front of them with a rather solemn expression.

"So he doesn't even know who turned him into a so-called demon?"

Tang En thoughtfully, if this were the case, some things could easily be guessed.

Hilofria sarcastically said, "Yeah, ridiculously, he didn't know that the blood colors of demons and demons were different."

That's right, Stanley's blood is red, and everyone who Dunn and they have fought with knows that due to the corrupting effect of the chaos breath, the blood of the devil is basically green. There are some special colors for special reasons.

The important significance of this discovery is that Down, they know that Stanley was actually transformed into a devil, not a demon, and a demon who can control the devil!

In the abyss of purgatory, what existence can transform humans into demons? There are a lot of them, it is estimated that a big devil can do it.

But this is just to transform humans into demons, and Stanley is a demon who can control demons, and the meaning it represents is very intriguing.

The devil who can control the devil has never appeared in the ten thousand years of purgatory abyss. Stanley is still the first one to be found. No matter what means he achieves, it shows an important thing-the devil Not completely out of control.

What's more important is that Hilofria noticed the familiar breath from Stanley. Stanley didn't know whose breath it was, but Hilofria knew it well.

It was the breath of the demon king Balmotos.

Yes, the one who transformed Stanley into a demon turned out to be the current demon king Balmotos!

The answer is shocking and incredible, but it is the closest truth to the truth.

"I can't figure out why he did it."

Hilofria shook her head. The expression on her face was a bit complicated. The boss of her family somehow confronted humans, but she is now fulfilling the contract to help humans train their apocalypse ...

It feels awkward to think about it.

"I can't figure it out, but it doesn't make sense. All I know is that Balmetos is probably planning something. It's not just us humans who are accounted for by him. It is likely that you are the devil."

Tang En said meaningfully: "Think about it, you devil and demon have been fighting for so many years, is it really because the devil can't overcome?"

Tang En silenced Hiloflia, and she had to think carefully about this possibility. You must know that what Tang En said was not impossible, if it was really the demon King Balmetos manipulating purgatory behind him For thousands of years of **** battles in the abyss, I am afraid that the entire devil family will completely riot.

But ... there is still an unavoidable problem.

"I still can't figure out why he did it."

Hilofria was very puzzled: "As the devil's king, he has everything, no one can question him, and no one can resist his rule. If you completely defeat the devil, the entire purgatory abyss belongs to him. What else is he not satisfied with? "

"Perhaps because it is known that after defeating the devil, the entire abyss of Purgatory will be invincible, so he will always control the rhythm of the war and never let you win."

Tang En put forward a hypothesis: "Because if you win, it means that the devil will lose external pressure, and if there is no accident, he will fall into civil strife, and he, the devil king, is of course the first to suffer. Yes. "

Even if the demon king Balmotos is a species created by the **** of darkness Apophis, it is impossible to fight against the entire devil with his own power.

"So, did he do this in order to maintain the stability of his rule ..."

Hilofria was silent, and Tann said that this possibility was very high. Based on her understanding of Balmotos, I'm afraid he would really do such a thing.

Downe continued: "Now the question is coming, we have discovered the secret of Balmetos, which side do you choose?"

"It's just possible!"

Hilofria corrects Tang En: "Maybe there are other reasons. Even I can find Stanley's breath remaining on him. How could he not think of it? Maybe, it may be another mysterious existence, intentional. Disguised as the breath of Her Majesty the Lord to mislead our judgment, the purpose is to make you and His Majesty turn your face. "

Tang En spread his hand: "No matter who does it, there is an unavoidable situation-how did he leave Balmotos' breath on Stanley? To know that a person's breath is very special, It is almost impossible to be copied by others, which means that regardless of whether the person doing it is Balmetos, he cannot be separated from him. "

The demon king Balmotos, or one of his henchmen, transformed the soul of the human king Stanley into the devil in order to achieve a certain purpose, and indirectly controlled the devil to attack the human kingdom through him. This thing is almost Already seated.

At the same time, Balmotos still has a major suspicion that the blood battlefield has been secretly controlled, making the devil's family unable to win.

Hiloflia asked Dunn, "What do you want to do?"

Tang En corrected her: "It's not what I want to do, but what you want to do."


"Now only the two of us know this. If you can't sign a contract with me and stand on the same front, then I can only imprison you very sadly. After all, I don't know if this is the devil Balmo Toth's private behavior is still a long-planned plan of the devil family. "

Seeing that Tang En's expression was very serious, and he didn't seem to be joking at all, Hilofria could only helplessly raised his hand: "Well, let me tell you frankly, I don't know at all, okay? If I knew that Her Majesty had such a plan, I wouldn't come to Ellington if I was killed. Isn't this a joke about my own life. "

Hilofria knew that Tang En had the ability to kill her, so she dared not joke with Tang about such things: "Of course, if you want, I can sign a contract with you, and we can even join forces to deal with it. How about Balmotos?-On the premise that he really did all this. "


Tang En raised an eyebrow: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"of course."

Hilofria said very simply, "Isn't this normal? Since he doesn't take the lives of our people seriously, why should we continue to make him king? And he has become so It's been a long time for the demon king, is it time to change to a queen? "

Hilofria licked her lips, and said to Tang with a seductive voice: "You will help me, right? If I were the Queen of the Devil, I would definitely ally with you , To help you completely eliminate the threat of demons, I will dedicate everything to you, the great king of humanity, I promise. "

Tang En sneered at this, the devil promised who would believe who was unlucky, as long as he did not write the agreement agreed by the parties into the contract in a clear text that can be understood by both parties, these guys will start using themselves after achieving the purpose Cunning means to evade responsibility, in a flash, all previous promises will be left behind.

"Of course I will help you, but whether I can become the queen of the devil is not what I can say."

Tang En ignored her temptation. Confused, said lightly: "Don't forget, besides you, there are eleven grand dukes of the devil. If Balmetos is dead, the throne of the devil will be full of any of them. With temptations, competition is inevitable. "

"Of course I know."

Hilofria has been lying on Tang En's back, strong. Her large **** are constantly rubbing, and Tang En's ears are said with a numb sound straight to the heart: "A new devil is coming to you It ’s not good to say, what you need is an obedient and worthy new demon king, is n’t it? It ’s better to support me than to support those stinking guys? ”

After seeing Tang En ’s supreme power some time ago, Hilofria has given up the idea of ​​giving him a little trouble, and she has already regarded Tang En as the only golden big in the sky. Legs, now that both sides have On the basis of cooperation, of course, she must hold this golden leg firmly.

Seriously, if it wasn't for Tang En's aversion to her, she would want to kneel down and lick his toes, crying and begging to be "can't afford it".

Tang En was really moved by what Hiloflia said, but the situation is still unknown, and of course she can't promise anything.

Especially Tang En can't fight with the Demon King now. A devil has already made him very difficult. If he forcibly adds another enemy, he will only push himself to the absolute end.

And the devil may not be willing to expose the truth of his control of the devil.

This matter, before the face is completely torn, I am afraid it will only become a secret between Down and Balmotos.

"Let me promise you now that it's impossible, and now we need to continue investigating intelligence to determine our guesses, especially with regard to Balmetos."

Tang En stared at her eyes and said, "We can first sign a contract for mutual cooperation. This is the basis for guaranteeing our cooperation and restricts us from betraying each other. This is the condition I give you freedom ... as for what you said , Support you to become the queen of the devil family, we will have a chance to talk about it later. "

Hilofria was disappointed when she failed to achieve her expected goal, but she was satisfied to be able to sign a contract, dispel Donn's doubts, and be free.

What she had to do next was to investigate the eleven other Duke Devil to see if they knew about it. By the way, if you look at Balmotos, you may be able to find some clues.

If it can be determined that all of this was done by Balmotos, then Tang En can directly fight with him and support the new demon king.

The premise is ... everything is really as beautiful as she thought. Miao.

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